We are extremely pleased to announce that the Universidade de Lisboa has been awarded the 2019-2020  International Development Project Award  from the Animals & Society Institute, for the creation of a Human-Animal Studies Hub at the University.

From the project proposal:
The HAS hub @ICS-ULisboa aims to create and foster HAS in Portugal. Using the hub concept, this proposal intends to boost social innovation, to build a collaborative community on HAS with shared goals, to attract diverse members with heterogenous knowledge, and to facilitate creativity and collaboration in physical and digital space.

The implementation of a HAS hub @ICS-ULisboa would be favored not only by the growing critical mass that has been increasingly gathering around the topic, but also by the thriving academic environment of the University of Lisbon to which the Institute belongs. This will give the hub a strategic positioning not only at a national level, but also at an international one. ICS-ULisboa is an institute of the University of Lisbon, which is the largest and most prestigious university in Portugal and one of Europe’s leading universities. Having almost 50,000 students, the University of Lisbon brings together various areas of knowledge and has a privileged position for facilitating the contemporary evolution of science, technology, arts, and humanities. Accepting the responsibility of making the city of Lisbon one of the great European capitals of culture and science, the University of Lisbon welcomes about 6,900 international students each year, about 14.5% of the total number of students coming from more than 100 countries, who seek a high quality education, as well as the culture, climate and hospitality that Lisbon and Portugal have to offer.

In particular, the grant will help fund:
  • the organization of the first national post-graduate course in HAS
  • the organization of an international conference
  • the publication of a handbook in HAS, in Portuguese
  • the co-organization of an international Summer School in HAS

We are so excited about this, and about the development of a brand new HAS program in Portugal!