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Fourth Sunday after Pentecost


Readings for this Sunday Ezekiel 17:22-24

Psalm 92:1-4, 11-14

2 Corinthians 5:6-17

Mark 4:26-34

Worship with us this Sunday

8:00 & 10 a.m.

The 10 am service will livestream on Facebook and Youtube.

Service Volunteers

8:00 am

Verger Clint Pechacek

Server Bill Borne

Reader Jon Cagley


Dennis & Stephanie McKay Greeters Ernie & Cheryl Gagnon

10:00 am

Verger Clint Pechacek

Server Angela Urick

Bells Julie Anne Anderson

Crucifer Evan Urick

Reader Clayton Christian

Acolytes Ford & Bo Baldwin

Ushers Chea Sherman & Kenneth Lawrence

Children’s Chapel

Emily & Kevin Gardner

 & Mary Peterson

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This past Saturday, the beautiful day in the neighborhood journey took St. James to Our Savior Community Gardens, where Deacon Joey shared two things he had learned about gardening from his short time at the small farm: “Nothing is ever wasted, and everything belongs.” 


Short and sweet and essential in its truth. It was a twin reality impossible for us to miss, even in our few hours spent in the gardens: how, on the farm, one person’s trash becomes another person’s compost. How compost in a garden is like gold! How every life assists the others and the end that decomposition is so often thought to be becomes the lifeblood for every new thing that happens.


In fact, the garden’s founder, Ms. Becky, showed us a small, thriving field of pumpkin plants that is the literal fruit of leftover pumpkins acquired from - where else? - our own October pumpkin patch! The leftovers here have become rich soil there, and seeds in that rich soil there have, in turn, sprung up to become fruit-bearing plants of their own. There’s a piece of St. James growing on a garden in Pleasant Grove! 


From the gospel this coming Sunday: Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is as if someone would scatter seed on the ground, and would sleep and rise night and day, and the seed would sprout and grow, he does not know how.”


How wonderful, I am continually reminded, that the flourishing we are a part of is not limited to what we see. Not confined to that for which we might be tempted to claim ownership. Not limited by what I counted as my failures. How marvelous, that pumpkin seeds and other seeds, like faith, bear fruit far beyond our understanding of the work. Perhaps you look back on your own life and recognize fruit of blessing that “stem” from a love planted in you by saints who could have no idea what the seed of their love has become in and for you. 


Nothing is ever wasted. And everything belongs. 


With a twinkle in his eye, Deacon Joey looked up and rhetorically wondered out loud whether this might be true for more than just gardens.


In the love of the Vine whose life makes us one,

This Week

Hear and Share Stories of Beautiful Days in the Neighborhood

This week during the Sunday School hour we will share our experiences with our Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood outings. Join us in the Parish Hall at 9:00 am.

Join the Misfits on Monday Mornings

There is a long-standing men's Bible Study known as the Misfits, which meets on Monday mornings at 7:00 a.m. at JJ's on Northwest Highway. The group is led by Russ Pate, who would love to see you join. Email Russ for more information.

A New Thing on Wednesday Mornings this Summer

One of the many beautiful parts of our Sunday Morning service at 10 am is the ever-changing musical blessing before the children leave for Children's Chapel. Starting next Wednesday we will gather in the Chapel to share and learn similar songs. Instruments and voices of all abilities are welcome.

Our Adult Evening Bible Study is taking a few weeks off!

We will resume meeting on July 10th and continue our study of the Pastoral Epistles with Paul’s 2nd Letter to Timothy.

Coming Soon

Well Grounded Coffee Presentation at 9 am on June 23

For our next Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood session on June 23rd, we welcome Natalie Huscheck and several baristas from our favorite local coffee shop, Well Grounded Coffee Community. Please come and listen about their work and mission during the Sunday school hour.

Registration is Open! VBS is June 24th-June 28th.

We only have a few spots remaining for VBS this year! Click the purple link below to register, and if you are interested in volunteering, click the yellow link for more information!

Click here to Register
Click here for Volunteer Information

Ways to Engage in the Mission of St. James and Our Partners

White Rock Center of Hope

The next opportunity to serve during the food Distribution is June 15th at 8:45 am. Contact Sophie or register in Realm if you would like to attend. You can also help support WRCH by bringing in donations of laundry detergent and toilet paper. Donations may be placed in the blue barrel in the Parish Hall.

Altar Flower Memorials

Remember and celebrate special people, moments, or significant events in your life by making an Altar Flowe Donation. A minimum $100 gift is suggested and includes a memorial or dedication announcement in the bulletin. Click here to sign up

Podcasting the Parables - At The Table Together

It's a new year and a new season for the Podcast. This year, we are building on the theme shared by Fr. Jonathan at the annual meeting, At the Table Together.

The podcast started as a year-long project of St. James, where we reflected on a different parable each month and wondered what the kingdom of God might look like in our daily lives. Join us at the table in 2024 as we continue the journey together.

Subscribe to the podcast on Apple, Google, or Spotify.

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