July 4, 2024

Happy 4th of July from all of us at GC Nonprofit News!

In partnership with local nonprofits and our sponsors, GC Nonprofit News strives to create a more informed, open and connected community by sharing nonprofit news, job openings, and resources. 

Stay connected and informed by reading GC Nonprofit News every week. JanešŸ˜Š

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Jane Page-Steiner, Owner & Publisher ā€“

Kelli Tarantino, Editor -

*Reminder: Please submit your news by 2pm on Tuesday and jobs by 10am on Wednesday for Thursday's issue of GC Nonprofit News. Jobs submitted after 10am on Wednesday will appear in the following week's eNews.


Brand Strategy is Critical for Helping Nonprofits Fulfill Their Mission

by Teresa Liu

With fundraising, operations, program development, community building and strategic planning, a nonproļ¬tā€™s competing priorities are endless. In this world of detailed programs and services, the added nebulous task of building a unique and ownable brand may seem harrowing. For nonproļ¬t leaders who require concrete and immediate key performance indicators, oftentimes brands can feel like magical pixie dust ā€” revered for their powerful ability to inļ¬‚uence, yet frustratingly ethereal when it comes to establishing and measuring them.

And so, with limited resources, a shrinking and ever-competitive pool of funding, and the promise of ā€œone day it will pay offā€, itā€™s no wonder nonproļ¬ts often skip investing in brand building in favor of quick clicks or conversions.

Yet we hear consumer companies tout the power of brands all of the time: more than a logo, theyā€™re the ultimate differentiator ā€” representing a holistic idea that taps into the values, culture and lifestyles of their audiences. They have the power to inļ¬‚uence decisions, increase revenue and drive loyalty. But we also need to remember that the original notion of brand positioning was developed as a tool to sell more consumer packaged goods. At a time when increased production of commodity items led to weak product differentiation, crafting a story around wholesome family values was an effective way to sell more ketchup A over ketchup B in a sea of identical red bottles.

But nonproļ¬ts are not ketchup ā€” or shoes, or internet providers or organic loose leaf tea.

Crafting aspirational stories of how your organization ļ¬ts into the lives, homes or schedules of choice-seeking consumers is not necessarily the most effective way to attract new donors. And letā€™s be honest, brand enthusiasts often hold up some of the worldā€™s most powerful brands as best practices to emulate, when in reality most nonproļ¬t marketing budgets pale in comparison to their consumer brand counterparts. But that doesnā€™t mean brands are not invaluable when it comes to moving your missions, team and purpose forward.

The Significance of Brand Strategy

Your brand strategy is the most important tool for strengthening and fulļ¬lling your mission. But I want to be clear ā€” itā€™s not synonymous with your mission and vision. Your brand strategy consists of elements like positioning, personality and promise. Itā€™s the bridge between your mission, programs and services and your external communications ā€” translating those crucial elements into a story that no one else can tell. 

In a reality where you may be one of dozens of organizations with similar missions, your brand strategy is what you bring to the table in a way that no one else can. Think of it like your clothing choices ā€” it gives you dimension and personality, and signals who you want to attract and what you might be like. Doing so makes your mission personalā€”helping you stand apart, establish a relatable connection with your audiences, and create more impact.

The 3 Brand-Building Truths

Here are the three brand-building truths I believe hold up regardless of whether youā€™re a consumer products brand or a nonproļ¬t.

1. Be Distinct

More than combatting competitors (or even awareness), what youā€™re really up against is clutter and indifference. According to the National Center for Charitable Statistics (NCCS), more than 1.8 million nonproļ¬ts are registered in the U.S. That means that rather than fretting about what your competitor or collaborator is touting you should be worried about all the noise your audiences are just trying to sort through (and tune out) every day.

2. Be Memorable

In this environment of endless choices, information and marketing messages, the role of brands becomes a welcomed shortcut in our overloaded brains. If youā€™ve come to know and like what a brand offers, then it shields you from having to do your research, try it out or ask others for their opinions ā€” it becomes a shortcut to quality and trustā€”ultimately saving you time and energy.

3. Be Meaningful

Lastly, our human brain can only hold onto so many facts, stats, beneļ¬ts and features, but itā€™s remarkable at remembering patterns and stories (as long as they're short).

3 Best Practices for Creating Your Nonprofit Brand Strategy

So what does this mean for nonproļ¬ts and brand creation? Here are three best practices to try.

