May 2024

We are prayerful and hopeful as the UMC General Conference meets in Charlotte, NC, April 23 – May 3. I hope you will participate in our prayer vigil for General Conference by praying from home/work any day during the session. As we pray for the Spirit to lead the delegations, let us also pray for the unity of the Christian Church in the world. Our church family at Trinity means so much to all of us, and our prayer is to remain united and strong in Christ before, during, and after General Conference. We trust in Jesus’ statement, “With God all things are possible.” News articles and live-streaming are available for the worship and business sessions at this web address:


The month of May is a celebratory time for us at Trinity and as members of Holston Conference. We will be celebrating Ascension Sunday (May 5), Mother’s Day and the recognition of high school graduates (May 12), Pentecost (May 19), Trinity Sunday (May 26), and Missions Month! I hope you can join us each Sunday for these meaningful worship experiences. May is Missions Month, so please be aware of our recent support of our missionaries in Willow, Alaska, through our donation of gifts for their food pantry. As Annual Conference approaches, we’re also preparing to support these additional missions: food buckets for our UMC Children’s Home in Zimbabwe, the Change for Children grant, and the offering for the New Voices campaign. We’re very grateful to all of the bakers and those who made purchases and other special offerings— surpassing our goal—for New Voices! Thank you for being so generous by sharing Christ’s love with neighbors near and far!


May we draw closer to Christ and to each other during this important time in Church history.


Prayerfully yours,


May 5: John 15:9-17

May 12: Ephesians 1:15-23 

May 19: Acts 2:1-4, 14-21 

May 26: Isaiah 6:1-8

Scripture Readers

May 5: Pam Cunningham

May 12: Don Manley

May 19: Pat Gillespie

May 26: Mariah Lorh


Chancel Choir

We will sing on Sunday, May 5, and Sunday, May 19.


The Silver Winds

On May 19, we are excited to announce that The Silver Winds Flute Choir will join us for worship! They will play our service music that day. You won’t want to miss this!

Wednesday, June 5, 2024 6:00 PM

Trinity United Methodist Church


Bob and Cindy Boddy are Search & Rescue (SAR) K-9 handlers and members of the Fentress County Rescue Squad. They started their SAR careers as mounted horse teams. A few years later they switched to K-9 handlers and have actively trained and worked K-9s for the past 14 years.


Bob is retired from the Air National Guard and Comcast. In addition to mounted and K-9 work, Bob’s SAR career has included search management. He mentored youth in the 4-H competitive trail riding program and was a Scout leader. He is actively training Elinor, their Australian Shepard, for recovery searches on land. His dog, Rinn, is being trained for water recovery. For fun, Bob and Elinor compete in AKC rally.


Cindy is a retired paraprofessional for a Special Education program. In addition to being a mounted and K-9 SAR member, she has worked as a 4-H leader for 20 plus years and was also a Scout Leader. She is actively working two certified canines, Tyme and River, in area search and land recovery searches. For fun, Cindy likes to do agility and rally with Tyme, an Australian Shepherd. She does barn hunt with Zayle, a Miniature American Shepherd. She also certifies canines for Bright and Beautiful Therapy Canine services and is an AKC Canine Good Citizen evaluator.


The best part of Bob and Cindy’s day is working and playing with their dogs!!!

The presentation will be outside under the Lucille Viator Pavilion weather permitting. The presentation will be moved indoors if necessary. 

Operational Fund Balance as of the close of March:


For those 70 ½ or older with retirement accounts that require an annual minimum withdrawal, there is an option to make a direct distribution to a qualified charitable organization (QCD) and have that amount count toward the minimum distribution but not count toward taxable income. Trinity UMC is a qualified 501 (c) 3.


This option may be appealing to some since the 2018 changes to our tax law made it more difficult to have a charitable donation deduction. Please check with your brokerage /account manager to see if this is an option that might be beneficial to you as you meet your annual commitment to Trinity.

IRA owners age 70-1/2 or older may now make a one-time qualified charitable distribution (QCD) of up to $50,000 from an IRA to fund a charitable life income gift vehicle (CGA or CRT). Payments can be made to a donor and/or donor’s spouse. This is great news for individuals who do not need their Required Minimal Distribution and non-profits/churches who need funding and welcome this new opportunity to support their mission. (Source: Holston Foundation)

We distribute food on Wednesdays 10 am to 12 pm at the main entrance.


