OWOW Spring Newsletter:
The Denver Botanic Gardens (DBG) and the OWOW Center have entered into a partnership to use water as a bridge to connect MSU Denver students and faculty with the ongoing research and outreach at the DBG. Internships have already been created, and water conservation events are being planned. The goal is for the Denver Botanic Gardens to become the pre-eminent water-aware botanic gardens in the U.S. This partnership will create wonderful opportunities for MSU Denver students and faculty.
Dates to Remember

March 21-25:
Spring Break (campus open but no classes)
April 7:
AWRA Water Court Seminar
April 20-21:
Spring Fling
May 14:  
Spring 2016 Commencement
May 17th:
Denver Metro Water Festival

Student Corner

As you wrap up your spring semester, don't forget to register for fall classes. For a list of available water studies classes offered in fall 2016 visit our website.
Double Congratulations! 

Last spring, the OWOW Center collaborated with Denver Water, Aurora Water, the City of Boulder, and the MSU Denver Theatre Department to establish a one-of-a-kind theatre troupe. Dr. Marilyn "Cookie" Hetzel, Chair of the Theatre Department, led a group of MSU Denver Theatre students  through the process of creating a water conservation focused play. The troupe performed "Water Wise Circa 2015" to thousands of 6th graders at school assemblies and at 3 separate water festivals. The unique and creative performance recently earned the "Outstanding Environmental Education in the Innovative EE Program Category" award from the CAEE. Additionally, Cookie's innovation and passion was recognized in February for the Lifetime of Excellence in Teaching Award from the Kennedy Center and the American College Theatre Festival Region VII. OWOW is honored and grateful to work with Cookie and the MSU Denver Theatre Department.

Rain Barrels in CO?

Colorado is the only state with a ban on residential rain barrels.The rain barrel legislation failed previously because of concerns  that using them would violate the rights of senior holders of water claims. Two amendments have been made to House Bill 1005 that united the Republicans and Democrats. The measure has passed the state House and is headed to the Senate. Click Here to read the full story .

Two Australians, Andrew Turton and Pete Ceglinski, decided to quit their jobs and spend their time preventing pollution from entry points such as marinas, harbors, ports and even inland waters like rivers and lakes. They have done so by creating Seabin. The Seabin is a floating trash bin made from 70 to 100 percent recycled polyethylene plastic. For more information Click Here.