July 2024

I’d like to share some updates from the recent session of Annual Conference. When the June newsletter was published, we had collected 30 buckets of food for our mission in Zimbabwe; however, by the delivery date we had collected a total of 35! Our church collaborated with congregations across Holston to provide 4,909 buckets and backpacks for our missionaries in Zimbabwe and Liberia. We first announced our New Voices Campaign total was $1,559.00, but you continued giving—for a total of $1,899.00! The Lord helped us to do “far more than all we imagined.” I’m so inspired and grateful that, together, we did more than we imagined!


Bishop Debra Wallace-Padgett led us throughout the Conference with this dynamic theme: “Serve Together.” As we consider the call to “Serve Together,” I’d like to emphasize the inspirational phrase from Ephesians 3 (above): God is able to accomplish abundantly far more than we can ask or imagine! I pray that you will continue to serve with us faithfully at Trinity, and I greatly appreciate the many ways you are contributing to our offerings and ministries. We always have a place for each member to use gifts to enrich the work of Christ’s Kingdom. The leaders and I desire to offer opportunities for more servants to help us with the food pantry, the nursery, building improvements, greeting, ushering, singing in the choir, attending Sunday School, reaching out to the lost and lonely, coordinating special projects, etc. Please work and pray with me in a concerted effort to serve the Lord “far more abundantly.” The resources we have to help us are being promoted throughout Holston Conference: Dynamite Prayer and Fresh Expressions--a movement throughout Methodism to get Christians out of the pews and into the community to serve persons who haven’t yet been invited into a relationship with Christ.


I’m excited to begin this new Conference year with you as we respond to God’s faith in us to accomplish abundantly far more than we can ask or imagine! God bless you!


Gratefully yours,


July 7: Mark 6:6b-13

July 14: Ephesians 1:3-14

July 21: Mark 6:30-34, 53-36

July 28: John 6:1-14

Scripture Readers

July 7: Donald Balcom

July 14: Becky Piercy

July 21: Pam Cunningham

July 28: Carl Tockstein


Chancel Choir

We will not rehearse in July until Wednesday, July 31! Watch for emails about singing Sunday mornings.



FREE Concert Under The Pavilion

Saturday, July 20 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

The band Single Malt will play this night! They play covers of tunes from the 60’s through the 90’s. Featuring our own Russ Fuquay along with drummer Don Lordo and multi-instrumentalist Rachel Schlaffer Parton. Beverages and popcorn are provided.


Bring the family! We provide childcare for school age children at the playground, so drop off your kiddos, bring a chair, and listen to some good music!

What would cool us off better in the summer heat than to think of Christmas?! Our Food Pantry Team would like to sponsor “Christmas in July” again this summer to restock our food pantry. We’ve recently increased the number of bags we fill each week from 30 to 35, so that means we often provide groceries for more than 120 neighbors. We also offer fresh loaves of sliced bread each week, thanks to the generosity of our Sunday School classes. During the harvesting months of the year, we are able to share fresh produce from our friends at the Ebenezer Farmers’ Market. If you are interested in helping us glean produce on the first and second Tuesdays of the summer months, please let us know. Thank you, Trinity, for your generosity and prayers for this important ministry!


Ron Raymond

Food Pantry Coordinator

July 10: Food Pantry volunteering 9:30 am

July 25: Progressive Dinner 5:00 pm

TBD: Service Project at Wesley House

For details visit Trinity UMC Crossfire Youth on Facebook

Suzy Ooten is in need of help in the kitchen! If you are interested in helping, please contact Suzy!

Operational Fund Balance as of the close of May:


For those 70 ½ or older with retirement accounts that require an annual minimum withdrawal, there is an option to make a direct distribution to a qualified charitable organization (QCD) and have that amount count toward the minimum distribution but not count toward taxable income. Trinity UMC is a qualified 501 (c) 3.


This option may be appealing to some since the 2018 changes to our tax law made it more difficult to have a charitable donation deduction. Please check with your brokerage /account manager to see if this is an option that might be beneficial to you as you meet your annual commitment to Trinity.

