Issue 139 - September 01, 2019
Inspirational Note...
During a Satsang held in the divine presence at Singapore in 2016. A devotee asked how can one seize the present moment.

And here is what Swami said:

Actually, you cannot seize it with a camera any more like you intended to. What you can do, however, is to capture it on the film of your heart. You can take the imprint of Divinity and take that picture with you wherever you go.

You are Divine. That is all I am saying in so many ways. Believe in that! With that one belief, you can achieve anything. If you truly believe you are Divine, from the bottom of your heart, then you have received what you are to receive, here and now. Go back with this tremendous strength of belief: “I am Divine. I am Divine. I am Divine,” and live your life according to that one truth; everything else will fall in place. You need not think about past, future or even present. Live in the constant faith and belief that you are Divine; that will take care of itself. No effort is needed; this one belief will ensure all your acts, words and thoughts become Divine. Capture that; that is more important.

Do not worry about what has happened, what will happen and what is happening now. If you believe that you are Divine and live accordingly, everything will become Divine. That is all I require.
 Service Updates
Be a Hero, Save Three Lives  
Blood Drive at TappooCity Plaza, Suva, Fiji  
The youth of Sai Prema Foundation embarked on yet another journey to collect some much needed “liquid love” - blood. The youth teamed up with the Fiji National Blood Services Department from the Ministry of Health and conducted a day long blood drive on two separate occasions; one on Saturday, August 3, 2019 and a second one on Saturday, August 24, 2019 at TappooCity Plaza, one of the busiest localities in Suva.     

This service activity was prompted in light of a recent plight by the Ministry of Health and Fiji National Blood Service, highlighting shortage of blood at their blood bank in Suva, and therefore, considering the need of the hour, a blood collection drive was organised! 
Asia Pacific Youth Meet 2019
Kuching, Malaysia
Morning Programme
The morning programme of the Fourth Asia Pacific Youth Meet in Kuching was held on the fifth floor of ‘Sai Tower’ – a building that was lovingly dedicated to Swami for the purposes of youth and skill development. More than 150 youth delegates gathered here and the entire hall was brimming with excitement and positivity.
The morning began with inspiring presentations from all the countries in the region on the various service activities they were undertaking, specifically in the areas of Healthcare, Educare and Sociocare. There were also presentations on opportunities for the youths to come together at the regional level to serve.
Evening Programme
The programme started with the youths arriving at Vishwaniketanam Ashram - Universal Home, in the late afternoon. There was a regional exhibition set up for the youths to learn more about the Seva done within Region One. The Exhibition displayed the service activities of each country, namely Australia, Fiji, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore and Thailand.

Soon after, Swami was giving Darshan to all. The evening’s proceedings began with a flag raising ceremony. Swami raised the Sarva Dharma Flag with the youths of Region One concurrently raising each of their Country’s Flags. It was truly a sight to behold!