Happy Monday & Happy Eclipse Day!
I am popping into your inbox to share an update to the email I sent out last Monday with an additional item available for order to add to your Gathering swag: a WI/N MI Regional T-Shirt!
The information is listed below to place your orders for both the synod and regional t-shirts, clear bags, and FREE water bottles that all meet Gathering safety guidelines.
I have also left the other information I shared last week in this email as there are important reminders of final deadlines for The Gathering and if you are flying with us as a synod.
I know there is a LOT coming at you right now as the deadlines approach so just remember to breath - you've got this - and let me know if you have any questions or need help with anything.
Pastor Jason Poole-Xiong
Gathering Synod Champion
jasonx@scsw-elca.org or (608) 387-8560