IRA owners age 70-1/2 or older may now make a one-time qualified charitable distribution (QCD) of up to $50,000 from an IRA to fund a charitable life income gift vehicle (CGA or CRT). Payments can be made to a donor and/or donor’s spouse. This is great news for individuals who do not need their Required Minimal Distribution and non-profits/churches who need funding and welcome this new opportunity to support their mission. (Source: Holston Foundation)

We distribute food on Wednesdays 10 am to 12 pm at the main entrance.


For Those In Need 

We have no qualifying requirements. If you are in need of food, just ask! Food is available on a first-come-first-served basis on Wednesdays. We suggest that you call the church office at (865) 588-5763 before you arrive to make sure we still have food available that day.


For Those Who Wish To Help 

Prayer: Ask our Lord to help us have the resources we need, the people to volunteer, and an end to hunger.


Time: Our Food Pantry gives every church member an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus. On a weekly basis, we take inventory, shop for groceries, pack the food bags, and distribute the food bags. If you have the time to help with any of these tasks, just ask and we’ll find a place for you.


Donations: We have a large collection box located at the entrance to the Sanctuary. Below is a list of the items we routinely need!

Food Pantry Shopping List

 Canned Tuna or Chicken

Canned Fruit & Vegetables

Boxed Breakfast Cereal

Peanut Butter



Boxed Mac & Cheese

Spaghetti Noodles

Pasta Sauce


Club or Saltine Crackers

Mike Ooten is looking for a few good people who are interested in learning to video the Sunday morning worship and then edit the video and upload the service to Facebook and YouTube.


If you are interested in learning the processes and volunteers, please talk to Mike or email him at mike.ooten@knoxtrinity.org

7/1 Lee Bell

7/ 2  Jeff Bailey

7/4  Trevor Dixon

7/ 5  Charlie Beasley

7/7 Meagan Jones

7/7 Melvin Mooney

7/8 Russell Hankins

7/10Becky Piercy

7/10Ken Bird

7/11 Ben Dager

7/11 Wyatt DeRoche

7/12 Nancy Bird

7/12 Charity Davenport

7/13 Karen Lang

7/13 Glenda Teams

7/15 Rebecca Bush

7/16 Barbara Clark

7/16 Julius Deaton

7/20 Janie Teams

7/21 Jane Stooksbury

7/22 Ike Freeman

7/22 Samantha Johnson

7/22 Mike Ooten

7/ 22 Betty Wallace

7/23 Greg McNeil

7/23 Billy Hobbs

7/25 Betty Eason

7/28 Tom Abbott

7/29 Cinnie Offutt


Deborah Welch

Ed Coppock

Christine Young

Tammy Brummitt

Janell Snodgrass

Sadie Kinnamon

June Nickle

Sandy Beddia

Bill Doan

Betty Hall

Peace in Israel

Peace in Ukraine

Our troops and their families

The leaders & staff of Trinity

In Memory of

Christine Taylor

Given by

Jack & Sheree Shaw

Carl & Anne Tockstein


In Memory of

Keith Phildius Jr

Given by

Bob & Sally Phildius

Children, youth, and parents, please mark your calendars for Saturday, August 3. We want to treat the children and youth to a day filled with fun, Bible stories, Olympic games, a picnic, s’mores, and more! Watch the Sunday announcements and Facebook posts this month for details, or contact Gail Vandiver or Pastor Barbara. We welcome all volunteers to make this event the best ever. We hope to see you on August 3 for a fabulously fun day together!

Online worship on Facebook and YouTube,

and in-person worship in the sanctuary.

Join us on Sundays at 10 am!

The deadline for newsletter submissions is the 20th.

Please email your newsletter submissions to contact@knoxtrinity.org

Facebook  Instagram  Twitter  YouTube

Trinity United Methodist Church 5613 Western Ave. Knoxville, TN 37921

Office (865) 588-5763 Trinity Child Development Center (865) 588-6833