OWOW Summer Newsletter:

On May 17th, the OWOW Center proudly took part in the 3rd annual Denver 
Metro Water Festival in partnership with Denver Water and Suburban Providers of Denver Water. This event was held on Auraria Campus and included over 1,200 sixth graders from the Denver area. The sixth graders participated in fun and engaging presentations focused on a variety of water issues. Thank you to the dozens of presenters and volunteers that helped make another DMWF successful! 

Click Here for a video recap.
If you are interested in participating in next year's DMWF, keep an eye out on the following website:

Dates to Remember

June 7 & 8:
CFWE Bike Tours ( more info)
June 9:
Shed '16 Watershed Summit
June 21-22:
CFWE Gunnison Basin Tour ( more info)
June 25:  
Coors Light South Platte River Fest ( more info )
July 4:
Independence Day - Campus Closed
August 22:
Fall Semester Begins
September 16:
Greenway Foundation's Blue Moon After Party on the Bridge  ( more info )
September 23-25:
3rd Annual Student Water Field Conference

Student Corner

Have  a great summer!
Don't forget that the OWOW Center is happy to help and answer any questions.

August 1:
Deadline to apply for the 
3rd Annual Student Water Field ConferenceAre you interested in water in Colorado and the Colorado River? Apply to attend the Colorado Annual Student Water Field Conference to join other university students for an educational experience in Grand Junction. Click Here for full details.
              Love This Place Challenge

Denver's Office of Sustainability wants us to share our reasons why we love calling Denver home. Every week through the end of June one person will win prizes such as tickets to the Denver Zoo, Denver Botanic Gardens, the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Red Rocks, Snooze and more! Go to the website and tell them a sustainable action you have taken, big or small. 
Click Here to visit the website.

Rain Barrels: What You Need To Know

Starting on August 10, 2016 Coloradans will be able to collect water off their roof using rain barrels. Numerous Coloradans are excited for this change in legislation. Please remember to be responsible and adhere to the rules:

1. Water collected can NOT be used for drinking. 
2. No more than two rain barrels with a combined capacity of 110 gallons or less may be used.
3. Precipitation is collected from the rooftop of a building that is used primarily as a single-family         residence or a multi-family residence with four or fewer units.
4. The collected precipitation is use for outdoor purposes including irrigation of lawns and gardens.
5. The collected precipitation used on the residential property on which the precipitation is                   collected.
6. Rain barrels must be covered on the top to control insects.
These facts and more at Denver Water.

Graphic credit to Western Resource Advocates.

Age of Plastic VS. Boyan Slat

While on a family vacation at the age of sixteen, Boyan Slat went scuba diving off the coast of Greece. He didn't like what he saw. Slat noticed that the pieces of plastic outnumbered the fish. Slat chose to base his high school science project of an idea that would clean up the oceans. Slat's High school project has turned into Ocean Cleanup. Ocean Cleanup is a highly active project that uses the ocean's currents and "gyres" as prime locations for his design.  The first prototype will be set up this month off the coast of the Netherlands.
For the full article Click Here.