IDA - Oregon Branch brings people together
Summer Edition
Visit our Updated Website
We invite you to explore the pages of our newly updated website.
Thank you to member, Tanya Haas, for her vision and technical expertise that brought this project to completion!
Having Dyslexia can be hard. But having friends with Dyslexia can be easy .....   And having families with Dyslexia get together to enjoy camping, boating and sharing food is FUN !

Last weekend several IDA Oregon Branch families went camping in Oregon and got to know each other over campfires. Most importantly, the kids (all dyslexic) had fun together and realized they had more in common than they thought. It is a great reminder that feeling socially connected, especially in an increasingly isolated world, is more important than ever for dyslexics.  IDA Oregon Branch brings people together . Looking forward to camping with IDA families next year!
Find out how your child with dyslexia or a student you know can become invovled with the IDA - Oregon Student Council and Student Empowerment Panel by visiting the Learners page at our website.
Mary Wennersten to Present at Concordia University
IDA-Oregon Branch is pleased to welcome Mary Wennersten , Vice Chair of The International Dyslexia Association, Structured Literacy Instructor, and Certified Dyslexia Therapist to present to Concordia University Students and local teachers on  August 29th Look for more information in the coming weeks . Special thanks to Professor Carrie Kondor for hosting this event.  
Back to school with Microsoft
IDA - Oregon Branch board members were recently treated to a special online "sneak peak" of Microsoft assistive learning tools, created to assist dyslexic and other neurodiverse students in the classroom. 

Rachel Berger of Microsoft led the virtual tour, showcasing how Microsoft's technology "creates more productive, engaging, and inclusive learning environments." Assistive technologies, such as read-aloud, word/line highlighting", picture dictionaries, and dictation ability are embedded in various Microsoft products, including OneNote, Word, Outlook, and the Edge browser. 

Board member Andrew Peterson said, "One of Microsoft's products, Office Lens , is particularly interesting, as it allows students to take pictures of their classroom whiteboard, crop, sharpen, and straighten the image, which creates a document that looks like a scanned image that can then be inserted into Word documents." I f you would like to read more about Microsoft's tools, click here.
Visit Microsoft, Redmond, WA with us on the 16th, August.
If you are interested in attending this FREE , hands-on assistive learning technology workshop presented by Microsoft, find more information and register here.  (Bus transportation from Portland, food, and programming are all included). 
Get hands on experience with Microsoft's learning tools, hear guest speaker Robert Tate from the Minnesota Vikings, tour the new innovation center, enjoy refreshments, swag and more.
What is the Center for Excellence in Dyslexia?
The Center for Excellence in Dyslexia or CED includes individuals and representatives of organizations in the Portland Metro area providing services and advocacy for children and adults who struggle with reading, writing and spelling. Initiated in 2016 by the Park Academy in Lake Oswego, the group seeks to be a catalyst for bringing organizations together to support both students with dyslexia and the schools and organizations that serve them.

Over the past two years the group has been focused on working together with Carrie Thomas Beck at the Oregon Department of Education to initiate implementation of Oregon's dyslexia laws requiring universal screening and evidenced based instruction for students with dyslexia in public schools, as well as course work offerings by universities and colleges for teacher candidates who will be teaching students with dyslexia.
Members of the group so far represent the International Dyslexia Association - Oregon Branch, Park Academy, Decoding Dyslexia, The Blosser Center, Marylhurst University, Concordia University and the University of Oregon - National Center on Improving Literacy.

The CED meets informally approximately monthly or so to share information and updates of ongoing activities and projects of member organizations.

We will keep you updated of the group's collaborative endeavor during the coming 2018/19 academic year.
We look forward to starting a wonderful school year with you!
International Dyslexia Association, Oregon Branch | 503-228-4455 | |