OWOW has a new look!
The One World One Water Center has officially become a collaboration between Metropolitan State University of Denver and Denver Botanic Gardens. The partnership presents a compelling opportunity to build on and expand joint initiatives on water issues. 

This will allow us to:
1) expand the reach and breadth of educational programs on water and environmental issues;
2) attract funding for joint research in these areas;
3) raise awareness of water and the environment through collaborative water stewardship.

This is a new, exciting, and creative step forward for the OWOW Center and we welcome you to join us. 

If you would like to read the article that MSU Denver's Dan Vaccaro wrote about the partnership, click here.

Important Dates

August 21:
Fall Semester begins
August 31:
Reception On The River (more info)
September 4:
Labor Day ( campus closed )
September 15:
After Party on the Bridge (more info)
September 15- October 29:
Corn Maze (more info)
September 22-24:
Student Water Field Conference (more info)
September 23-24:
Fall Plant and Bulb Sale (more info)
October 7:
WASH Symposium ( registration and info)

Student Corner

August 1:
  opens for the Student Water Field Conference
August 27:
Last Day to drop full-semester class with a 100% refund
September 20-21:
Fall Fest
October 30:
Spring Registration Begins
Suck the Straws Out of Boulder

photo credit:   Dive PlanIt
Boulder, Colorado is jumping into the forefront by reducing plastic waste. Grocery stores charge $.10 for every plastic bag a consumer uses. Now, Boulder is addressing the most commonly littered item, one of the most potent plastic pollutants: STRAWS.

In 2011, Milo Cress, started bringing awareness through the  Be Straw Free Campaign when he was only 9 years old. He encourages everyone to enjoy their drinks strawless. He  also encourages restaurants to adopt an "offer first" policy on straws.

This year, the city of Boulder and the C3 Boulder group awarded Graham Hill a $300 micro-grant to support climate-related, local initiatives. Hill intends to launch a campaign called Suck the Straws Out of Boulder in partnership with Cress.

For full article click here.
"Chasing Coral" on Netflix

"Chasing Coral" is a documentary that was added to Netflix earlier this month. In the documentary, Richard Vevers, a long time diver and ocean enthusiast, brings awareness to coral bleaching. 

"In its explanation of how coral feeds, and how other forms of sea life feed on or around coral, the movie imparts an understanding of how humans rely on coral as well. So we're made to care about how much of it is dying - what's at stake is much more than an eye-popping attraction for diving tourists." - Glenn Kenny, New York Times

For the full article click here .

Please visit the Love Colorado Water Facebook page for more details.