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Contour Magazine

February 2023 Issue

February Contour theme: 


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In this issue


Why dental patients don’t show up

There are many reasons patients may not make their dental appointment. These include lack of transportation, unable to miss work or school, not understanding the importance of care, a fear of the dentist, debilitating conditions, the cost of care or simply forgetting their appointment. This article suggests ways to help patients make their appointments a priority.

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Geriatric dentistry and the graying of America

By 2030, one in five Americans will be 65 and older. That number will climb to one out of four Americans by 2060. As America ages, the importance of diagnosing, preventing and treating older adults’ dental problems will rise. But aging doesn’t have to mean tooth loss or poor oral health. Here, we explore the game-changing impact of geriatric dentistry.

Using coloring pages to promote oral health and diversity 

The University of Michigan School of Dentistry promotes oral health and diversity with coloring pages. Michigan’s Sindecuse Museum of Dentistry offers a kids’ coloring page project featuring Dr. Jessica Rickert, the first woman Native American dentist.

Technology shifts, issues and priorities in dental education

A glimpse of the complex, evolving use of dental technology from the perspective of one student.

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We welcome your feedback

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We welcome your feedback

Your feedback is important as we work to create valuable content, connections and experiences for you and the full ASDA membership.

There are two ways to submit your feedback:


1.    Email feedback to ASDA’s publications team at publications@asdanet.org

2.    Post your feedback to The ASDA Community

Write for ASDA

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Write for ASDA

Did you know that every ASDA member can write for Contour magazine? Yes, that means YOU!

ASDA is always looking for authors to share their personal experiences and expertise in areas such as practice management, science, technology, research, financial advice, career options and wellness. If you have a story idea or would like an editorial board member to contact you, complete the Author Submission Form.

More from this issue

D1 athlete during D1 year

Using saliva to track oral health: The future of dental diagnostics 

Handling the unexpected: Endodontist Dr. Rico Short

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