Are you traveling with your iMRS or Omnium1 this summer?  
Pack the car for summer travel but remember to leave a space for your iMRS mat!

Many of our owners choose to take just the pillow pad or probe with them, due to the size of the iMRS mat. That is fine for treating local areas of pain but I want to take this opportunity to remind you about the differences between the applicators and the importance of using the whole body mat.  If you have the Omnium, the portability of the mat makes traveling easier but the points described below still apply.

The mat utilizies the sawtooth wave,  known as the carrier waveform that provides the  best magnetic resonance stimulation.  This is  key for holistic benefits such as boosting the immune system, calming the nervous system and promoting deep sleep. "The sawtooth electromagnetic signal changes continuously, producing constant induction of electromagnetism into the body's tissues, maximizing ion displacement and preventing cellular membrane fatigue.  This means that the cell membrane remains responsive to the signals, maximizing the beneficial effects. The sharp rise and fall time produce the maximum impulse or stimulation to the cells, recharging them in the most powerful way.  Greater ion displacement exerts a stronger biological effect" 

The pillow pad and probe (iMRS) or Pillow and OmniSpot (Omnium1) are applicators that address local issues. They operate using the square wave which penetrates more deeply to address inflammation and pain. The exception is the OmniSpot which operates on the Helmholtz effect.  I think this is the biggest misunderstanding that may be preventing people from realizing the full benefit of our system.  Common summer mishaps can be quickly addressed by applying a local applicator to the sprained ankle, bruised leg, stuffy sinuses etc.  Instead of reaching for an anti-inflammatory, grab your applicator. 

But don't skip your mat sessions!  Twice daily for eight minutes will keep you tuned up, and using the local applicators in addition will work on those gnarly areas that bother you.   

As always, we appreciate your referrals.  Most of our sales for the past few months have been referred by happy owners.  There is a great promotion through the month of July so please think about your family and friends with aches and pains and sleep problems. Wishing you safe summer travels, and don't leave home without your mat!  

Pulse on!  
******************  Save the Date - next owner workshop on August 27***************
                         Details to follow.   Most likely 1:00 at the Sachi Wellness Center 

We had a great workshop in April featuring Dr. Holly Zapf from Whole Family Wellness Clinic in Portland.  We caught a segment of her talk on video :

Dr. Holly Zapf at our PEMF Workshop
Dr. Holly Zapf at our PEMF Workshop

One of the concepts we discussed during the workshop is that with our iMRS and Omnium technology,  LESS can be MORE.  "The native language of the human cell, from an electromagnetic perspective, is a subtle whisper".  Good systems are designed with extremely low field intensities that communicate most effectively with the cell membrane.  The result is the best possible wellness effect for all 75 trillion cells of our body. 

From Skeptic to Believer
From Skeptic to Believer
Non-Opiate Option for Pain

The Pulse is pleased to provide you with educational insights from Hermina, PEMF Expert for low frequency MRS devices with 16 years of theoretical and practical experience.  Hermina provides a wealth of knowledge to better understand the use and benefits of iMRS.   

Discover in detail why and how pulsating electromagnetic fields (PEMF) will naturally improve all biological functions and metabolic activity, INCLUDING BODILY CLEANSING. With increased lymphatic drainage and blood flow, cells receive more oxygen and nutrients and eliminate toxins faster. Through the same processes, vital organs such as liver, kidneys and colon are able to rid themselves of impurities, thus detoxifying the body and allowing better organ functionality. 
  • Improving circulation and immune system function, activating cellular metabolism and repair, promoting relaxation and detoxification,  
  • Providing optimal over -all vitality and much more.
  • By the way, should you desire to become a cleansing fan and choose a massive prolonged fast, please refrain from magnetic resonance stimulation (MRS) during that time. However, by all means, take advantage of MRS thereafter and benefit from its regulatory, balancing and energizing effect, experiencing your body "renewed".

Helpful Websites
  • www.pemfassistance.com  - Hermina Danneil's membership site - highly recommended for healthcare professionals and owners who desire indepth information.
Informational Books
  • Magnetic Resonance Stimulation - Maximizing the Field by Dr. Joel Carmichael  Available for $155 from Dr. Carmichael's office (303)290-8342
  • PEMF: The Fifth Element - Bryant Meyers - available on Amazon
  • Healing is Voltage - Dr. Jerry Tennant, M.D. - available on Amazon
  • The Body Electric - Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D. - available on Amazon
  • Practice of Magnetic Field Therapy - Dr. Christian Thuile, M.D.
  • The Healthy Conscious Traveler- Dr. Robyn Benson- available on Amazon
Social Media Sites
  • Healthy Space

     Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter View our videos on YouTube
  • MRS Community Portland 

    Like us on Facebook
  • PEMF Global 

    Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter View our videos on YouTube
Resource list provided by Healthy Spaces

At Healthy Spaces, providing top quality customer service and owner education is a priority. Swiss Bionics is reporting record sales so far in 2016.  Their small distribution center in Ft. Lauderdale stays very busy processing orders and doesn't have the capacity to take customer calls.   If you have any questions or concerns about your unit, please give us a call at Healthy Spaces 503.655.3565. We will troubleshoot your issue and if a repair is required, we will arrange to get a new part shipped directly to you.

PEMF For Your Pets

We love the feedback and photos from many of you whose "furry friends" enjoy the mat.  Click here for an article by Dr. Glen Bobker on animals and PEMF.
Healthy Spaces | 503.655.3565 | info@HealthySpacesNorthwest.com|   www.HealthySpacesNorthwest.com