tThe Presidents report
This week, coronavirus has been in the news … or, perhaps, it's more apt to say the coronavirus has been the news. We, like everyone else, are monitoring the situation and hoping for the best, but putting plans in place for the worst. Sign up for our Pandemic Planning webinar on March 17 and check our website , we're updating it regularly with relevant information and important links like the Banking Commissioner's proclamation (see below).

Please keep us posted on any developments in your community, and keep washing your hands and drinking plenty of water!

On a lighter note, I was pleased to be included in the series of Q&As that CUNA News launched in honor of Women's History Month. Give it a read and watch the CUNA News daily headlines for the other articles throughout the month.
Next Tuesday at 2 p.m. MDT, we're hosting a free webinar for our affiliated credit unions that will address the need for pandemic planning and ways to ease concern and fear in the face of the coronavirus. Our speaker will be Becky Frederick, compliance and audit consultant with the Minnesota Credit Union Network. She will discuss the current status, recommended measures, and business continuity suggestions.
Montana's Commissioner of Banking, Melanie Hall, issued a Supervisory Memorandum and Proclamation to Montana state-chartered banks and credit unions after Governor Bullock declared a state of emergency due to the coronavirus. Give it a read and if you have any questions, call 406-841-2920 or email her office . Remember, our website has links to guidance issued by other state and federal organizations.
Looking for an opportunity to engage more in the cooperative movement in Montana? Attend the 2020 Cooperative Summit April 7-9 in Great Falls. Hosted by the Montana Cooperative Development Center and Montana Council of Cooperatives, the Summit is focused on two things: providing education and training to existing cooperatives; and educating Montana's community and business leaders about the cooperative business model. Attendees will have the chance to look at alternative solutions, find new networks, and go home inspired to work on key issues like workforce, housing, and childcare. The three-track agenda offers a little something for everyone, so register today !
National Credit Union Youth Month (aka April) is fast approaching. If you haven't already summoned your ideas and cast your plans to share a little "Money Magic" with your young(er) members, CUNA's website can help. You'll find free materials, examples of how some credit unions have celebrated in the past, and links to purchase youth month swag. No matter what, make sure you use #CUYouthMonth to share your activities and promote the power of credit unions.
Are you nominating someone for our Volunteer of the Year Award? If not, be sure to read this week's blog , which dispels some of the myths surrounding it.
The credit card options these days can be dizzying. The most recent post on our Consumer Blog discusses what to consider when applying for a credit card.
Check your mailbox. The 2020 Census officially got underway this week as households across the U.S. started to receive "invitations to respond" in the mail.
Our website has information for you to use as you prepare for the potential impact on your employees, members, and your ability to deliver critical financial services.
Take the Lead's second "graduating" class of 11 come from 11 different credit unions. Part of the benefit of the program is developing ties with other budding credit union leaders from across the state. When a TTL group comes back for its second workshop, it's cool to see how their relationships and connections have grown.
A few years ago, MCU recognized the need for leadership program in Montana that would help credit unions develop and motivate their staff to succeed and grow in their roles as leaders... and the Take the Lead (TTL) was born. This week, we kicked off our third year of training — "graduating" its second class and welcoming nine new members, which brings the total number of credit union staff taking part in the MCU Leadership Community to 33. 

The TTL program is a combination of two in-person workshops and ongoing support and communication. Workshop attendees take part in various interactive activities, conversations, and self-reflection exercises. They have opportunity to network with people outside of their credit union — to ask questions and share ideas — both during the two-day training and throughout the year. It's clear that attendees find it valuable . If you're interested in the program, contact Ranel .  
Don't miss this year’s lineup of speakers and topics , fundraisers, entertainment, and networking opportunities at this year’s Power Up Conference & Expo . As of now, we are still planning to hold our conference, so if you can join us in Billings May 13-15, register now (prices go up in less than a month).
Each year we reward vendors who sign up by February 29 with a chance to win half-off their booth registration fee. This year, our winner is American Share Insurance. Congrats!
The on-demand training from the Credit Union Webinar Network never ends. See what's on next week's webinar schedule .
Calling all credit union young professionals! Join your peers from around the state for a one-day workshop in Great Falls.
Does your internship program help you build a pool of talent? The Total Internship Management Workshop in Helena (Apr. 8) or Missoula (Apr. 9) could help.
What important content and resources did Filene chose to highlight in its March issue? What five research reports were downloaded the most in February? Find out .
Good morning angels. Looking sharp! 1st Liberty's Fund Drive Team members MaryEllen Kropp, Pam Tadman, Linnette Haman, and Darcy Haldane are armed with their lists of local businesses to call and ready to raise funds for Neighborworks. Not pictured is team member Steve Grooms (wait … does that make him ... Charlie?!?).
This year NeighborWorks Great Falls marks its fortieth year of working to build strong neighborhoods in Great Falls. Chelsey Hutmacher, fundraising and outreach coordinator, credits the organization's many collaborators and partners its impact and longevity. “Forty years would not have been possible without those in the community who have given their time, dollars, talent and support over the course of our history,” she says.

Those amazing community partners include the Great Falls area credit unions 1st Liberty FCU, Embark CU, and Montana CU. Not only they Neighborwork's lending partners, each credit union has also recruited a team for the organization's two-week annual fund drive in March. Each team is assigned a list of local businesses to call on behalf of Neighborworks. They're tasked with asking for donations and increasing awareness of the services that the organization offers — services that include homebuyer education and counseling, financial education and counseling, lending programs, and affordable renting options. Way to make a #CUDifference in your community! Thanks for helping Neighborworks lay the foundation for its next 40 years.
We’re at the end of the Girl Scout cookie sale … have you purchased any? Since I’m gluten-free, and trying to be sugar-free, I haven’t noshed on any this year. Kylie was a Brownie for a couple of years and her favorite part was the cookie sale; she’d come to the office, walk around and ask “How many boxes do you want?” (Cuz to her it was a given that people would buy.) I just checked out the best and worst for the year (spoiler: Thin Mints top the list) and also found a fascinating stat that often Girl Scout cookies outsell Oreos. That’s impressive, right? Oreos sell year-round and Thin Mints are available from January 10 to March 15 … proof positive of Margaret Mead’s oft-quoted, “never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” Let’s figure out how to harness the GS magic for credit unions…
Montana's Credit Unions - Educate Advocate Collaborate
This is an internal publication of Montana's Credit Unions intended for our affiliated credit unions and their official family. For more information, call us or visit our website.