St. Thomas Updates

August 22, 2024

This Week...

Wagon Days

Registration Sunday

Sunday School Classes and Youth Group

Schoolhouse Rock Photos

Adult Education Offerings

Altar Flowers

Coffee Hour

Volunteer for Hospice

Wisdom Walks

Exploring Faith Matters

Men's Coffee

Service Volunteers

Prayer List

Wagon Days Seating & Chili

Saturday, August 31

Please email by

Friday, August 30 to reserve!

Proceeds benefit Youth Ministry Fund.

Remember to get into town early. The roads get closed down early.

11:00 am Seating Opens (your name will be on your seat)

11:30 am Food Sales Begin

Chili, hot dogs, and drinks available for purchase

1:00 pm Parade

Reserve your seat ($15/seat) by emailing Sara Gorby, or call the church office.

Registration Sunday

Please plan to be with us on Sunday, September 8th  at 9:30 a.m. for a special children and youth-centered, intergenerational service, which we call “Sharing Eucharist,” as we celebrate together the beginning of another school year.


Bring backpacks and book bags for a blessing, and enjoy refreshments during coffee hour as we host a Sunday School Room Open House and Registration. Meet our awesome teachers and hear a little bit about what’s in store for the year. 

Sunday School classes and Youth Group Begin Sunday, September 15

Sunday School classes begin on September 15 at 9:30 a.m. Children will gather with their Sunday School teacher by the stairs in the narthex (outside the Sanctuary).

Youth Group begins at 5:00 p.m. Jonah will serve pizza and show the movie Miracle - about the US Ice Hockey victory at the 1980s Olympics.

Schoolhouse Rock Live! Jr Photos

Three Part Class: Deuteronomy Then & Now

Continuing this Sunday, for one final session, entitled “At the Boundary,” we will explore the unfinished story of “all Israel” as told in the Book of Deuteronomy, the Hebrew Scripture most referred to in the New Testament. The story leaves us at the boundary of the Promised Land. To whom does it speak? What is life in the land promised? How is it to be found? The sessions are intended to help us better understand our biblical tradition. They will be led by Irwin Sentilles, who returns to our Adult Education program, where he has taught for several summers.

Honor someone you love by sponsoring the Sunday Altar Flowers

You may sponsor the altar flowers in memory or in honor of someone who is important to you, any Sunday of the year. It might be for a grandchild’s birthday, a wedding anniversary, remembering a loved one who has died, or any other special person or occasion. We will include the name of the person you are honoring in the Sunday bulletin. Just fill out a Flower Donation envelope (you can find them in the Narthex) and include a check -- the suggested donation is between $75 and $100. Thank you for helping make our worship service beautiful!

Sign Up for Coffee Hour in September!

It’s time to fill up the calendar for coffee hour for the month of September. This is a wonderful way to offer hospitality to your fellow parishioners and visitors alike! Just bring simple treats to share, and help with set up and clean up. Team up with a friend! Thank you for being part of this important ministry of welcome and community. Call Stefanie in the church office with any questions.

Become a Hospice Volunteer

Contribute to your community in a meaningful and heartfelt way. Support quality of life for hospice patients, families, and caregivers, by volunteering as a hospice patient companion. After six hours of training, visit once a week with an appropriately matched patient. In training you will learn about listening, being present with someone who is ill and/or dying, confidentiality, boundaries, and the nature of the grief journey.  

Next training starts in September.  Contact Hospice and Palliative Care of the Wood River Valley to apply and for more information: 208-726-8464 or

Wisdom Walks

Women's Wisdom Walks leave the Sun Valley Post Office every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m., returning at 10:00. Bring your houseguests and enjoy great conversations while you get your steps in!

Exploring Faith Matters

We are registering a full class to start the first week in September but could add one or two late registrants. If you want to get into this class, please contact Linda Bergerson right away. or 208-726-4846

Men's Coffee

Jonah is out next week, but Men's Coffee will still take place.

Men's weekly coffee at Starbucks is underway! Join Jonah and other men from the parish for conversation, fellowship and a light-hearted opportunity to "solve the problems of the world" every Tuesday at 9 am.

Volunteer Ministry Assignments

Sunday, August 25th 


Lector: Clyde Holt

Acolyte: Barbara Dwyer

Usher: Stefanie Nelson


Lectors: Prayers- Suzy Orb Lessons- Richard Waycott

Acolyte: Jane Reynolds

Usher: Walt McKew

Eucharistic Ministers: Sylvia Miller, Nick Miller

Greeter: Katrina Cord

If you can't make it this Sunday, please contact Stefanie in the church office or your ministry leader.

Staff Vacations

Sara Gorby

August 20-25

Jonah Kendall

August 22-27

Stefanie Nelson

August 27-29

Kathleen Bean

August 29

Brett Moellenberg

September 1

Prayer List

Amanda, Tara, Bob, Tyler, Patrick, Laurie, Terry, Lisa,

Evelyn, Mike, Tayt, Midge, Cindy, Anita, Judy, Sam, Luella, Kris, Lois, Molly, Blake, Myrna, Mary, Sally, Reuben, Rachel, Jane, Alexandra, Aimee, Amy, Gunner, Anne, Jane, Anne, Barbara, Alyson, Marilyn, Susan, Sarah, Lynda, River Thomas, Jim, Jasmine, Hollie, Calder, Hewitt, Margaret, Philip, Mike, Laine, Barry, Lindy, John, Genevieve Mae, Arthur, the Price Family, Page, Bill, Jane, Alexis, Kathryn, Dydy, Michael, Andrew, Jennifer, Fiona, Wyatt, Karen, Horace, Glen, Vincent, Dana, Greet, David, John, Linda, Richard, John, Red, Marty, Michele, Leigh, Becca, Don, Molly, Rider, Ashley, Teagan, Kathleen, Robert, Betty, Rialin, Gretchen, Patti, Fan, Teresa, and Gunner.