Annual Ministry Theme: Imagine
June Ministry Theme: Openness
The openness of our hearts and minds can be measured by how wide we draw the circle of what we call family.
-Mother Teresa
Sunday Worship
"Youth Sunday"
“The arrogance of age must submit to be taught by youth.”
--Edmund Burke
The FRS has a tradition of a robust youth ministry, from justice learning trips to the coming-of-age program, to youth group, overnights, and social action work. This morning, some of the mentors and advisors to our teenagers will reflect on the many gifts they have received from serving in this ministry. Please join us!
Virtual coffee hour following service on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 817 2180 1499 / Passcode: 668856
One tap mobile: +19292056099,,81721801499#
Dial by phone: +1 929 205 6099
Building Reopening
Beginning Monday, June 14th, the FRS Sanctuary, the Parish Hall first floor, and the Parish Hall second floor will be available for in-person meetings. Currently, the Lower Meetinghouse remains closed for meetings or gatherings until September.
We ask that attendees observe the following guidelines when meeting inside church spaces:
- Masks are required for everyone’s safety, as we are not confirming vaccination status.
- Attendees are encouraged to practice social distancing when possible and to open windows for air circulation.
- Restrooms are available in the Parish Hall.
- Please clean up the space at the end of the meeting and close any open windows before exiting the building.
You can request a reservation by using the online reservation form on the FRS calendar page: Please check the church calendar to the left of the form, to see if your desired time and space is available.
What is a Welcoming Congregation?
First Religious Society of Newburyport (FRS) received recognition as a UUA Welcoming Congregation in 1996 and renewed our commitment in 2017. This designation indicates that FRS has completed the UUA program to become intentionally more inclusive of bisexual, gay, lesbian, and/or transgender (b/g/l/t) people.
As a Welcoming Congregation, FRS strives to:
- Include and address the needs of b/g/l/t persons at every level of congregational life—in worship, programs, religious education, official documents, hiring, social occasions, and in rites of passage—welcoming their presence and the gifts and particularities of their lives.
- Offer congregational and ministerial support for union and memorial services for b/g/l/t persons, and for celebrations of family definitions.
- Engage in outreach to the broader b/g/l/t community and seek to nurture ongoing dialogue between bisexual, gay, lesbian, transgender, and heterosexual persons to create deeper trust and sharing.
- Attend to legislative developments and work to promote justice, freedom, and equality in the larger society, speaking out when the rights of bisexual, gay, lesbian, and transgender people are at stake.
The work of welcome is never finished. While many lesbian and gay Unitarian Universalists may have experienced full inclusion, bisexuals continue to struggle for visibility. Likewise, the transgender community is fighting for viability and inclusion in a faith lauded as radically inclusive. It is essential that we all understand our congregation's commitment to this work, our original involvement in the program, and learn about the current needs and concerns of LGBTQ+ people.
The Welcoming Committee is open to all in our community and we are looking for new participants.
2021-2-22 Shared Sunday Collection/Collection for a Cause Update
Thanks to all who passed along suggestions for FRS local charitable support. After much discussion, the Community Human Services Group voted upon the following schedule for the 2021-2022:
September: Jeanne Geiger Center
October: Greater Newbury Elder Pet Fund
November: Essex County Habitat for Humanity
December: Fuel Assistance
January: Community Service Camperships
February: MA Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence
March: UTEC: Breaking Barriers to Youth Success
April: Merrimack Valley Black and Brown Voices
May: Emmaus
June: LGBT Asylum Task Force
Let's celebrate the music from this year!
Musicians from the FRS community and beyond have worked hard to bring their gifts to the congregation throughout the pandemic. As we look back on this year of virtual church, we celebrate their efforts to keep us connected and uplifted. Please enjoy this YouTube playlist, featuring some highlights from the FRS Adult Choir and others.
Just Two Weeks Left to Purchase Your Ticket(s)!
FRS Dinner for 2 Anywhere in the World Raffle
Only 2,500 tickets will be sold -- drawing on June 20th
FRS Annual Summer Book Sale is On!
We are excited to share with you that we will hold our annual book sale during Newburyport's Yankee Homecoming. The tentative dates for the sale are August 5-7.
We need volunteers to help with coordinating this event, which is a great way to engage with the broader community.
We Are Looking for a Few Good Hosts for our Summer Services
Do you want to help host and/or run the Zoom support for the summer services? We will train you! We also have a small stipend available. Contact Vern Ellis, or 617-686-9123 if you are interested in helping or have questions.
Summer Series: Joy
Each summer, Reverend Rebecca offers an email series open to everyone. This year's theme is joy. Registrants will receive an email each Monday for nine weeks, from July 5-August 23. Each week will include a brief reflection and suggested exercises, including writing prompts, conversation starters, and embodied spiritual practices.
Sign up here! Please share with a friend or relative who may be interested. They need not be a member to participate.
