Volume XX | December 2018
Annual General Meeting
Membership Renewals and RSVP's for the Annual General Meeting are in the mail! We hope you can join us in January for this lovely event!

If you have any questions regarding membership renewal, please email Vanessa at membership@prismafestival.com

January 11th, 2019
Annual General Meeting
7pm @ the ARC
(Membership renewal starts at 6:15pm)
We Need You!
PRISMA has many opportunities to volunteer throughout the year - it's a great way to meet new people and contribute to the community!

Visit us in the office on Wednesdays and Thursdays to learn about upcoming volunteer positions, and sign-up early for festival spots. This year's perks include specially designed T-Shirts and more!

For more details, email Crista:
Help Our Students Travel to PRISMA!
Give the Gift of AirMiles
We are currently on the hunt for generous individuals with unused travel points burning a hole in their pockets! If you're interested in making this kind of a donation to a PRISMA student in need, please email us. Best of all, we will be able to issue you a tax receipt for the value of the flight(s) purchased!
Meet the Team: Staff Spotlight of the Month
Stay tuned every month as we profile our amazing staff!

Next Month: Crista Whyte, Box Office & Volunteer Coordinator!
Vanessa Turnbull - Membership Coordinator
Join Us in Welcoming our new Membership Coordinator, Vanessa Turnbull, to the PRISMA Team! We're so excited to have Vanessa's energy Learn more about her below!
5 Questions for Vanessa:
1. What brought you to Powell River?
My husband and I have spent the last four or five years re-evaluating our lives in order to try to achieve a better balance. The one focus was to slow our lives down and have greater access to outdoor recreation; we ended up setting our sights on a specific community. On a tag-along scuba diving trip with my husband to Powell River, which I wasn’t too impressed about because I can’t dive…..yet, I suddenly felt we had been wrong on our previously chosen location and that this was the place we needed to move to! Normally I don’t make life decisions on gut instincts and THEN do the research but this gut instinct was not letting me walk away.   

    2. What is it about PRISMA that inspires you?
My first conscious thought when I was introduced to PRISMA was how brilliantly the music of PRISMA Festival naturally connected with Powell River’s beautiful environment. Being able to be a part of the experience by seeing how that connection can uplift and energize students as well as the audience inspires me.

    3. What’s your perfect day?
The perfect day would start with a jog with a friend or 2, followed by a coffee shop stop. I would then relax with some reading time (at the moment anything by Kathy Reichs) with my forest view and lots of snacking during!! In the afternoon I’d enjoy a visit with my boys and their families, and end with dinner watching the sun set on the beautiful Pacific Ocean.

    4. Tell us 3 fun facts about yourself!
– Since living in Powell River I have discovered the game of pickleball and seemed to be hooked.
I have 2 dachshunds that can’t quite grasp the concept that deer are not an impending threat ……… unless you run at them barking.
I think I may have too many clocks. I’ve recently started referring to them as my ‘collection’.

    5. If you could meet anyone, from any point in time, who would it be and why?
Without a thought but a most certain even tie Leonardo da Vinci and Nikola Tesla, and both for very similar reasons. Although Leonardo was blessed with both artistic and technological brilliance, it’s their technological foresight that fascinates me. Perhaps da Vinci, with his observed connections between art(nature) and technology, would be the exceptional of the two intellectually creative genius’.
Looking For a Last-Minute Gift Idea?
We've still got a wide assortment of t-shirts in various sizes from PRISMAs past, and we've marked them all down to $5 for the holiday season! Why not pick one up for the classical music lover in your life, and support your favourite local music festival too! Pop by our office on Wednesdays or Thursdays to check out our selection of colours and sizes.
Happy Holidays from All of Us at PRISMA!
Our Office Hours over the Holidays are as follows:
December 24- January 1st: CLOSED
PRISMA Festival | 1-855-577-4762 | office@prismafestival.com | prismafestival.com