Newsletter - Volume #1 January 2016
A Note from Matt ...
Happy Third Birthday Disability Independence Group! For this year, we plan on expanding the rights of persons with disabilities though ensuring that opportunities are available for housing, education, employment and community integration. Many of our efforts are focused on insuring that persons with disabilities know how to enforce their rights, as well as informing, and if necessary - compelling, governmental and private entities to change their policies and practices to ensure equal opportunity. Can you DIG it?
DIG in the News
July 17, 2015, Deaf Discrimination: The Fight for Equality Continues, Huffington Post
December 24, 2015, New screening process for children's health program, The News Service of Florida
January 11, 2016, Keiser Accused of Turning Away Deaf Student After Admission, Daily Business review
January 11, 2016, Man Claims Wrongful Firing by Cargill Over Diabetes, Daily Business Review
Operation Autism, A Resource Guide for Military Families, 10 Steps you can Take to Help Ensure Your Child's Safety
 Feature Article -- Coming in February
Each month in the DIG newsletter, we will have a feature article where we will present information that is topical and can be used. Next month, our feature article will focus on the new legislation in Florida that will change the lives for Floridians with Disabilities. There are over twenty bills in Florida that affect persons with disabilities, from a disability registration, hate crime bills, assistance for kids with disabilities, to medical marijuana. We will be analyzing, advocating, and being a watchdog to ensure that the legislature does not again shortchange Florida residents with disabilities. Watch us bark, and maybe bite.
Out and About with DIG
MDC, The Lab Miami, lecture on technology and accessibility |
Discrimination Forum, Miami Beach, FL |
Jacobus tenBroek Disability Law Symposium, Baltimore, MD |
ABC's of Emotional Support Animals, Orlando, FL |
9-9-16 |
ABC's of Emotional Support Animals, Tallahassee, FL |
10-20-16 |
2016 DRBA West Coast Conference, Los Angeles, CA |
Good bye Monica we will miss you
Matt in Tampa after a long week of depositions
 Litigation: Young Man Fired from Cargill because of Stereotypes about Diabetes
Matthew Dietz
On February 4, 2014, Nik Stahly was excited to get up and go to his new job, his first job. Nik obtained a job with Lab Support, an employment staffing company, who placed Nik at Cargill, the global food processing company. Nik's stepfather, Brian Tygesson, took Nik to the store to purchase the required steel-toe shoes to get ready for the job. Nik has autism and wanted to ensure that no detail involving his job was overlooked.
 Litigation: Deaf Woman Denied Career Choice by Keiser University
Matthew Dietz
Katy Daniel-Rivera is a Deaf woman who lives in Florida, and works at the Bay Pines Veterans Administration ("VA") Hospital as a Radiology Medical Support Assistant in the Imaging Service Department. After receiving many positive performance reviews over her three years at the VA, Katy sought to advance her career by becoming licensed by the State of Florida in Radiologic Technology. As a Deaf woman, Katy has been successful in her chosen career and has had sign language interpreters or other services through all of her education and other licensing opportunities.
Kids Crusaders Corner By: Julie Fioravanti
"Happy New Year" 2016!
Julie and Nick will be back to share more of their life adventures in the upcoming months!
Follow us on Instagram
 Domestic Violence
On average, four or five women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends each day and women experience two million incidents of intimate partner violence each year. It only makes sense that domestic violence spills over into the workplace. It can be in-person harassment or phone calls, absenteeism because of injuries or less productivity due to extreme distress. Domestic violence for an employer is both a health and safety issue and also affects businesses and their bottom line.
We will continue to bring you information on this important topic this year as we continue our work on behalf of victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. If you have a questions please email me sharon@justdigit.org
 The Wallet Card Project
The wallet card is a tool for young adults to use when they come into contact with law enforcement; either as a victim, a witness, or as a potential suspect.
The wallet card will help to clarify any interaction with law enforcement so that the behavior of the person with a disability is not misinterpreted as suspicious or as criminal behavior.
Click here to sign up for a wallet card
The Wallet Card Project is a collaboration with DIG, CGPD, and UM-NSU CARD.
 Asset Building for Individuals with Disabilities
By: Lesly Lopez
Public benefit programs for people with disabilities, especially Supplemental Security Income (SSI), are not aimed at increasing assets and independence for people with disabilities as a result individuals with disabilities often have very limited income and few, if any, assets. The intent of asset building initiatives is that as individuals develop assets, they will be able to move out of poverty and remain out of poverty. Many asset building services for people with disabilities will NOT cause loss of critical SSA disability cash payments and essential health insurance such as Medicaid or Medicare.
Types of asset building services for people with disabilities: (click on each one to read more)
I believe that if we all work together on education, support, and advocacy we can make asset buildup a reality for people with disabilities and low income families.
Have you ever had any questions about workplace accommodations or the Americans with Disability Act (ADA)? Some of those questions might include:
- What accommodations could you, as an employee, ask for/be entitled to at your job?
- What accommodations should I ask for given my Disability?
- What accommodations are you as an employer, required to provide to an employee?
Not immediately knowing the answers to those questions is completely normal. AskJAN.org is a web site for employees and employers to educate themselves on workplace accommodations.
Tropical weather, palm trees on every corner, and delicious Cuban coffee. Welcome to Miami! The city whose heart beats to the sounds of a Latin drum, where beaches and nightlife never end. Miami is one of the world's most renowned vacation spots because of its rich culture and diversity, which also embraces accessibility.
Known as one of the most populous urban area in the United States, the Miami area is a hub for culture, media, entertainment, fashion, art and international trade. The city boasts modernized infrastructure design and is a central tourist location. Just like the rest of the state, the terrain is smooth with no high mountaintops or steep hills in sight. The vast majority of the city is well paved, with proper cutouts at each street end for wheelchair users. Miami International Airport is a newly renovated hub connecting domestic and international flights directly into the city. The airport was recently linked to the Metrorail Train system, making Miami one-step closer to a fully accessible city via public transportation. However, take note that the trains stop at midnight so if you're a night owl, you're better off renting a private vehicle.
Click here to read more
Your Upward Journey
In a nutshell, Your Upward Journey: It Is Easier Than You Think!, is a three-part project (book, self-help seminars and merchandise sale). I intend to promote the book through self-help seminars and sale of merchandise, such as mugs, journals etc.
A Parcel of Penguins
A PARCEL OF PENGUINS: an Animal Counting Book
For more information about DIG and to find out how you can be involved, please call or email our executive director, Debbie Dietz at
305-669-2822 or
Disability Independence Group, Inc.
Thank you to the organizations that support our projects.