The 13th Annual MIT Chief Data Officer &
Information Quality Symposium
July 31 - August 2, 2019
We would like to extend complimentary registration to all Federal, State and County CDOs, in addition to a 10% discount to all government employees

Please contact us to receive the appropriate discount codes!
2019 Symposium Agenda is COMPLETE
The Symposium Team is pleased to announce that our agenda is complete with an excellent line-up of speakers, panelists, and sponsors!
Featured Sessions
The State of Enterprise AI

By Tom Davenport, President's Distinguished Professor, Babson College and Research Fellow, MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy

Abstract: AI has made its way into many large enterprises today, and it bears little resemblance to the AI described in the popular press. This AI is evolutionary rather than revolutionary, consists of many small projects, and has not yet had substantial impact on jobs. Davenport will describe how enterprise AI can still have a dramatic impact on companies, and how to manage it successfully. He will also address the implications for data management in large enterprises.
Using Bots, Machine Learning & Pipelines to Create a Modern Data Management Environment

By Mark Ramsey, Ramsey International LLC

Abstract: The application of AI and machine learning to tackle tasks such as medical diagnosis, portfolio management or help desk automation are popular media topics. An area of much less coverage is the application of these technologies in the creation of a modern data management environment. This session will highlight how a pharmaceutical company implemented a large scale, production class, big data & analytics platform in less than a year leveraging bots, machine learning and pipelines.  Learn how the technologies were applied to the data sources, ingestion and rationalization processes to accelerate the implementation of an analytics-ready data management environment.
Ask the Expert Q&A


Barbara Wixom

Principal Research Scientist,
MIT Sloan Center for Information Systems Research


How can I establish a
great data strategy for
my company?

Rethinking the Role of the Chief Data Officer
By Forbes

May 22, 2019

" It’s safe to say that a flood of data— 250 billion terabytes  created every day—has swept the chief data officer into the C-suite. Today most business leaders view the CDO as a critical role, with one caveat: No one agrees precisely on what the role entails, including CDOs. How much technological expertise do they need, how much data governance responsibility should they have and, especially, to whom should they report are all open, and increasingly pressing, organizational issues."
CDO-1 Certificate Program

The CDO-1 Certificate Program offered by
Dr. Richard Wang will explain the definition and landscape of the Chief Data Officer's roles and responsibilities, provide introductions to big data technologies, data policy, data strategy, data governance, data analytics, data integration, and tools that are immediately deployable by CDOs. The certificate program will also include hands-on application of the tools learned to help drive business cases.


This was the most valuable course I’ve attended in years! It was so refreshing to be immersed in a discussion with a technical slant that didn’t focus on technology at all. A Chief Data Officer should be all about business strategy, enabling the use of data in delivering business outcomes. That’s easy to say, but not always easy to do, and CDO Fundamentals gave me a range of tools that give me the confidence to make it happen in the real world.
The curriculum balanced academic theory and practical application perfectly. Speakers from all disciplines were of the highest quality, and it was most impressive to hear about the application of the theory directly from living, breathing CDOs sharing their experiences – good and bad.

Next Upcoming Training:
November 14 - 15, 2019 @ Washington, DC

Register now to receive a 25% Early Bird Discount!
Discount Code: EarlyBird25
Health Plan Business Intelligence
Summer Intern Position (Gainesville, FL)

Interested? Click Here
Premium Sponsors
Standard Sponsors
All sessions of the Annual MITCDOIQ Symposium will be held at the

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
July 31 - August 2, 2019

Tang Building (E51)
MIT East Campus
2 Amherst Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

To inquire about s peaker opportunities , contact
Dr. Richard Wang at

For Sponsorship Opportunities , contact
Robert Lutton at

Volunteers are welcome! To learn more, contact
Collette Johnson at