2022 CASA Winter Conference
We are happy to announce that our 2022 Winter Conference will be held in-person at the Hilton Palm Springs on January 19-21. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other at a CASA Winter Conference, and while some things have changed, the best parts remain the same! We are bringing back all our favorite elements, including round-table discussions, live panels, stellar speakers, and plenty of networking opportunities. This year’s Winter Conference theme is “Partners in Excellence,” because we truly could not do what we do without all of you!
As we ease back into in-person events, we appreciate your patience and willingness to follow all COVID protocols to ensure that we all remain as safe and healthy as possible.
Connecting Beyond CASA Connects: Join CASA’s LISTSERVs!
Is there a topic of interest particularly near and dear to you? Maybe biosolids? Collection systems? Legislative advocacy? Along with this newsletter, CASA offers several other ways to connect and share on these topics and more. With several LISTSERVs available to our members for updates on Biosolids, Communications, Collection Systems, Federal Advocacy, Regulatory Issues, State Advocacy, Air Quality, Climate Change, and Renewable Energy, and our NEWEST listserv, Professional Development, there really is something for everyone! These group email lists are interactive and the most immediate way to get up to date information about what’s going on in the world of clean water advocacy.

Members can subscribe employees to any (or all) of these LISTSERVs. If you are interested, please send Cheryl MacKelvie your email at and identify the list you would like to subscribe to. We are proud to be your source for wastewater legislative, regulatory, and industry news! Below please find a brief description of each LISTSERV:
Federal Legislative Update
House Passes Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
After months of scheduling delays, House Democratic leadership passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (H.R. 3864) on a vote of 228 - 206 last week. The legislation now goes to the President's desk to be signed into law.
H.R. 3684 provides a total of $1.2 trillion in new infrastructure funding, much of which will be awarded through competitive funding solicitations that the appropriate federal agencies will issue in the coming months. The package provides a significant amount of funding for the water and wastewater infrastructure sectors. To better understand where potential funding opportunities exist that CASA members could apply for, please see the attached summaries. For questions regarding H.R. 3684 or program funding, please contact Sarah Sapirstein and Eric Sapirstein
Regulatory Update
Sign up for CASA’s Regulatory Updates
CASA’s Regulatory Workgroup regularly puts together a comprehensive e-newsletter to share all regulatory updates on key issues and workgroup initiatives with the CASA membership. If you are interested in receiving these regulatory updates, please contact Jared Voskuhl. Last month’s edition is available here.
SWB 2020 Volumetric Report– 1M AF Recycled
At the State Water Board’s October 19 meeting, staff reported on the 2020 volumetric annual report of wastewater and recycled water. In 2020, the amount of water recycled in California under the state’s Title 22 regulations grew 6 percent over the previous year to reach 728,000 acre-feet per year. Combined with recycled water used for environmental protection, which is not considered a Title 22 use, California now exceeds 1 million acre-feet of water recycling annually. WateReuse California (WRCA) testified that the potable reuse totals are expected to more than double in the coming years as major projects have begun construction and direct potable reuse regulations are in draft form. WRCA also asked that the State Water Board include the “instream flow” and “natural systems” recycled water uses in its statewide totals for the 2021 report, as this will give the public a more complete understanding of the benefits of recycled water to California. Please reach out to Jared Voskuhl with feedback or questions. 
In Case You Missed It
LVMWD and CASA on Air!
CASA’s Jessica Gauger joined the Las Virgenes Municipal Water District (LVMWD) for an interview with KCLU, a local national public radio station for the Central California Coast to talk wipes! Listen to the interview and check out the news article here.
Drought Assistance Available from U.S. EPA
If your water system has been affected by the ongoing drought, U.S. EPA may be able to help. U.S. EPA is coordinating with federal and state partners to assist water and wastewater utilities with identifying possible drought mitigation strategies, as well as to help utilities understand the types of funding available. Eligible projects can include the following: aquifer storage and recovery, deeper wells, water reuse, alternative water sources, flood diversion and storage, leak detection projects, and more. To receive assistance, email your utility name, city, state and phone number to U.S. EPA will contact you and guide you through the various sources of assistance. Additional information and resources can be found on the attached flyer.
Notice of Charleston Flushable Wipes Settlement
The federal district court in Charleston, South Carolina, has given preliminary approval to a proposed Class Action Settlement between Plaintiff Charleston Water System and Defendant Kimberly-Clark Corporation (“Kimberly-Clark”) addressing Kimberly-Clark’s flushable and non-flushable wipe products.  CASA has been provided the notice of preliminary approval to share with our members for their review as a condition of the settlement.

The settlement does not affect any potential individual claims against wipe manufacturers for damages or other monetary relief due to wipes-related blockages. However, if approved, Kimberly-Clark will implement certain modifications to its business practices with respect to flushable wipes, as well as labeling requirements for non-flushable wipes, and Settlement Class Members will release all claims for injunctive relief they may have against Kimberly-Clark arising from or relating to Plaintiff’s allegations. The settlement is available for review here.

