October 2019
Growing Together
We’ve accomplished a lot together this year!

Want to help us reach even more families in 2020? All you need is a cell phone and a few minutes to make a 15-second video!
New Sign Video
ASL Signs for October
Learn some spooky Halloween signs and sign an ASL story!
2020 Camp List
Suggest a camp
We are putting together our 2020 Summer Camp Directory and we'd love your input.

Do you know of a fantastic summer camp or program that welcomes deaf and hard of hearing children? If so, let us know!
Parents Needed
New research study
Gallaudet University is looking for hearing parens of deaf children to take part in a new study about parent-child interaction and language development.
School Resources

Got IEP meetings?
The Parent Advocacy app will guide you through the process and help you advocate for the best outcomes for your child.

Teaching ASL or using it in your classroom?
Get the K-12 ASL Content Standards from Gallaudet University.
September Donors
Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to these generous individuals, families, and organizations for their support.
  • Ellie Smith
  • Elizabeth Farina
  • Geri Rios
  • Sandra Procaccio
  • Savannah Yandell

In honor of Abe, Willia Rue, Johnathan, and Lana Nissen
  • Tiffany DeGough
  • Benevity
  • Charity Aid Foundation
  • Network for Good
  • Schueler Family Charitable Fund
  • Ultra Design Agency

  • Andrew Blackburn
  • Anna Hayes
  • Clark & Rita Brooke
  • Maja Jarvis
ASDC Members

Limited-Time Membership Perk:
Join ASDC today (it's just $35/yr) and get five free sessions of SignOn with ASDC (a $125 value!)
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