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The Human-Animal Studies Report
October 2021

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Welcome to the Animals & Society Institute's monthly Human-Animal Studies Report. 

As we begin to slide into the end of 2021, the field of Human-Animal Studies continues to grow and evolve. Compared to only a few years ago, the numbers of HAS-related academic programs, conferences, and publications has multiplied enormously. (Check out the HAS Funding and Opportunities section, below!) With all of this activity to report on, I am taking a break through the end of 2021 from the “COVID-19 and Animals” section you’ve seen here, with the hope that the next few months bring further resolution to the pandemic worldwide.

I hope you and those you care about continue to weather the changes brought about by the pandemic, and that you all stay healthy and safe.


Editor’s note: The HAS e-newsletter is organized as follows: Jobs, grants, and calls are ordered chronologically by deadline dates, with the earliest first, and will continue to be posted until the deadlines expire. Books and articles include, where possible, links to access them directly from this email. Because publication reference styles vary by source, they might not always be consistent or pretty, but they will get you there. To read more about the topics discussed, click the bold hyperlinks for source material and additional information.

Please send your comments, suggestions, and submissions to:, and if possible include a URL link to your project or announcement.


JAAWS Exceeds Last Year’s Reach
We love making an impact! ASI is pleased to announce that he ASI-managed Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, published by Taylor & Francis, has once again exceeded its quarterly full-text downloads from last year. For the first three quarters of 2021, over 77,000 articles dealing with issues affecting animal welfare were downloaded. Along those lines, the latest Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, Volume 24, Issue 4, October-December 2021 is now available. Read more here.

The Latest Issue of Society & Animals Is Out
Society & Animals, 29(5-6) (October 2021) is now available, with 12 new articles.

Court Relies on Study Workshopped at the ASI-UIUC Summer Institute
Other impactful ASI news comes from a recent court case, Miyoko’s Kitchen v. Karen Ross, et al., which challenged the California Department of Food and Agriculture’s restriction on use of the term "butter" etc. for plant-based products such as Miyoko's. A federal judge recently granted summary judgment with respect to the use of the terms and phrases “butter,” “lactose free,” “cruelty free,” and “revolutionizing dairy with plants.” The court relied upon a 2018 research study by Silke Feltz and Adam Feltz, "Consumer Accuracy at Identifying Plant-based and Dairy-based Milk Items," which was workshopped at the 2018 ASI-UIUC Summer Institute. Find out more about the issue and case on November 4 when the plaintiff, Miyoko Schinner discuss her company's August 2021 California legal victory to use words such as "butter" or "dairy" on her plant-based products, setting a precedent for others in the plant-based and cell-cultured space. Find out more and register here.

ASI Call for Board Members
Do you want to help create a more compassionate world? Would you like to see evidence-based research used to strengthen human-animal relationships? If you do, you may be a match for ASI’s open board member positions. Whether you have experience working with a hands-on board or are thinking about joining a board for the first time, this may be the right opportunity for you. Read more about what the position entails and how to apply here.

ASI Launches Policy Paper Series
ASI has launched a policy papers series to analyze and guide policy decisions relating to animals. The current focus is on Companion Animals and Social Media, Urban Wildlife, Zoological Parks, Environment and Agriculture, and Training Schemes for Domestic and Domesticated Animals. These first five subjects represent an early round of analyses and will be supplemented in subsequent rounds by additional topical emphases. Read more here.

ASI Issues Brill Human-Animal Studies Book Series Call for Proposals
ASI, in conjunction with its Brill Human-Animal Studies book series, recently put out an ongoing call for new proposals from across the various disciplines that comprise the field of Human-Animal Studies. From the humanities to the social sciences to the natural sciences, the series seeks to publish groundbreaking work that advances our understanding of human-animal relationships. The broad scope of the series is an acknowledgement of the contributions of a range of perspectives from across academia that often intersect in meaningful ways to build a scholarship of the nonhuman experience through a human lens. In the process, these books challenge the disciplinary cloisters that often hinder the transdisciplinary analysis that is vital to one the fastest growing fields in the academy. Find out more here.


The ASI-sponsored Facebook group, Human-Animal Studies, is making waves! Now with over 2,500 members, the group has become a vibrant and active community which regularly has over ten posts a day from scholars, students, and others interested in Human-Animal Studies. To stay up to speed on what’s going on in HAS the field daily, sign up here.

This month’s LINK-Letter from the National Resource Center on The Link between Animal Abuse and Human Violence covers, among other topics: Domestic Violence Awareness Month with global news about COVID & family violence, the homeless with pets, human & animal victims of domestic violence and animal cruelty, and ASPCA grant funding for research.

A new documentary film, Easting Our Way to Extinction, covers the link between the production and consumption of animal products and climate change. The film “takes audiences on a cinematic journey around the world, from the depths of the Amazon rainforests to the Taiwanese Mountains, the Mongolian desert, the US Dust Bowl, the Norwegian Fjords and the Scottish coastlines, telling the story of our planet through shocking testimonials, poignant accounts from indigenous people most affected by our ever-changing planet, globally renowned figures and leading scientists.”