The settlement ensures that Kimberly-Clark’s Cottonelle Flushable Wipes will meet a national municipal flushability standard for flushable wipes and Kimberly-Clark will provide much improved notice on its packages of non-flushable wipes that such wipes should not be flushed. In combination they are hopeful that this settlement will significantly reduce collection system impacts from Kimberly-Clark’s products, and eventually other manufacturers’ products, given that this settlement will set a precedent/standard for the rest of the industry.
Member News
Welcome New Associate Member!
EMWD Honored as Forward-Thinking Utility
Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) has been recognized with the 2021 Utility of the Future Today award for its commitment to a sustainable clean energy portfolio, marking the second consecutive year it has earned the honor. EMWD’s award application highlighted its investments in energy generation and recovery programs and projects, including its solar voltaic production systems. “EMWD is honored to again be recognized as a forward-thinking utility,” EMWD Board President Phil Paule said. “We are proud of the investments we have made in renewable energy sources that have helped save our ratepayers millions of dollars each year. We thank the organization (NACWA) for this award recognizing our commitment our customers.” Read more in the press release.
West County Wastewater Paves the Way for Progress
At West County Wastewater (WCW), inclusiveness and diversity drive daily operations, and they know diversity is vital to an innovative and resilient workplace and community. WCW embraces the ideas that each employee brings to the table and recognizes that diversity brings innovation. That’s why they are dedicated to advocating for empowerment and equality, including growing the number of women working in the water and wastewater world. 
Over the past few years, WCW has increased their workforce of women significantly, with many filling leadership roles and plant operator positions. By normalizing women in the wastewater industry, paving the way forward, advocating for inclusion and providing a family-friendly work environment, they open doors for those who may not otherwise pursue a wastewater career. Read more in WCW’s newsletter The Lateral.
Webinars, Workshops & Events
Exclusive Member Benefit: Webinar Tracking Made Easy!
Would you like to receive a comprehensive list of upcoming webinars, workshops, and events delivered straight to your inbox? Sign up for CASA’s newest LISTSERV, Professional Development, a source to keep you informed of upcoming webinars, workshops, trainings, events, and general opportunities for professional development in all facets of the clean water industry including biosolids, communications, finance, human resources, regulatory, and more. Do you know a shining star in your agency that might benefit from continued growth and professional development opportunities? Be sure to share this resource with them! To get signed up for the newest CASA LISTSERV, please email Cheryl MacKelvie with your name, preferred email, and affiliated agency or association.
Oct 7th Diversity in California Water Panel Discussion
The California water sector is rapidly hiring. How do we reflect California’s diversity at all levels of our workforce and foster a more inclusive environment with our co-workers? Watch the panel of water leaders discuss workforce development programs, new DEI efforts, what can hold back diversity efforts, and the champions we need to move these efforts forward. The webinar took place on October 7, 2021 as part of a series celebrating water professionals during California Water Professionals Appreciation Week. Watch Here.
PPIC Water Policy Center Conference  
The Public Policy Institute of California’s annual November water policy conference, “Seizing the Drought: Water Priorities for Our Changing Climate” event will include three late morning webinars (11:00 AM –12:00 PM) on November 15, 16, and 17. At the conference, the PPIC Water Policy Center will convene a diverse group of experts to discuss how to tackle the highly disruptive effects of climate change on our water system, including immediate actions we can take to boost the state’s resilience. CASA is pleased to be a sponsor of this event. Be sure to register today!
CalEPA Hosting Microplastics Event
On November 17, the State Water Resource Control Board (State Water Board) is hosting a public workshop on their development of drinking water analytical methods and a testing and reporting plan for drinking water utilities. Previously, on September 28, the State Water Board’s microplastics webpage was  updated with SOPs for using raman spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy, while the proposed drinking water testing and report plan will be released on November 10. Comments on the methods and plan are due on December 22, and they’re expected to be adopted by the State Water Board at their February 15, 2022 meeting. Early next year, the State Water Board is also planning to release analytical methods for ocean water, sediment, and fish tissue. Please contact Jared Voskuhl with your comments, feedback, or questions.
2022 CASA Winter Conference
CASA’s 2022 Winter Conference will be held in-person at the Hilton Palm Springs on January 19-21. We are bringing back all our favorite elements, including round-table discussions, live panels, stellar speakers, and plenty of networking opportunities. This year’s Winter Conference theme is “Partners in Excellence,” because we truly could not do what we do without all of you!

Be sure to register today!
CASA represents more than 125 local public agencies engaged in the collection, treatment and recycling of Wastewater and biosolids to protect public health and the environment. Our mission is to provide trusted information and advocacy on behalf of California clean water agencies, and to be a leader in sustainability and utilization of renewable resources.