Your biggest key to keeping up
With Rob Blair, Harbor Springs Store Manager
Extra planning is your most powerful tool for efficiency, profits — and sanity.
Too often it feels like time you can’t afford to sacrifice, but the more planning you can do, the more you can make significant improvements in streamlining your build cycles, improving your profitability and reducing your stress levels. This is especially true in today’s labor shortage. Vendors are also keeping tighter inventories and many items that used to be available “next truck” now require longer lead times.
“We’ve seen dramatic results when contractors pump up their planning,” says Blair. “One of our builders recently completed a high-end 4,500 sq ft custom home — including finished basement — in just 8 months, eliminating a full build cycle. Roof trusses were constructed and delivered to the site even as demolition on the old home was being completed, and construction of the new structure proceeded like clockwork.”
Preston Feather has four distinct “Decision Centers” available for you and your customer to look at options, ask questions and make selections. Helping your customers understand timelines and make decisions quicker can help your suppliers plan ahead.
There is a saying “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Ask good questions, anticipate challenges and continually adapt your schedule to keep your project rolling smoothly.
Take full advantage of our services for professional builders. Include us early in your projects and we can help with material accessibility, accurate deliveries, faster billing and shorter build cycles. Eliminate surprises and streamline your jobs.
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