The Harris-Stowe Psychology Research Program is inviting you to participate in a research study, the goal of which is to gain a greater understanding of the relationships people have with their cats. Access the survey here.

A team of researchers at UPF-CAE together with a team of Business management researchers at Universidad Pontificia Comillas are looking for survey participants for an international survey of vegans and vegetarians about their experience of, and their attitudes and behaviour related to, COVID-19

HAS Funding and Opportunities

ASI-UIUC Summer Institute Fellow, Richie Nimmo is soliciting for PhD students with research projects in sociological (broadly conceived) human-animal studies at the University of Manchester. Deadline is December 1st, and Dr. Nimmo would be open to receiving draft research proposals from interested students, and—if the proposal is suitable and strong enough—liaising with the applicant during November to help them to strengthen and refine the proposal prior to application. His academic profile and contact details are here: Details of the application process are here.

Brock University, St. Catharines, Canada is searching for Temporary Research positions on Animal Protection Work and Policy for a project lead by Dr. Kendra Coulter. Candidates must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or eligible to work in Canada until spring of 2022. Applications close November 3, 2021. Find out more here.

We Animals Media is now accepting applications for its inaugural Animal Photojournalism Fellowship. The fellowship will support one fellow to work remotely with founder and photographer Jo-Anne McArthur and the We Animals Media team to cover a story about animals used for food, a subject significantly underreported in the media. Applications close on November 14th. 

UCLA School of Law Animal Law and Policy Small Grants Program is currently seeking proposals for legal and non-legal empirical research projects whose purpose is to understand something that can be usefully applied to animal law and policy issues. The program seeks to promote the collection of sound empirical knowledge with which to build fact-driven, evidence-based animal law and policy reform for the benefit of nonhuman animals. They are interested in funding new, well-designed empirical research in a wide variety of fields (from behavioral economics to law to moral psychology). Grants range from $1,000 to $4.500. The closing deadline for applications is March 31, 2022.

The Anthropology Department at Durham University in Durham, UK, is accepting applications for a postdoctoral research associate to work on a project entitled, "ALIVEAfrica: Animals, Livelihoods, and Wellbeing in Africa." No deadline given.  Learn more and apply here.

New positions are available with NIH-funded HAI lab at Purdue University. Positions included Lab Manager, Research and Operations Manager, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, and Research Assistant —Participant Communication. Deadlines vary. Learn more here.

Boise State University is recruiting an MA and a PhD student interested in studying both proximate and ultimate causations of human-dog play. Email for more details.

Conferences, Podcasts, Webinars, Lectures, and Courses

This section includes both upcoming live events, and past events that were recorded. (Note that I have included conferences for which submission deadlines have passed here.)

The 2021 Centers for the Human-Animal Bond Conference organized by Purdue University’s College of Veterinary Medicine will take place November 4, 2021. The conference is virtual and free.

The Society for Companion Animal Studies (SCAS) is hosting a webinar, “NO compromise—Animal sentience & welfare IS Animal Assisted Play Therapy,” presented by Tracie Faa-Thompson on Thursday, November 4. The webinar will introduce the field of animal assisted play therapy (AAPT) and how animal ethology, animal welfare, sentience, and freedom of choice are fundamental to the approach. Register here.

The Anthrozoology Symposium, Animal Life and Human Culture, will take place November 5. More information here.

A free, live, interactive, RACE-approved webinar, Moving from Compassion Fatigue to 
Compassion Resilience, presented by Debbie L. Stoewen, DVM, MSW, RSW, PhD
Will take place Sunday, November 21, 2021 - 3 pm EST. Find out more and register here.

The latest Knowing Animals Podcast, episode 177, features an interview with Michael Huemer, Professor of Philosophy at University of Colorado Boulder, discussing his 2019 book Dialogues on Ethical Vegetarianism, in which he asks whether the factory farming of animals might be the world's biggest moral problem. Listen here.

New HAS Books and Monographs

Following are some recent books published of interest to the field of Human-Animal Studies.

Elan Abrell, 2021. Saving Animals: Multispecies Ecologies of Rescue and Care. University of Minnesota Press.

Giovanni Aloi and Susan McHugh (Eds). 2021. Posthumanism in Art and Science: A Reader. Columbia University Press.

Éric Baratay, 2021. The de-anthropized animal. Questioning and redefining concepts (L’animal désanthropisé. Interroger et redéfinir les concepts). (in French)

Jessica Pierce and Marc Bekoff, 2021. A Dog's World: Imagining the Lives of Dogs in a World without HumansPrinceton University Press.

New HAS Articles and Book Chapters

Following are some recent research articles and book chapters published in the field of Human-Animal Studies.

The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) and Mars Petcare, with support from a broad Consortium of partners, announced the publication of three papers in the open-access journal Animals, part of a special issue focused on the role of companion animals during the COVID-19 pandemic, Social Isolation and the Roles That Animals Play in Supporting the Lives of Humans: Lessons for COVID-19. 

Beirne P (2021) COVID-19 as an anthroponosis: Toward a nonspeciesist criminology of human-to-animal pathogen transmission. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy. Advance online publication.

