Hello Darrin,
here's your weekly update!

SPEAKER: Thomas King Title: Testimony

LIVE AND ONLINE: You can watch our services from anywhere in the world live by going to at 9:45 PST.

MONDAY NIGHT PRAYER: An Hour of Power Prayer Time: Monday nights in the church chapel. This community prayer time lasts from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Contact is Neil Allen at 350-601-1040 or Chris Larson at 541-749-8604.

OFFERING: The offering this week is for Christian Record Services.


SHORT SERVICES Our final Summer Short service will be on Sabbath, August 31,, we will be moving back into the Sanctuary on September 7.

THREE SISTERS announcements:

Three Sisters School would like to have returnable pop cans and bottles to help with the student scholarship program. You may drop your bags off at the school's gym door, give them to someone in your church that can bring them to the school, or return the cans and send the money to the school. Many small donations add up to bigger amounts to help our kids. Thank you so much!

  • Three Sisters School Annual Workbee, August 18, 9 am to 2 pm. There will be various jobs for various abilities. Please come help us get our school and campus cleaned up for the coming school year. Bring your rakes, weed-eaters, trimmers, gloves, etc. Lunch will be provided. 
  • Three Sisters School begins September 3, 8am.

ENROLLMENT: Three Sisters School is enrolling for the 2024-25 school year. Please call the school for more information, 541-389-2091.

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