Tell your friends about ASI:
Though ASI is based in the United States and most of our constituents live here, we work internationally so we try to be informed about and sensitive to differences in culture, climate, calendar, etc. Writing ideas come from my own perspective and experiences, though, and it's (a very hot) summer in North America. 

I am living the “Dog Days of Summer” because I just had a “foster failure” and adopted another dog. As a double-coated northern breed mix, Roo is already struggling with the relatively hot summer weather here (which is probably much cooler than the Kentucky summer that she left behind on her journey to find a forever home). To deal with the heat, she plays in her water bowl and gets into every puddle, pond, stream, and lake that she can find. She also lies down on the cool tile floors and digs holes under the bushes in our yard. She even skips snuggling with her best friend, Sassy, when it's really hot.

Though that’s very much my personal experience, it’s also somewhat universal for ASI’s constituents, I suspect. We’re all people who care about animals, and the relationships that people have with animals (as well as the concessions we both make to accommodate those relationships).

Meanwhile, we’re also people who are interested in much broader perspectives and cultural differences regarding relationships between people and animals. To that end, I hope you’re taking advantage of the many resources that ASI has to offer, including our website, social media, journals, book series, and programming. Regardless of where you live or which animals interest you in what ways, we’ve got something for you!


Linda Huebner
Executive Director
ASI works to promote human-animal studies by supporting the development of courses and degree programs in colleges and universities worldwide. By raising students’ awareness of human-animal relationships we aim to fundamentally change the way animals are viewed and ultimately treated. We’re pleased to announce that we have evidence that our efforts are working. In order to assess the extent to which completion of a human-animal studies course affected attitudes toward animals we surveyed students from eight human-animal studies classes at six universities in the U.S. and two universities in Europe. We are so excited that in almost every case, students gained a more positive attitude towards animals thanks to taking these classes!

We are excited to announce the schedule for the 2018 ASI-UIUC Summer Institute in Human-Animal Studies, held at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign from July 8-July 15, 2018. There are many talks that are open to the public for this week, as well as information on the talented slate of speakers.

All events will take place in the Levis Faculty Center, at 919 W. Illinois Street, Urbana, IL.
We hope you can join us for the opening event! If you aren't able to join us in person you can still follow the Summer Institute by following the hashtag #2018HAS on twitter . We'll be live tweeting throughout the Institute.

  • Sunday, July 8
6:00 PM-7:30 PM: Opening Plenary Session :
Barbara J. King, Emeritus Professor of Anthropology, College of William and Mary:
“Dealing with the ‘A’Word in Communicating the Science of Animal Love and Grief: A Public Anthropologist’s Response to Anthropomorphism”

Since 2008, the National Institute of Child Health and Development (NICHD), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and The WALTHAM® Centre for Pet Nutrition have collaborated in a Public-Private Partnership to encourage research on human-animal interaction (HAI). For the past decade the Partnership has supported research in this field by funding opportunity announcements issued by NIH.

This year, our Director of Human-Animal Programs, Dr. Lisa Lunghofer, has been invited to serve as part of the Scientific Review Group convened by NIH to review these HAI grant applications. Research projects will examine a range of topics, including the impact of human-animal interactions on typical and atypical child development and health; the evaluation of animal-assisted intervention for children and adults with disabilities or in need of rehabilitative services; and the effects of animals on public health, including cost effectiveness of involving animals in reducing and preventing disease. Lisa is excited to participate in this year’s scientific review and contribute to the selection of high-quality research projects that will advance the HAI field and our understanding of the myriad ways human and non-human animals affect one another.
Theresa Nguyen is a junior at the University of Michigan pursuing an undergraduate degree in Informatics. She was born and raised in Lansing, Michigan and it was a huge transition for her to attend U of M. She became involved in the Health Promotion Club as well as the Vietnamese Student Association. Her involvement in both clubs included giving back to the community through volunteering at hospitals and fundraising for nonprofit Vietnamese charities. Theresa became interested in the ASI internship due to her charitableness. She has a dog of her own named Shayla which is why she wants to give compassion to other animals. Theresa loves trying new food and kayaking. We are grateful for Theresa's generous help this summer and will be sorry to see her go at the end of July, good luck!
You can raise funds for ASI while shopping! Amazon's fourth-annual Prime Day is coming up on Tuesday, July 17 and will feature one-of-a-kind deals exclusively for Prime members. This is one of the biggest shopping days of the year. Visit , choose Animals and Society as your charity, and shop. The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible AmazonSmile purchases.