Chapter Newsletter

February 2024

AFP Greater LA Chapter Co-Presidents: Hannah Berger (left) and Cassie Carter (right).

A moment with our chapter leaders: Hannah & Cassie

Meet Hannah Berger and Cassie Carter, our first co-chapter presidents. Through this Q&A, find inspiration in the personal journeys that drive their dedication to AFP-GLAC and philanthropy, their favorite aspects of their roles, and how they balance the demands of nonprofit work. Learn about their goals for the chapter and our members this year.

Q: Who or what inspired you to pursue a career in fundraising/philanthropy?

HB: At the ripe, young age of 23, I was laid off after two short years in my very first job post-undergrad (along with half of the staff) from a national nonprofit in Washington DC. I returned to LA and took the first job I could get - an administrative position in the office of University Advancement at Cal State Northridge. Judy Knudson was the VP of Advancement at the time, and she took a liking to me. She was a fearless, bold character and enjoyed putting me in situations I had no business being in. Her mentorship really launched my career in fundraising.

CC: I was executive director of a small education-based nonprofit in Montana that was poised to grow. We built an ambitious strategic plan, and I asked the planning consultant we were working with (Louise Stevens of ArtsMarket) – what is most important thing I can do to ensure this plan is successful and she said – become a good fundraiser. At that moment, my career shifted from managing education programs to development.

Q: What do you enjoy most about the work you do?

HB: Two things: 1. Connecting people. 2. Being a change agent. I firmly believe fundraisers are activists and our ability to create community and move resources around to improve lives is incredibly powerful. It's a gift to be of service.  

CC: As a biologist raised by social worker parents, I love the intersection of data, process and humanity. I discovered that fundraising is really about connecting the mission of the organization to the values and passions of donors. Philanthropy is about joy. Successful fundraising is grounded in data and process that guides where you focus your energy and efforts, but ultimately it is about a collaboration with the donor to advance things that are important to them and then celebrating the joy that it brings them and your organization.

Q: Work life balance is more important than ever although often very difficult for nonprofit professionals. What is your favorite way to recharge & reset?

HB: Staying fit helps me stay sane. I love weight training, spinning, hiking, and taking super long walks with my pup. When I really need a reset, I get with my best girlfriends for a session. They know how to put me in my place and fill my cup at the same time!

CC: Being outdoors and in nature is my touchstone. It is what recharges me and keeps me balanced. My most favorite thing to do is to swim in a warm ocean.

Q: Which one of AFP’s values/principles resonates with you the most?

Hannah and Cassie couldn't just pick one - they are all intertwined. We can't advance philanthropy without trust and we can't collaborate and build community without inclusivity and diverse perspectives. Partnership and collaboration are the values that drive our work and fundraisers are the engines that drive our organizations forward. As long-time members of AFP, we are particularly proud of our local chapter because we really "walk our talk" when it comes to these values.

Q: What would you like our members to know about your goals for the chapter this year?

Hannah and Cassie share the same vision and direction: It's really important to us that everyone feels our theme for 2024 - like they are an important part of our generous community. We want our members to feel seen, respected, and supported when they are engaging with AFP GLAC programs, leadership, and staff. In our complex and turbulent world - advancing this idea means that we support each other with an open heart, that we find value in our work and that we value the contributions of everyone around us.  

Hannah Berger is President at The Philanthropy Coach and Cassie Carter serves as Vice President - Western Region for Campbell & Company. You can reach Hannah and Cassie anytime at: and, respectively. 

Chapter updates

The new SoCal Consortium

As the famous yet undeniably accurate saying goes, we are stronger together. We are excited to announce that to bring more resources to our chapter members, our chapter Presidents have formed the SoCal Consortium, inclusive of all regional chapters. Through cross-promotion of educational programming, we will bring more value to our respective chapter members. We will send monthly emails with programming happening across our region and include a full list via the following webpage on our site: Regional Events

Introducing our Virtual Suggestion Box

We want to hear from you! Do you have suggestions for educational topics, engagement & networking activities, speaker/sponsor leads or any general feedback for us?

Take 2 minutes to fill out this form. 

Celebrating Black History Month through education & storytelling

I.D.E.A. Spotlight:

Mollie Moon

Take a moment to read a very timely article on one of the most influential fundraisers during the Civil-Rights era, Mollie Moon.

Read the full article here. Written by our friends at NPR.

Congratulations to our 2024 ICON scholars!

"I am sincerely grateful to be chosen to attend the AFP ICON. I have heard wonderful things from colleagues about how this conference helped them grow as professionals and connect with peers nationwide. I am excited to delve into the sessions and expand my knowledge of all aspects of philanthropy. This scholarship is a bridge to a future enriched with possibilities, and I feel extremely grateful for the support of AFP-GLAC."

