Issue 187 - July 26, 2020
Master the Mind
Mind is the cause of bondage and liberation, and if one can master this mind, one can become not just a mastermind but the master Himself, says Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai. In this series of talks, ‘Master the Mind’, primarily given to the Ashram residents of Sathya Sai Grama, Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai guides us step by step, to take up a 30 day sadhana to understand, analyse, master and finally merge the mind into the divine self.
Inspirational Note ...
By Sri Madhusudan Sai

Why More Hands For God?

It was during our recent trip to Kalady in Kerala, that Swami was being served His dinner at the residence of the devotee when a mother of a little four-year-old girl asked this question. “Swami, my daughter has a doubt which she asks me to clarify but I don’t know what to answer, so please guide. She asks me that when all of us have two hands then why Lord Vishnu and many other Gods have four hands?” While everyone smiled at this genuine doubt of a tiny tot who was taking her first steps towards God, no one really knew the answer and all looked towards Swami in eager anticipation. Swami the one who is a man amongst men, woman amidst women and a child when with children, answered it in His most inimitable way so that the little head could wrap itself around this profound query, “ You see, God has to do more work than humans. While He blesses with one hand, He protects with another, gives with yet another and holds you with the fourth one, so He needs four hands.” The little devotee was satisfied even as we all grinned at the simplicity of the profound truth, God had more work than humans!

Not sure about other Gods, but I have seen this God, the most diligent and the busiest of all, working day and night for others sake, and surely four hands are not enough, nor even five heads sufficient for a God who is always thinking of us and working for us every moment.
Service Updates
Argentine Youth Seva Activities
During June 2020, the youth of three different parts of Argentina distributed food for 2,070 people. Due to the pandemic state, Argentina is going through big restrictions and some groups had to stop Seva activities temporarily. However, the groups that are able to continue providing food to the needy gave a great relief of food and clean items to more people. The relief packages were distributed in three cities: Escobar, La Plata and Iguazú.
Canadian Newsletter July 2020 Edition
Seva Activities in Toronto

  • Feed the World Initiative
  • Sikh Seva Society
  • Christi Ossington Neighbourhood Centre
  • The Toronto youth have started participating in ceiling on desires (COD) by sending the saved amount to educate girls in Swami’s institutions.
Seva Activities in British Columbia
The youth of Alberta joined with the British Columbia region and distributed food packets around Whalley in Surrey, BC. The service was carried out with safety and caution, with youths wearing face shields, masks and gloves.
Transformation Canada Youth
Sujaya Bhat
“ I started becoming seriously involved in Seva only in July of 2019 after being inspired by the other Canadian youth. Until then, Seva was taking place when it was convenient for me. It has been almost a year now and I have noticed that helping others in any way and serving food as part of the Feed the World Initiative has become an integral part of my life.
With Swami’s grace, I feel I have gained the Self Discipline to not only start a Seva Activity but also follow through with my 100%. I have experienced how much more real, permanent joy we can derive simply by helping others in any way, without any expectation.”