“Perspectives on PFAS” Registration is Open!

The Clean Water Summit Partners are proud to present Perspectives on PFAS, an informational webinar on what continues to be one of the hottest topics of the day. Join us on Thursday, October 5th from 9:00am to 12:00pm, to hear about where things stand in California and nationally, the latest science and research, data trends, and what local water and wastewater agencies are doing to address these forever chemicals. This is also an opportunity for attendees to hear about different approaches to addressing PFAS through regulation, legislation, and communications, including an overview of the “essentiality” approach, local agency messaging, and efforts targeting better source control. This workshop is designed for a wide-ranging audience including those who are not familiar with PFAS and want a background on this important issue, as well as experts who want to hear the latest updates. Register today!

Innovative Technology Seminars Return in November

Are you ready to revolutionize biosolids and resource recovery management? California’s premier technology seminars for resource recovery professionals are returning. Unlock the power of innovation with a lineup of leading experts from utilities, universities, and technology companies. These fast-paced presentations and discussions are moderated by CASA’s Greg Kester. Discover opportunities related to managing food waste with the implementation of SB 1383. Learn about new technologies for biogas, biosolids, energy-recovery, and the game-changing technologies reshaping our profession. Join CWEA and CASA in creating a sustainable future, as we showcase the breakthroughs supporting a cleaner and healthier California. Event will sell-out, register soon!

California Water Professionals Appreciation Week

We are thrilled to celebrate the seventh annual California Water Professionals Appreciation Week on October 7-15. We encourage CASA member agencies to showcase the programs and events that educate California water customers, local elected leaders, state and federal legislators and other key audiences. Sharing your agency’s activities during the week highlights the value of water and wastewater services and the important role that water professionals play in providing these services. It is also an opportunity to showcase careers in the water industry. For more information, visit CWEA’s California Water Professionals Appreciation Week webpage.

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That’s a Wrap! 2023 Legislative Session Adjourns

On Thursday, September 14 the Legislature adjourned for the final time in the 2023 Session after two weeks of daily Floor Sessions. Hundreds of bills were sent to the Governor in the final weeks of session, including many of interest to CASA members. With the Legislative Session coming to a close, bills that passed are headed to the Governor’s desk for his consideration. The Governor has until October 14 to sign or veto all the bills that were passed in the 2023 Session. 

Legislature Passes Bills to Ban PFAS in Consumer Products

CASA is excited to share that our co-sponsored bill, AB 727 (Weber), which aims to ban PFAS in cleaning products, and AB 246 (Papan), which seeks to ban PFAS in feminine care products, are headed to the Governor’s desk! These bills continue to highlight the importance of source reduction as the highest priority strategy for managing PFAS in the environment. CASA has prepared template letters of support urging for the Governor’s signature, and we encourage CASA member agencies to submit letters of support for both bills. Links: AB 727 Letter and AB 246 Letter.

Senate Committee Discusses CERCLA Liability Exemption for Water Sector

On September 7, the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works held a hearing entitled, “Implementing IIJA: Perspectives on Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Act, Part II.” The purpose was to hear from nonfederal stakeholders about the implementation of the law’s water sector investments and what improvements can be made to the process. However, the hearing’s discussion focused mainly on the existing policy and funding problems within the water and wastewater sectors, rather than reviewing implementation status. This included discussion on the threat PFAS poses to the affordability of water treatment operations and management of biosolids, the need for CERCLA liability exemption for the water sectors if PFAS is designated as a hazardous substance and the issue of water affordability, and the need for a permanent Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP).

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Bureau of Reclamation Announces New Water Recycling Funding Program 

Last week, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation has announced a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for WaterSMART Large-Scale Water Recycling Projects. This new program, created by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, is part of the overall effort by the Administration to respond to the increasing frequency and severity of drought conditions and the adverse impact the conditions are having on reliable water supplies. Upon the announcement, Commissioner Camille Touton stated that “as we work to address the drought crisis, its critical we are advancing innovative, forward-looking solutions that help communities develop local, drought resistant water supplies.”

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Welcome New CASA Members

American Biogas Council 

CCI BioEnergy

South Tahoe Public Utility District Appoints New General Manager

Last month, the South Tahoe Public Utility District (District) Board of Directors appointed Paul Hughes as the next General Manager. With over 28 years in the public sector and 15 years as the District’s chief financial officer, Hughes brings a strong financial background to the position. “I am excited to serve as the District’s next General Manager and honored to have the confidence of the Board of Directors,” said Hughes. “South Tahoe Public Utility District has exceptional employees who are dedicated to their jobs and serving the community of South Lake Tahoe. Leading a team like this is a manager’s dream, and I’m grateful for staff support.” Read more in the full press release.

Deadline Approaching; Apply Today for the WELL UnTapped Fellowship

UnTapped is a selective, six-month program for local elected leaders that helps participants make an impact on California water policy while addressing individual community water challenges. The UnTapped program creates an opportunity for local leaders to engage with water issues by exploring governance, infrastructure, finance, the water-energy nexus, and the impact of climate change on water supply and water quality. Learn more and apply today!

SWRCB Announces Extended Water and Wastewater Arrearage Payment Program

On August 25, the SWRCB announced that the new Extended Water and Wastewater Arrearage Payment Program extends the COVID Relief Period to December 31, 2023, with the state legislature allocating the remaining $600 million in federal funding for this Program. The new Extended Arrearage Program will include both water and wastewater debt from residential and commercial customers. Comments are due on September 25 on the draft Extended Water and Wastewater Arrearage Payment Program Guidelines (Guidelines). SWRCB staff will host a public information webinar on September 21, 2023, and the SWRCB will consider adoption of the Guidelines at their regularly scheduled Board meeting on October 3, 2023. The draft Guidelines and the notice of opportunity for public comments are available here, along with information about the public information webinar and the Board adoption meeting. If you have any questions or would like more information, please reach out to Spencer Saks.

EPA To Host Build America, Buy America Webinar *TODAY* September 21

Today, from 11:00am - 12:30pm, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) will host a Build America, Buy America (BABA) Act Discussion focusing on the Clean Water State Revolving Loan and Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Funds. The webinar will discuss the Office of Management and Budget's updated BABA guidance for manufactured products and construction materials. Registration is required to attend the webinar. Please use the following link to register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3661796366649708124

Perspectives on PFAS Virtual Workshop

The Clean Water Summit Partners are proud to present an informational webinar on what continues to be one of the hottest topics of the day: PFAS. Join us on Thursday, October 5th from 9:00am to 12:00pm, to hear about where things stand in California and nationally, the latest science and research, data trends, and what local water and wastewater agencies are doing to address these forever chemicals. Register today!

Innovative Technology Seminars

The 2023 Innovative Technology Seminars, co-hosted by CASA and CWEA, are happening on November 29th at the San Francisco Regional Water Board offices in Oakland and on November 30th at the Hyperion Water Resource Recovery Facility in Los Angeles. We are very excited to bring these popular seminars back this year with a tremendous lineup of speakers. Registration is now open! Please reach out to Greg Kester with any questions or comments.

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CASA represents more than 130 local public agencies engaged in the collection, treatment and recycling of Wastewater and biosolids to protect public health and the environment. Our mission is to provide trusted information and advocacy on behalf of California clean water agencies, and to be a leader in sustainability and utilization of renewable resources.

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