January/February 2018

Upcoming Events

Highlights this month:
Feb. 2- Re-enrollment forms go home
Feb. 9- Midterms go home
Feb. 11-16- Book Fair
Feb. 16- Re-enrollment ends
      Parent/Teacher Conferences 2-6pm
      Students dismissed at noon)
Feb. 19- No School- Presidents Day
Feb. 21- Parent Meeting 6:30pm
Feb. 23- Jeans day

Re-enrollment Begins

It's time to save your spot for 2018-2019! February 2-16, 2018, HSAS will be re-enrolling students for next year. We require that all forms be returned- whether or not students choose to return to our school next year. 

Frog classes that get 100% turn in by Feb 16 will earn a full dress down day. Students that choose to return will receive HSAS spirit shirts that they can wear in place of their uniform shirts. 

Open enrollment for the 17-18 school year will start in March, so please remind your friends and family. Any interested student is welcome to shadow here for a day. 
Celebrating School Choice

Traditionally, the 3rd week in January is designated as National School Choice Week. This week celebrates a parent's right to choose the best educational option for their student. 

At Horizon Springfield, we make this a spirit week! We kicked off our week with an assembly with Jim "Basketball" Jones. Each day, students celebrated in some way- sunglasses, colors and hats. We ended our week by showing our wacky side. 

Thursday night, we held our annual family movie night at the Maumee Indoor Theater. It was our best turnout yet and the crowd enjoyed LEGO Ninjago. 

On Tuesday, NBC 24 came to see how we celebrated the week and we made it on the 6pm news! 

We appreciate all of our families making Horizon Springfield their school of choice
Spreading Holiday Cheer Through Song & Service

On December 12, 2017, Horizon Springfield held its annual winter concert at the Maumee Indoor Theater. Guests were treated to a variety of holiday songs from students in kindergarten - 7th grade. A crowd favorite was Beck's "Hot Chocolate" sung by 4th grade. 

Ms. Brown's drama club also played an important role in the show with a fantastic and fun introduction. We commend Mrs. Smith for another great show. 

Annually, student ambassadors take one day each December; to spread  goodwill and cheer throughout the city. This year, on December 15, 2017, students first went The Glendale where they passed out holiday cards and candy canes to residents. The second stop was The Laurels of Toledo, where they were joined by students from our sister school Horizon Toledo. There, students joined in several rounds of nail biting bingo and then walked the building, delivering more homemade cards and candy canes.  The last stop was to Family House. Personal stockings were filled for each child staying there and a variety of food and items were donated to all residents at the facility.

Have you heard? Wizards write more than spells. They write  novels, too! Three students at Horizon Science Academy Springfield participated in a global writing challenge throughout the month of November, called NaNoWriMo.  November is National Novel Writing Month, a time when authors all around the world answer the  call and endeavoring to write a novel in one month. November 1, 2017 marked the start of Horizon Springfield's second year of participation in the Young Writer's Program, a student oriented version of the glo bal writing challenge. Three students, Kyla Schofield, Hezeki Webb, and Noah Medrano  set individual word count goals and began the arduous creative writing task.

Horizon Springfield is proud to announce that on November 30, 2017 all three writers met their goals and were declared winners! They are no longer just writers; they are authors! The school enthusiastically celebrated this impressive accomplishment. Take a look at the goals and final count for each student below.

Kyla Schofield: Goal 10,000 words; Final 10,062 words
Hezeki Webb: Goal 6,500 words; Final 6835 words
Noah Medrano: Goal 5,000 words; Final 5,326 words

Horizon Science Academy Springfield is home to some very creative minds. We are excited to see what next November has in store for our students. 
 Horizon Science Academy Springfield | 419-535-0524 | www.horizonspringfield.org