1. Ensure Your Positioning Is Simple, Short and Tells a Story

To stand a chance of being remembered, your brand positioning needs to be short, simple and tell a story. As a nonproļ¬t, you may want the world to know about all of the important and purpose-led work you do but remember that your brand positioning is distinct from your mission. One is about why you exist, while the other is the unique story to help people remember you. Keeping that to a simple and single-minded idea will increase your chances of being remembered and reinforce the immediate associations people have when they think about you.

As an example,


The Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center has chosen Jackie Congedo as the next chief executive officer of the Center.

Best Point Education & Behavioral Health has promoted Tina Heintzman (L) to Manager of Advancement and Carrie Hampton (R) to Chief Administrative Officer. 


The Greater Cincinnati Nonprofit News is accepting 2024 Sponsorships. Learn more here and contact us to schedule a discovery call.

Great Parks Forever has received a $3 million gift from The Farmer Family Foundation, plus a matching gift of up to $2 million that, together with community donations to secure the full match amount, could push the total value to $7 million. Funds will be applied to projects such as new trails, new park facilities and amenities and improved access to conservation areas as prioritized by members of the public in their vision for Great Parks' future.

The bi3 Fund is awarding $200,000 to the The Mothership Institute for Womb WellnessFunding will support expanding the instituteā€™s childbirth education and doula services, establishing infrastructure for Medicaid reimbursement, and hosting community-based events for local parents to improve birth outcomes and maternal health. 

Last Mile Food Rescue is deeply grateful for the Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile, Jr. Foundation's generous $100,000 grant to reduce food waste, shrink the hunger gap and partner with Easterseals Redwood. 

Easterseals Redwood has been awarded a $10,000 grant from the Duke Energy Foundation to support construction training. The nonprofit is grateful for Duke's years-long partnership in building our future workforce.

Easterseals Redwood has received a $10,000 grant from the Christ Church Cathedral to support the nonprofit's Early Care and Education Program.

The Harriet Beecher Stowe House, an Ohio History Connection site, proudly announces a historic housewarming celebration to unveil its latest restorations.  The event kicks off on Friday, July 19th, and spans the entire weekend. Visitors will experience inspiring speakers, engaging tours, and family activities to both celebrate the history of the home, and continue its legacy of pursuing freedom and humanity for all.

Main Street Ventures to celebrate 25 years of supporting Cincinnatiā€™s startup community, Tuesday, July 16, Woodward Theater. Learn more here.

Easterseals Redwood is proud to announce it has received a grant from the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels (HOKC) in the amount of $6,400 to purchase a Tovertafel. This multi-sensory gaming console will benefit both adults and children with disabilities being served in Northern Kentucky.

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ā€œKeep the Dream Aliveā€ Committee at the Church of the Resurrection is accepting nominations for the 2025 ā€œKeep the Dream Aliveā€ Awards. The theme for the 2025 ceremony is ā€œLet the Light Rise in the Darkness.ā€ Find more information here.


Best Point Education and Behavioral Health is proud to announce Amy Miller and Sean Miller, Xavier University Head Men's Basketball Coach as Honorary Co-Chairs for the upcoming 2024 Rockin' at Riverfest annual fundraiser. 



GiveCamp is a weekend-long event (October 11-13) where software developers, designers, database administrators, project managers and creative professionals donate their time to create software and web-based applications for non-profit organizations. The first step is to apply here

Greater Cincinnati Foundation (GCF) has many ways of investing in the community, some of these ways are proactive, while some are responsive. Request for Proposals (RFP) are now being accepted in support of organizations that drive the inclusion and accessibility of people living with physical and developmental disabilities. We invite your organization to partner with us to drive equitable change in our community by applying today. 



Skystone Partners presents On Giving: Elite Power and its Threat to Modern Philanthropy, July 9, noon ET. Centennial Professor of Law at Brooklyn Law School Dana Brakman Reiser will join us for our July On Giving to discuss For-Profit Philanthropy (co-authored with Steven A. Dean), which provides insight into the history of philanthropy law, how corporatization has occurred, and offers solutions to rebuilding trust and mitigating risk. Register here

Greater Cincinnati Nonprofit News is partnering with the Kenton County Public Library to offer a great opportunity for you to connect with potential applicants and recruit new employees. Secure your recruitment table at no cost. All nonprofit sectors are welcome. Register here today!