Collenberg, Louisa. Sonic Becomings: Rhythmic Encounters in Interspecies Improvisation. Open Philosophy, vol. 4, no. 1, 2021, pp. 224-230.

Fernandez, Eduardo J., and Allison L. Martin 2021. "Animal Training, Environmental Enrichment, and Animal Welfare: A History of Behavior Analysis in Zoos." Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens 2, no. 4: 531-543.
Gradidge, S., Zawisza, M., Harvey, A. J., & McDermott, D. T. (2021). A structured literature review of the meat paradox. Social Psychological Bulletin, 16(3), 1-26.

Kelly, Katherine J., Laurie A. McDuffee, and Kimberly Mears. 2021. The Effect of Human–Horse Interactions on Equine Behaviour, Physiology, and Welfare: A Scoping Review. Animals 11, no. 10: 2782.

Rizzolo, J. B., & Bradshaw, G. (2019). Nonhuman Animal Nations: Transforming Conservation into Wildlife Self-Determination, Society & Animals, 29(4), 393-413. doi:

Tallberg, L., Välikangas, L., & Hamilton, L. (2021). Animal activism in the business school: Using fierce compassion for teaching critical and positive perspectives. Management Learning OPEN ACCESS

Aviva Vincent, Isabel Ballard & Kathleen J. Farkas (2021) Mind Full or Mindful? A Cohort Study of Equine-Facilitated Therapy for Women Veterans, Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, DOI: 10.1080/15401383.2021.1984353

Calls for Papers: Journals and Chapters

ASI-UIUC Summer Institute Fellows Maria Lux and Jessica Landau have a call out for chapters for an edited volume, Unserious Ecocriticism: Humor, Wit, Play, and Environmental Destruction in North American Contemporary Art & Visual Culture. To submit a proposal, please send a 250 word abstract and CV to the editors (, and jlandau1@uchicago.eduby November 3, 2021. Contact the editors for more information.

A call for a Special Issue of the journal Religions is out on the topic “Religions, Animals, and X,” where “X” be other critical categories connected with social movements like coloniality, gender and sexuality, queerness, or race; topical areas of broad social concern like anti-Black racism, anti-immigrant racism, climate change, factory farming, hunting, and pandemics; new areas of religion scholarship like affect, disability, ecology, migration, monsters, plants, and science fiction; critical terms in religious studies like belief, body, grief, life, mourning, person, sacrifice, and scripture. Direct questions to Katherine Mershon, kmershon@wcu.eduThe deadline for manuscript submissions is November 15, 2021. 

A call is out for contributions to a Special Issue, “‘Flourish,” of the Animal Studies Journal, coinciding with and complementing the Australasian Animal Studies Association’s 2021 online conference “Flourishing Animals.” Submissions could include or address creative fiction, nonfiction or poetry and visual art; and engage with first nations and decolonizing philosophies and practices, hybridity, posthumanism, ferality, symbiosis, queer theory or entanglement. Papers should be submitted by December 5, 2021 via the website at and should adhere to ASJ guidelines. For any queries please contact:

A Call for Papers is out for s Special Issue of the journal Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:
Sport and Species: How Games, Sports, and Physical Culture Affect Other Animals. Contact Sam Morris ( and Gabriela Tymowski-Gionet ( for more information. Abstract Deadline: January 15, 2022.

Guest editor Kendra Coulter has a call out for a Special Issue of Animals covering “Frontiers of Animal Protection.” This Special Issue will assemble high-quality social science research that considers the social, legal, political, and employment dimensions of animal protection. Despite its importance for protecting diverse kinds of animals from human harm and the complementary benefits for vulnerable people and public safety, the animal protection landscape remains underexamined. Deadline for manuscript submissions: March 31, 2022. 

Call for papers: Special issue of the APA Human-Animals Interaction Bulletin (HAIB) is focusing on animal hospice/ palliative care, euthanasia, and grief/loss related to companion animals. Direct inquiries to the guest editor: Phyllis Erdman: perdman@wsu.eduPaper submissions are due June 1, 2022.

Calls for Papers: Conferences
and Workshops

The University of Warsaw and via Zoom worldwide conference, Re-Thinking Agency: Non-Anthropocentric Approaches, will take place February 3-5, 2022. The conference will feature a keynote lecture by Karen Barad (University of California, Santa Cruz). Deadline for abstract submission: November 15, 2021.

A call is out for papers for the workshop, Humans and Insects in Multispecies Networks, which will take place March 17-18, 2022 at the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University in Turku, Finland, as a part of the research project Humans and Ticks in the Anthropocene. The workshop will explore the multi-faceted relationship between humans and insects in multispecies networks. Abstracts (300 words) and a short CV (max two pages) as one single document are due by November 30, 2021. Contact Sanna Lillbroända-Annala.

As you can see, ASI is promoting a tremendous amount of activity in the field of Human-Animal Studies. We always invite your input and participation.

Your donation to the Animals & Society Institute will enable us to continue to expand the field in many more ways and work in conjunction with others around the world who share these goals.

Thank you for supporting ASI's Human-Animal Studies efforts!

Gala Argent, PhD
Human-Animal Studies Program Director