Issue 73 - May 27, 2018
Inspirational Note ...
In a 2017 Satsang in Italy a devotee asked for guidance in mobilising more volunteers for teaching human values. Here is Swami’s guidance:

With one candle, you can light another, and with another candle, you can light one more. Therefore, those whom you have taught these values, having benefited, must teach them to others. One candle will only last so long, but the light can become eternal if it continues to light others. Those who have learnt, benefited and imbibed these values over the 20 years must be the source of this light to others. If you have really made a difference to their lives, through these teachings, they will definitely come to help.

Many of them may not be aware of this opportunity of spreading the light, so reach out to those whom you can to make them aware of it. Those who have really found benefit and a lot of meaning in what they have learnt, will definitely be there to support others. Instead of just looking at your group and your people who started the work and continued it, look for those who benefited from it and are willing to help others. Recollect those who have come to you and said, “We have benefited; we feel good about it.” Reach out to them. That is the right way. Your students will become your teacher volunteers. You must go to many places, not just here. They have been thinking about it, but they have not executed it yet. Go ahead and do that; it will help.
Service Updates
Rain of Abundance
Each Sunday, the youth served breakfast that included coffee, orange juice, croissants, fruits and soup. Moreover, they distributed the donations and the lunch boxes so that the homeless had a hearty meal to eat at noon. Approximately 100 people were served by the youth during April.
Canadian News May 2018
The youth of Alberta joined and distributed food packets to their unfortunate friends. With Bhagawan’s grace, all were fed for the week. Smiles, blessings and pure love were seen in all present. A continuous effort will be made to address such needs, as per weather conditions.
Northern California Seva
Have you ever travelled in the very early hours on a local commuter train? Have you ever seen people looking homeless and randomly sleeping without bothering to cheque if their stop has come? The Bay Area experiences such things almost every day on their local trains. Recently, the Sai Ashraya team was told why this happens. One of the homeless youth who is now well placed with a handsome salary, opened up about his struggles...
Huntsville, Alabama
Seva for Lower-Income Individuals
Through Seva , He teaches everyone to treat all others equally. A Sai youth, volunteering at the local food bank’s primary distributor - the Manna House, an outreach service of the Rock Church - was assigned the task of asking each person if they would like any assistance when carrying their food items to their cars. Bhagawan encourages the volunteers to Be Alert and to Be Aware that certain people may have greater needs than others, particularly the disabled and the elderly; and also, that they should be treated with loving care and kindness.
Comprehending the suffering that fellow humans struggle with each day and the harsh realities that billions of fellow human beings still face, is always an eye-opening and complacency-shattering encounter. Bhagawan said recently that He wants everyone to be strong both physically and mentally, so that all bodies - His bodies - love and serve all beings throughout this world, spreading His light and joy to them and to future generations.
Houston, Texas
Seva at the Homeless Youth Drop-in Center
It was another pleasant evening at the Homeless Youth Drop-in Center in Montrose Grace Place, Houston. The homeless youth were patiently waiting outside as final preparations were underway in the church that hosts them every Thursday evening from 6 PM - 9:30 PM. The Sai youth were there joining the other brothers and sisters who are very passionate about their work. The ages of the youth were between 13 – 21 years of age.
Service is a New Way of Perceiving Life
My name is Evelyn, I am 22 years old and I am from Argentina. Approximately a year ago, I decided to do something different with my life. That is when I decided to join a group of people who visit children in different hospitals, with the aim of giving donations.
We can help them not only in a material way, because it is something that we can do, but also with good company, words of affection and demonstration of love. With the faith of believing that we can change and we can make the life of those in need better, it transforms and improves us and those we help.