For Those In Need 

We have no qualifying requirements. If you are in need of food, just ask! Food is available on a first-come-first-served basis on Wednesdays. We suggest that you call the church office at (865) 588-5763 before you arrive to make sure we still have food available that day.


For Those Who Wish To Help 

Prayer: Ask our Lord to help us have the resources we need, the people to volunteer, and an end to hunger.


Time: Our Food Pantry gives every church member an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus. On a weekly basis, we take inventory, shop for groceries, pack the food bags, and distribute the food bags. If you have the time to help with any of these tasks, just ask and we’ll find a place for you.


Donations: We have a large collection box located at the entrance to the Sanctuary. Below is a list of the items we routinely need!

Food Pantry Shopping List

 Canned Tuna or Chicken

Canned Fruit & Vegetables

Boxed Breakfast Cereal

Peanut Butter



Boxed Mac & Cheese

Spaghetti Noodles

Pasta Sauce


Club or Saltine Crackers

Mike Ooten is looking for a few good people who are interested in learning to video the Sunday morning worship and then edit the video and upload the service to Facebook and YouTube.


If you are interested in learning the processes and volunteers, please talk to Mike or email him at

5/1 Amber Brockelman

5/3 Kitty Loewen

5/3 Vanessa Waller

5/4 Camille Clark

5/4 Mike France

5/4 Austin Shaw

5/4 Jacqueline Wright

5/4 John Hankins

5/5 Nancy Bush

5/5 Holly Fuquay

5/6 Benjamin Hosack

5/6 Mikayla Walker

5/7 Greg Waller

5/12 Elsie Sorey

5/12 Doris Frazier

5/14 Cathy Dixon

5/14   Pat Gillespie

5/14 Scott Milligan

5/15 Donald Cook

5/15 Justin Cook

5/15 Logan Cook

5/17 Taylor Fuquay

5/19 Randy Moore

5/20 David Black

5/21 Chiannah Ruckart

5/22 Angie Carli

5/22 Bill Doan

5/23 Trish Burgess

5/25 Bob Witzak

5/25 Josh Howard

5/27 Rick Nodell

5/28 Hailey Compton

5/28 Kimberly DeRoche

5/29 James Raxter

5/29 Tina King

5/31 Charles McMillin

Brian Westfall

Marty McNeil

Rev. Ken Abbott

Bill Doan

Ed Coppock

Mike Ooten

Ginger Mayfield

Liana Woods

Liz Wright

John Farmer

Janell Snodgrass

Paula Williamson

Suzie Hazlewood

Janice Sabo

Betty Hall

2024 General Conference

Peace in Israel

Peace in Ukraine

Our troops and their families

The leaders & staff of Trinity

In Memory of

Joangay Phildius and Keith Phildius Jr.

Given by

Bob & Sally Phildius

Please donate these items to the church by Sunday, June 2. The buckets, lids, and shipping fee will be provided for us this year, thanks to a generous donor. We will send our buckets along with thousands of donations throughout Holston Conference to assist our UMC Fairfield Children’s Home in Mutare, Zimbabwe. Thank you for providing nourishing food for the precious children of our UMC mission school!


1 bag of sugar      

1 box of powdered/dried milk (56.4 oz. or smaller)

1 bag of self-rising flour (4-5 pounds)         

1 bottle of cooking oil (48 oz. or smaller)

1 bag of rice (2 pounds)                                  

1 box of 20 individual-sized tea bags (orange or green tea)

1 bag of dried beans (2 pounds)                   

1 canned ham or canned meat/tuna/chicken (2 pounds max.)

Online worship on Facebook and YouTube,

and in-person worship in the sanctuary.

Join us on Sundays at 10 am!

The deadline for newsletter submissions is the 20th.

Please email your newsletter submissions to

Facebook  Instagram  Twitter  YouTube

Trinity United Methodist Church 5613 Western Ave. Knoxville, TN 37921

Office (865) 588-5763 Trinity Child Development Center (865) 588-6833