Youth Group News!

Youth Group tonight will be EXAM REVIEW time! We have some special guests, including Andrea Gates, owner of the Smartatorian, who is donating her time to help the kiddos. If you’d like to provide dinner, please let me know! Tonight is from 6 pm to 7:15 pm in the youth room. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at 509-2858. 

Please send your $550 for your child before May 31st. You can write a check a check to the church with your child’s name in the memo or you may use the link below.



Pay for Missions and Disney

Be sure to scroll down to find “YOUTH” when submitting your payment.

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Looking Ahead...

RSVP for Upcoming Events



Volunteer at Vacation Bible School June 4th - 6th

Meet your Community Service Hour Commitment



Youth Group Summer Trip June 9th - 13th!

Save the date! Our crew will be heading to the Happiest Place on Earth! Stay tuned for details on our goals for this getaway and some service project opportunities we plan to incorperate!



Kari Kampakis Event

Details to follow

Email to provide a meal for Sunday gatherings
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