I ssue 70 - May 6, 2018
Inspirational Note...
In a 2017 Satsang held in Singapore, a devotee asked Swami about the difference between self-confidence and ego. Here is Swami’s reply:

“Confidence is within the Self – your true Self or Divine Self, which is the Divinity within you. Ego is confidence in the body and the mind that you have. When you think that you are capable because of your body, mind and intelligence, it is ego. Whereas, when you think, ‘I am capable of anything only because it is the Divine who breathes through me, who makes the food digest, who makes the blood flow, hands move, eyes see, ears hear, tongue speak and taste, then that is self-confidence. If you think that a particular name is attached to the body, then it is ego. If you attribute your work to God, that is self-confidence, but if you attribute your work to the feeling that it is through your own effort, that is ego.

Many people tell others that you can build self-confidence by becoming educated, learning new skills, and so on – but, self-confidence is truly confidence in God and in the real Self. Everything else is ego. What is happening in all of the institutions and colleges around the world, is that people are saying, ‘Oh, you are so and so; you are capable of such and such.’ That is pampering the ego, not building self-confidence.”
 Service Updates
Gift of Life
Free Heart Surgeries for the Children of Fiji
A second humanitarian visit to Fiji was made in April this year 2018. This was truly an international team comprising of members from India (seven), Australia (four), USA (two) and Oman (one) led by Dr Ashish Katewa, Director, Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital, Naya Raipur. The team evaluated 84 children with congenital heart defects (CHD). Twenty-six operations were performed, including complex repairs for TAPVC, Pulmonary Atresia and Ebsteins Anomaly.
One World News From Australia
Free medical screening and free dental checks were provided to the indigenous community by health in kind volunteers in March at Close the gap event. 
The Divine mother and health program continued in Melbourne where ladies and children received free health checks .

Service at Toogoolawa continues with weekly lunch prepared by volunteers and served at the school for disadvantaged boys. Free dental checks are also provided monthly. Last week, a doctor and nurse provided medical consultation and a wholesome cooked lunch was provided to all at the school.