The Leadership Academy, July 29-31, fosters initial leadership development and increases basic skills contributing to professionalism in the workplace. This three-day, in person training will enable you to strengthen your own leadership skills, become more comfortable sharing your story, and increase your ability to a become leader in your community. Find additional information and registration here.




Interact for Health is seeking an Advocacy Consultant to develop and facilitate a 3-part series of interactive capacity building workshops for Interact for Health's grantees and partners. Workshops should increase the capacity for participating organizations to engage in affective advocacy and policy initiatives. Learn more here




Effective approaches to influence employee behavior Marketers often measure the success of their efforts to influence customer or client behavior. Communicators? Not so much.

Good philanthropy makes economic sense, leaders say Good philanthropy is not charity. And in the wake of 2020ā€™s national reckoning on racism in America, interest in philanthropy as a tool for social impact waxed and, in some ways, has waned.

Our sponsor and partner marketplace serves to further connect our readers with our advertisers who are focused on serving nonprofits. To learn about a sponsor's nonprofit services, click on their ad. Contact Kelli Tarantino, editor, at to discover how your business or organization can become a sponsor/advertiser of the Greater Cincinnati Nonprofit News.
"With my new direction/calling in mind the universe worked its magic. I opened an email from Greater Cincinnati Nonprofit News, scrolled through and saw a job opening at the top of the list of ā€œnon-profit opportunities.ā€ After conversations, dinners, and tours, I was offered and accepted the role as Executive Director of Ohio Alleycat Resource & Spay/Neuter Clinic."
-Chris Seelbach 
Why advertise your job in GC Nonprofit News?
  • Over 6,500 readers and growing
  • 80% of readers are nonprofit staff and 49% have worked in the nonprofit community > 10 years.
  • 49% average open rate (triple the industry average)
  • 11% average click through rate (double the industry average)
  • We bring experienced applicants to your organization.

View online Job Postings

Executive Director, Association of Fundraising Professionals (Posted 7/5/2024) Learn more...

Executive Director, Circle Tail (Posted 7/5/2024) Learn more...

Executive Director, Lincoln Heights Outreach, Inc. (Posted 7/5/2024) Learn more...

Director, Finance and Accounting, United Way of Greater Cincinnati (Posted 7/5/2024) Learn more...

Marketing & Community Outreach Manager, Housing Opportunities of Northern Kentucky (Posted 7/5/2024) Learn more...

Program Manager, Lincoln Heights Outreach, Inc. (Posted 7/5/2024) Learn more...

Marketing Manager, Ohio Valley Goodwill (Posted 7/5/2024) Learn more...

Administrative Assistant & Office Manager, CancerFree KIDS (Posted 7/5/2024) Learn more...

Marketing & Events Manager, People Working Cooperatively (Posted 7/5/2024) Learn more...

Care Coordinator, United Way of Greater Cincinnati (Posted 6/27/2024) Learn moreā€¦

Director of Finance, Mercy McAuley High School (Posted 6/27/2024) Learn more...

Donor Relations Associate, Greater Dayton Public Television (Posted 6/27/2024) Learn more...

Major Gifts Officer, Cincinnati Nature Center (Posted 6/27/2024) Learn more...

Manager of Foundation Relations and the Annual Fund, Episcopal Retirement Services (Posted 6/27/2024) Learn more...

Campaign Fundraising Manager, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (Posted 6/27/204) Learn more...

Director of Development and Fundraising, Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park & Museum (Posted 6/27/2024) Learn more...

Chief Executive Officer, Caracole (Posted 6/20/2024) Learn more...

Gift Entry and Data Manager, Lloyd Library & Museum (part-time) (Posted 6/20/2024) Learn more...

Director of Workforce Development, Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries (Posted 6/20/2024) Learn more...

Manager, Community Campaign & Engagement, ArtsWave (Posted 6/20/2024) Learn more...

Executive Director, Churches Active in Northside (Posted 6/13/2024) Learn more...

Director of Development, Mount Notre Dame (Posted 6/13/2024) Learn more...

Greater Cincinnati Nonprofit News
  • Jane Page-Steiner, Owner/Publisher
  • Kelli Tarantino, Editor
  • Barb Linder, Assistant Editor
  • Meg Bryant, Billing

Contact Jane at or
ļ»æ513-378-5526 to discuss how we can assist your organization.