Winter Conference Registration Now Open
The 2023 Winter Conference is just a few months away and registration is now open! Discover what water professionals need to plan for in 2023 by hearing from experts on legislative and regulatory developments, automation and cybersecurity, drought, energy conservation and more. The CASA Winter Conference provides an opportunity to gather, network, share ideas, and discover solutions to complex challenges facing the wastewater community. Join us in Palm Springs January 25 - 27, 2023!
Register for the conference.
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Save the Date: Citizens Academy Webinar
Join us on Wednesday, December 14, from 11:00am to 12:00pm for a webinar on Citizen Academies! Hear from OC San, Napa San and Central San as they share lessons learned, planning, materials, budget and all the tools you need to build a successful program! Keep an eye out for more details in upcoming editions of CASA Connects.
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CASA Submits Comment Letter to EPA on PFAS CERCLA Designation
In response to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) request for public comment on the proposed Designation of Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctanesulfonic Acid (PFOS) as CERCLA Hazardous Substances, CASA submitted a comment letter last week. USEPA published the proposed rulemaking in the Federal Register in September. The public comment period deadline is November 7. In the letter, CASA acknowledges the importance of upholding water quality and safety standards and emphasizes this is a core responsibility of CASA members. However, the letter states that without specific language clarifying certain water and wastewater public utility activities are excluded, the designation would impose unreasonable liabilities and economic burdens on local public agencies and their ratepayers.
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EMWD Honored for Excellence in Financial Reporting
Congratulations to Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD), which has been recognized for Excellence in Financial Reporting by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), marking the 18th consecutive year that EMWD has earned the distinction. “EMWD is proud to again be recognized by the GFOA, and we thank them for this important honor,” EMWD Board President Phil Paule said. “We are committed to being trusted stewards of our rate-payers funds, and we are proud to do so in a transparent manner.” See the full press release here.
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The State of OC San
The Orange County Sanitation District (OC San) is hosting a virtual State of OC San event on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, at 9 a.m. During the event, General Manager, Jim Herberg, and Board Chairman, Chad Wanke, will provide an update on OC San, their accomplishments, and the future direction of the agency. An optional virtual Plant tour guided by Rob Thompson, OC San Assistant General Manager will take place immediately following the State of OC San from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Be sure to register today!
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CASA Celebrates Water Professionals Week
CASA was thrilled to celebrate the sixth annual California Water Professionals Appreciation Week last month! We are thankful for all the men and women (YOU) who continue to perform essential work to protect public health and the environment, 24/7, 365. This year, we teamed up with ACWA and CWEA to create a few video clips to highlight the value of water and wastewater services and the important role that water professionals play in providing these services. Check out the videos below and please feel free to share on your website and social media accounts. Community Education, Engineering and Operations, Finance, Leadership and Water Quality.
Recording Now Available for Clean Water Act at 50 Webinar
The Clean Water Act and Porter-Cologne provided California’s water professionals and regulators the support and funding needed to make monumental clean water achievements. Rivers, bays, and beaches across the Golden State are cleaner than ever and enjoyed by millions of residents and tourists. Check out the webinar which was recorded live on October 5, 2022, featuring a panel of experts discussing what’s next for California’s clean water laws.
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SWRCB & CWEA Operator in Training Survey
Yesterday, CWEA launched an operator survey developed in conjunction with the SWRCB by members of a workgroup focused on CA Operator Certification challenges. The purpose of this survey is to collect your feedback on the impacts of the Wastewater Operator in Training program upon the clean water community, as well as overall perception of its purpose, in order to collect preliminary information to inform CWEA’s work with the SWRCB on its future. The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete and closes on Tuesday November 22 before Thanksgiving. We encourage you to share this survey with an operations superintendent at your agency, and if you have questions about completing it, you may contact Norah Duffy for additional assistance.
Sign up for CASA’s Regulatory Updates
CASA’s Regulatory Workgroup regularly puts together a comprehensive e-newsletter to share all regulatory updates on key issues and workgroup initiatives with the CASA membership. If you are interested in receiving these regulatory updates, please contact Jared Voskuhl. The latest edition is available here.
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Professional Development Opportunity | |
2023 Water & Wastewater Leadership Center Applications Now Being Accepted!
With the belief that exceptional leadership is essential to the continued success of the water sector, the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies, the American Water Works Association, the National Association of Clean Water Agencies and the Water Environment Federation – in collaboration with the National Association of Water Companies – are pleased to continue their partnership to ensure that the Leadership Center arms utility executives with the management and leadership skills they need to excel. Celebrating over two decades of executive education designed specifically for water and wastewater professionals, the 2023 Water & Wastewater Leadership Center (WWLC) will convene at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill March 12-23, 2023. As always, the Center offers exceptional coursework taught by an unequaled UNC faculty, all tailored specifically for the water sector.
Applications are now being accepted for the class of 2023 – and must be received by December 9, 2022.
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BAYWORK Virtual Training Buffet
Join BAYWORK on November 8, 9, and 10, from 10:00am to 3:00pm via Zoom for a variety of workshops on topics ranging from Nutrient Optimization to Creating Career Pathways and Next-Gen Workforce Development. All workshops are free! Check out the full suite of classes and register here.
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California Financing Coordinating Committee 2022 Fall Funding Fairs
The California Financing Coordinating Committee (CFCC) is pleased to invite you to attend a free virtual funding fair on November 3, 2022 (see flyer for more information). The funding fair will provide the opportunity to learn more about available grant, loan, and bond financing options for infrastructure projects from federal, state, and local agencies.
Representatives from water industry professionals, public works and local governments are encouraged to attend. For more information about CFCC, please visit the website at
Registration is now open for the H2OSecCon: Security for the Water Sector. Covering three afternoons, this one-of-a-kind virtual event will help water utilities understand physical and cyber threats and boost security. H2OSecCon will feature critical recommendations, industry subject matter experts, and resources that utilities need to protect their consumers, assets, and the environment. Register today! The event is a 3-day event November 15-17.
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Careers and Opportunities | |
CASA represents more than 125 local public agencies engaged in the collection, treatment and recycling of Wastewater and biosolids to protect public health and the environment. Our mission is to provide trusted information and advocacy on behalf of California clean water agencies, and to be a leader in sustainability and utilization of renewable resources. | | | | | |