Spiritual Gathering
When: Sunday, June 13, from 3:30-4:30pm
Spiritual Gathering is an opportunity to gather and reflect on our own spiritual experiences and journeys together. We will meet at the Mall across from CVS on Pond Street in Newburyport.
Short Story Group
When: Tuesday, June 15, noon via Zoom
The short story group focuses on reading and discussing anthologies.
The story for reading/discussion - the second-last one in the anthology! - will be “The Half-Skinned Steer”, by Annie Proulx.
All welcome to join!
Exploring Elderhood Together
When: Thursday, June 17, noon-1:30pm on Zoom
Our June program is inspired by cellist Yo-Yo Ma's album Songs from the Arc of Life, created with his long-time accompanist Kathryn Stott. They've chosen their favorite songs to reflect the breadth of life — what Ma calls "soundtracks" of our lives, times that can awaken us to deep memories, meaning, or a particular delight.
What are the soundtracks of your life?
Join Zoom Meeting:
Spirit Matters dives into questions such as: What does it mean to be spiritual in these times? I know I believe in something, but I don't know what it is, or how to explore it. What can I do?
Listen to Spirit Matters on WJOP or "Joppa Radio" (96.3) with host Reverend Rebecca Bryan and Mary Jacobsen. The show airs on the 2nd Saturday of the month and will simulcast at 9:00am (broadcast at the same time on radio and television) on WJOP 96.3 FM Newburyport and Comcast Cable Channel 9. Your questions and discussion topics are welcomed!
Community-wide Events
This section is for events and opportunities taking place beyond our FRS doors
Look, Listen, Learn: A Community Dialogue Series
When: Tuesday, June 15 & 29
from 6-8pm via Zoom
For more information click here!
Pride Picnic
When: Saturday, June 27
from 11:15-2pm at Main Street Congregational church, Amesbury
For more information click here!
Pocket Gardens Tour of Portsmouth
When: Friday June 25 from 5-8pm and Saturday June 26 from 10am-4pm
For more information click here!
Monday Night Meditation on Zoom
When: Mondays, 6:30pm
These weekly sessions are led by Joyce Haydock, Senior Dharma Teacher with the International Kwan Um School of Zen. She has been with the school since 1989. This FRS UU Monday group was established over ten years ago. Our sessions consist of two or three chants, two readings/teachings and 30 minutes of sitting meditation. Beginners are welcome.
Spiritual Practice with Julie Parker Amery
When: Tuesdays, 11am
This is a drop-in program, so come as often as you'd like. Each week, we dive into a poem, reading, photograph, painting, or wisdom tale and notice what it's saying to us in that particular moment. This is not interpretation—it's not about trying to figure out what the writer or artist is trying to convey—but what it stirs within you. Questions? Contact Julie Parker Amery at
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 944 4098 2749
Passcode: 867415
Dial by phone: +1 646 558 8656
Guided Relaxation with Susan Cooper
When: Wednesdays, 10am
Join FRS member and LICSW Susan Cooper on Wednesdays at 10am for a brief period of mid-week relaxation and renewal. Each 30-minute session will include a guided visualization and reflection on questions around where we hold stress and how we can release it. You'll also learn some relaxation techniques to use on your own. This is a drop-in program; come one time or many.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 873 4945 8812
Passcode: 884416
Dial by your location: +1 646 558 8656
Online Friday Book Group
When: Fridays, 10-11:30am
We are reading the 2015 Pulitzer Prize winning novel All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. This stunning work of fiction follows a blind French girl and a German orphan boy whose fates intertwine in the siege of Saint-Malo during WWII. Despite the war setting, Doerr captures the goodness of people under dire circumstances.
For this week we are reading through Part 6 (page 313 in paperback).
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 870 4388 5100
Dial by your location: +1 646 558 8656
closed captioning is available
The deadline for the next Steeple newsletter is Sunday, June 13, 2021.
Minister–The Reverend Rebecca Bryan; Affiliate Minister–Stan Barrett; Affiliate Minister–Helen Murgida; Minister Emeritus–The Reverend Harold Babcock. Staff: Multimedia Specialist–Andrew Bakhit; Office Administrator–Diane Carroll; Director of Children's Ministry–Mara Flynn; Director of Church Music–Justin Murphy-Mancini; Director of Faith Formation and Spiritual Exploration–Julie Parker Amery; Business Administrator–vacant; Director of Congregational and Community Engagement–Cynthia Walsh. Parish Board: Chair–Rebecca Brodish; Vice Chair–Judy Fayre; Clerk–Holly Cashman; Treasurer-Endowment—Kim Kenly; Treasurer–Finance-Rich Johnson; Finance Chair–Tom Himmel; Maureen Adams, Juliana Beauvais, Micah Donahue, Vern Ellis, Michelle Kimball, Jennifer Rabold, Forrest Speck, Renee Wolf-Foster.
First Religious Society, Unitarian Universalist | 26 Pleasant St., Newburyport MA 01950