Young Adult News

June 2024 Edition

Ordinary Time - Not so ordinary

As we enter into Ordinary Time again, we are still celebrating some significant feasts. Sunday, June 2 is the Feast of Corpus Christi in which we give special acclamation and gratitude to God for the gift of the Eucharist in our lives and how we make its effects visible to those we encounter. Within the same week, the feasts of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary occur. We are invited to contemplate the love of Jesus and Mary and how we can make it visible in our world today.

May our hearts burn with the love of Jesus!


He was old, tired, and sweaty, pushing his homemade cart down the alley, stopping now and then to pick around in somebody's garbage.

I wanted to tell him about Eucharist, but the look in his eyes, the despair on his face, the hopelessness of somebody else's life in his cart, told me to forget it. So, I smiled, said "Hi!" - and gave him EUCHARIST.

She lived alone, her husband dead, her family all moved away,

And she talked at you, not with you,

words, endless words, spewed out.

So, I listened . . . and gave her EUCHARIST.


Then there is a young daughter, a young son, their faith is but an echo of ours. They don’t question; they have had no real crisis yet. Be real to them, Lord, not just today, but all of their tomorrows . . .

As we give them EUCHARIST.


I laughed at myself, and told myself,

“You with all your sins, all your selfishness, I forgive you, I accept you, I love you.” It’s nice, and so necessary too . . . to give yourself EUCHARIST.


When you are tired, weary, disgusted, lonely, go to your friends, open their door, say, “Look at me,”

. . . and receive their EUCHARIST.

My God, when will we learn not to just talk about EUCHARIST, philosophize about it, or dogmatize about it, but to do it?


When will we learn that sometimes we laugh it, sometimes we cry it and often we sign it. . . that sometimes it is wild peace, then crying hurt,

Often humiliating, never deserved.


Teach me to sense EUCHARIST in another’s eyes,

To give it in a hand held tight,

To squeeze it with an embrace.

To pause EUCHARIST in the middle of a busy day,

To live EUCHARIST with a million things to do and a person shows up wanting to talk.

To know EUCHARIST is as simple as being on time and as profound as the deepest sympathy.


Jesus, I can hear you saying:

I give you my supper,

I give you my sustenance,

I give you my life,

I give you me,

I give to you . . . EUCHARIST.

Go and do likewise.

~Author Unknown

Happy Father's Day

June 16 is a day to remember our dads and celebrate the persons they are. Be sure to pray for them and ask St. Joseph, patron of fathers, to bless them and be their guide and companion.

For those of you who are dads - Happy Father's Day to you!

Synod on Synodality

Since synodality is ordered to mission, Christian communities are to enter into solidarity with those of other religions, convictions and cultures, thus avoiding, on the one hand, the risk of self- referentiality and self-preservation, and on the other hand the risk of loss of identity. The logic of dialogue, expressed in mutual learning and journeying together must come to characterize evangelical proclamation, service to those experiencing poverty, care for our common home, and theological research. (2. e)

With whom have you entered into solidarity to engage in open dialogue?

Discernment for

Religious Life

Are you wondering about a call to religious life? The Sisters of Notre Dame Vocation Team is working with many women interested in exploring this call and learning more about discernment. If you want to be added to a list of faith sharing, retreats, and other opportunities for discerners, contact us at


A team of young adults and Sister Ruth are looking forward to a pilgrimage retreat to Gethsemani Abbey in Kentucky on June 29, 2024. If you would like to join them, please use the QR code or to register. For questions, please contact Sister Ruth at

Hope you can join us for faith sharing on Friday, June 14 at 8:00pm ET.

Monthly Faith Sharing Sign Up

Prayer Requests

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Vocation / Young Adult Outreach

Sister Val Roxburgh, SND

Sister Ruth Lubbers, SND

Team Bios

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