Helping you raise more money, give with purpose and lead effectively.
May the seduction 
of summer  inspire 
your joy  and energize 
your activism.

" If the world were merely seductive, that  would be easy. If  it were merely challenging, that would be no problem. But  I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard  to plan the day ."

E.B. White

YWCA Canada engages Watermark to develop 'formidable' young
women leaders

A long-time Watermark client, YWCA Canada is the country's oldest and largest women's organization, providing turning points for women and girls in more than 400 communities.
From its founding, opportunity for development and leadership for young women has been a priority. In fact, established within its bylaws and in practice is that all levels of leadership, including the board of directors, be comprised of 25% young women (age 30 years and younger).
With this commitment, Watermark is honoured to have been tasked to explore how the YWCA can best nurture and develop formidable young women leaders. "I am excited to be working with Watermark to support our strategic imperative and commitment to engage and support diverse young women to participate as leaders, decision-makers and equals in our movement. With Sharilyn's expertise and support, we will explore the establishment of a leadership institute where young women can hone their skills to lead effectively in all areas of their lives," says CEO Paulette Senior.

Abigail Disney's path to peace
Every once in a while you know you have met someone special. That was my feeling after sharing some time with Abigail Disney (yes, that Disney). Philanthropist, award winning film-maker and impassioned activist, Abigail delivered the plenary address on the power of story-telling at the recent Fundraising Festival in Italy,  where I also participated as a speaker.    
Through film, Abigail often tells women's stories. Such as Pray the Devil Back to Hell about a brave group of women who used nonviolent protests and sex strikes to bring an end to Liberia's long civil war. But her interest is not just women. As she describes it, "I care about women because I care about peace." This is where her values, philanthropy, film-making and activism intersect.
As a young woman coming to terms with her privilege, Abigail found a sense of purpose in philanthropy that continues to ground her. She established the Daphne Foundation to tackle poverty in New York City, and Peace is Loud  to spotlight women leaders on the frontline of peace building. She also led by example to join the Women Moving Millions  movement. She credits her years as a volunteer with grassroots women's organizations for her perspective on community development and how change happens. "I believe strongly that if what you really want is social change, then you need to fund the organizations that are at the leading edge of it. Advocacy is also important, because money is never enough."
Candid, compassionate and down to earth, thank you Abigail for answering the questions you asked yourself many years ago, "why am I here on earth, and what is being asked of me?"  
Learn about Abigail's new film on gun violence in the US,  The Armour of Light. 

What do Canadian donors want?

The recently released 2015 What Canadian Donors Want study commissioned by the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy offers some encouraging insights. Public trust in charities among donors has increased significantly over two years ago, and the number of donors giving over $1,000 has doubled since 2011.
Adding to results from a similar survey conducted in 2011 and 2013, this comprehensive study offers detailed analysis of donor behaviour and attitudes by identified segments, as well as perspectives on motivations for giving and their opinions on common solicitation methods. Read the full report to better understand the needs and interests of donors, and what it means for your organization.        
'Chemistry' and effective board behaviour

As a governance consultant to non-profits, Sharilyn has seen boards whose directors know basic governance principles and are clear about their roles and responsibilities yet struggle to be effective. Why? Inter-personal challenges get in the way.
Deloitte's Board Chemistry Model offers insight into effective board behaviour. They've identified four common behavioural traits or patterns, which you will likely recognize: drivers, pioneers, integrators and guardians. Each style brings a way of thinking, working and communicating, as styles which may compliment or bump into each other.
Getting your boards' chemistry right begins with understanding your own traits, those of other directors, and where the gaps and imbalances may be. We know that diversity of skills, thought and identity leads to more robust interaction, discussion and decision making. Considering board chemistry as part of your board development and board building practices may encourage greater understanding among directors and overall board effectiveness.
Need support with your board building agenda?  Sharilyn can help. As a member of the Institute of Corporate Directors and a BoardSource Certified Governance Trainer, she offers a range of governance services and training.


Diversity in Fundraising panel 

Governance for Family Foundation Boards 
September 27, 2016

Philanthropic apple doesn't fall far from the tree
That summarizes the findings of A Tradition of Giving, a new report from Indiana University's Lilly Family School of Philanthropy and Vanguard Charitable on giving and volunteering within families.
The study focused on the ways in which inter-generational family members influence each other's giving and volunteering behaviour. Parents and grandparents who give are more likely to have adult children and adult grandchildren who give.
So if you are a parent or grandparent, engage your children and grandchildren in your philanthropy, and seek out charitable activities to do together. For organizations and fundraising leaders, be creative in offering intra-family and multi-generational opportunities that highlight and respect family traditions of giving.
Contac t Sharilyn  to learn how she can help your family or organization strengthen multi-generational philanthropy.     

Have a 'ball' for Barbados June 25
Canada's cultural diversity makes for a rich philanthropic tapestry, which benefits organizations in Canada as well as good  causes abroad. For example, the  Barbados Ball Canada Aid (BBCA)  hosts an annual fundraising  cultural evening and dinner  in Toronto  supported by Barbadian nationals living in Canada and a large network of friends of t he island.  
S ince  its inception in 2004, the  BBCA has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars which have been invested in  university scholarships for Barbadian  youth, purchases  of  critical medical equipment for the  Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Barbadosand  Caribbean p ae diatric cancer initiative of  SickKids Hospital.  The Barbados Ball demonstrates the important impact diaspora communities can have on both their native and adopted homes.
Are you a Bajan or Bajan-at-heart?   Join us June 25.

Invite Sharilyn to help you raise more money,
give with purpose, and lead effectively.

Sharilyn Hale, M.A., CFRE

Founder & Principal


Watermark  | 416.567.3002 | shale@watermarkpa.com
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