Charlotte Lacey, Major Gifts Officer, Pasadena Humane Society

Greater LA Chapter’s Chamberlain ICON Scholar

"I feel honored to receive one of the AFP ICON scholarships this year. I'm very excited to attend AFP ICON in April not just for the educational sessions, but also for the opportunity to connect with other fundraising professionals from the US and around the world. I am also very much looking forward to returning to LA inspired and with a wealth of new ideas to continue creating positive change."

Angie Gil, Development & IT Manager, Mental Health Advocacy Services, AFP Globals’ Diverse Communities ICON Scholar

“Attending AFP ICON 24 in Toronto is a dream come true for me both personally and professionally. This opportunity to immerse myself in the world of fundraising alongside seasoned veterans and experts is truly transformative. I am deeply passionate about the work of fundraising, finding it incredibly fulfilling to make a tangible impact on the causes I care about. I am particularly excited about the opportunity to connect with fellow fundraisers, learning from their experiences, and forging meaningful relationships that will continue to enrich and inspire my work.”

Warren Northern, Grants and Funding Development Manager, Universal Community Health Center  

African American Development Officers (AADO) ICON Scholar

A generous community

Our Chapter Scholarship Fund is fully funded by donations from our members and makes it possible for us to award these crucial scholarships to our members. Please visit our Scholarships Page on our site to learn more about how you can apply for educational scholarships. You can also visit our Chapter Scholarship Fund to make a donation in support of this fund. 

A heartfelt thank you to our generous chapter members for their contributions to our

Chapter Fund in 2023 which raised $1,492!

Hannah Berger MPA CFRE

Kim Burbank

Cassie Carter PhD

Yuri E. Casco CFRE

Monica Lee Copeland MA CFRE

Diana Corbin CFRE

Yulanda Davis-Quarrie MS CFRE

Kevin Delaney

Kenzie Durham

Eva Fordham

Bernie Gaps

Tiana Gayton

Wendy Gladney

Jenny Davidson-Goldbronn

Ana Gonzalez

Carmen Himes

Angela Johnson

Rene Johnson

Paulina Jones

Charlotte Lacey

Felice Myers

Tara Quarrie

Sylvia Rosenberger

Michael Sampiano

Martha Sanchez

Ellen Sell

Suren Seropian

Summer Sherwood-White

Louise Skosey

Maggie Trigueros CFRE

Priscilla Valencia MNA

Applications open: AFP ICON Blackbaud Development Fund Diversity Scholarship


Through a partnership with Blackbaud, the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy is offering 34 scholarships covering the cost of registration to attend AFP ICON 2024, April 7-9, in Toronto, ON, for members and non-members from marginalized communities, who have never attended an AFP ICON. The deadline to apply is March 4.

Apply today

Your pulse on National Policy: The CARES Act

As many of you know, AFP has been closely following the development of the tax package currently under consideration by Congress. We were all deeply disappointed on Friday when the House Ways and Means Committee passed the tax deal without including the Charitable Act, bipartisan legislation crucial to bolstering charitable giving.


To read the latest update on the CARES Act and learn how you can get involved with our national efforts, visit our Government Relations Page or contact Christa Lorenz, AFP-GLAC Chair of Government Relations at

Resource corner

All members get $100 in credit valid on any of our 26 premium webinars offered each year

See All AFP Premium Webinars

You also get access to member-exclusive webinars, select on-demand premium webinars and micro-learning videos

Access Free Members-Only Webinars
Watch a Micro-Learning Video

Career center

If you’re looking for your next opportunity or are in need of talent for your organization, visit our local Job Board or Post on our local Job Board. We feature and promote job openings in our local area!

Latest Opportunities:

   Senior Director of Development, College of Business, Loyola Marymount University

   Fund Development Manager at YWCA Greater Los Angeles

  Senior Major Gifts Officer at Catalina Island Conservancy

   Director of Development at Catalina Island Conservancy

   Vice President, Development at DigDeep

Volunteer with us & create lasting connections.

The chapter is fully organized and operated by the Board of Directors, which is composed of chapter members who volunteer their time, talents and resources. On the backend, we are supported by two administrative staff members from Maple Street Management.

Volunteers are not only crucial to the success of our chapter; they also have the opportunity to develop or expand on tangible skills. Our committees cultivate, steward and engage our members just as we would our donors! We produce various events throughout the year and solicit sponsorships year-round. You’ll even receive CFRE credit for your service.

If you’d like to get more involved through board or committee service, please reach out to any of our board members or visit our Volunteer Page. 

Stay tuned for an email later this month featuring local and regional events!

For questions on any of the information included in this newsletter, please contact our

VP of Communications, Maggie Trigueros at


Phone: (714) 771-3685

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