November 2020
Each month "NCART News" delivers the latest Complex Rehab Technology (CRT) Medicare and Medicaid updates, advocacy opportunities, and event information all in one place.
A Message of Thanks
There is no denying that this year has had more than its fair share of changes and challenges, which has made it difficult to maintain a positive outlook at times. What has not changed is the outstanding group of individuals who make up our community and who remain actively dedicated to the mission of protecting access to Complex Rehab Technology. The privilege of working alongside each of you is something that we are thankful for and we look forward with great hope to what lies ahead. Thanks for all you do!
Good News for Power Seat Elevation and Standing
CMS has officially “accepted as complete” the ITEM Coalition's request for a reconsideration of the National Coverage Determination (NCD) for Mobility Assistive Equipment. This was the first official step in securing Medicare coverage of Power Seat Elevation and Standing Systems. Now, CMS must make a Benefit Category Determination for these technologies and designate them as Durable Medical Equipment before moving forward with the development of coding, fee schedules, and Local Coverage Determinations (LCD). 

NCART is continuing to work with ITEM and other stakeholders to meet with CMS and provide details on the technologies, clinical benefits, and applications to individuals with disabilities who utilize this important technology. 
CRT Remote Services and Telehealth
Year-end legislation may offer some opportunity for Congress to extend the authority of CMS to expand telehealth services past the end of the Public Health Emergency, currently scheduled to expire on January 21.  

The CRT Remote Services Consortium is finalizing their recommendations for best practices to share with decision-makers in the months ahead. Additionally, NCART is continuing to promote the need for ongoing telehealth options for CRT and is asking Congress to pass legislation that grants CMS permanent authority to approve physical and occupational therapists as authorized practitioners of telehealth services.

We are asking CRT stakeholders to echo this request with their Senators and Representatives to communicate the importance of the need for legislation to protect access for people with disabilities who rely on CRT. To send your email, click on the button below. 
NCART Letter to HHS - Vaccines for Provider Staff
In support of our members and their staff, NCART has submitted a letter to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) requesting that personnel employed by DMEPOS and CRT providers be included in Phase 1a distribution of a COVID-19 vaccine. 

Suppliers are among other frontline workers working with COVID‐19 confirmed or suspected individuals who do not require hospitalization, as well as patients who are recovering at home after hospitalization. Like others explicitly identified in the Phase 1a population, suppliers and their staff are on the front lines of the Pandemic providing critical services and are at high risk for exposure and transmission of COVID-19. To read the letter to HHS, click the button below.
NCART Welcomes New Member
NCART is growing again! This month we are excited to welcome LUCI as our newest member. LUCI's smart wheelchair technology was recently recognized as one of TIME’s Top 100 Best Inventions of 2020. Their corporate offices are in Brentwood, TN and they are dedicated to improving the experience and safety of all wheelchair users. To learn more about their work, visit

If your company provides or manufactures CRT, join these other dedicated companies as NCART members to fight against negative trends in coverage and payment that continue to mount. Your support enables us to continue advocating aggressively on your behalf to establish or maintain the policies needed to ensure people using CRT can access the specialized equipment and services they require and you provide. To learn more about NCART membership, click the button below.
CRT Medicaid Work in November
NCART continues its work on state-level issues that impact access to CRT. If you are currently dealing with a CRT issue within the Medicaid program please send us an email using the button below. Here is a summary of some of our November activity:

  • Idaho - NCART was made aware of possible reimbursement changes to the Medicaid program in the state; outreach to the Medicaid Director and Department staff was conducted and a meeting is being requested.
  • Illinois - An NCART workgroup, in collaboration with the Clinician Task Force, has submitted a proposed wheelchair coverage policy to the Illinois Department of Health and Family Services; the Department is reviewing the documentation and discussions are ongoing. 
  • Michigan - NCART has continued to work with the Michigan University Wheelchair Seating Service, the Michigan Home Care and Hospice Association, and state lobbyists to encourage the passage of state CRT Separate Recognition; the legislation has been passed in the Senate and must be passed by the Assembly and signed by the Governor before year-end; Michigan residents can visit for more details and to email their legislators in support of the bill.
  • Nevada - An NCART workgroup met with the DHCFP Administrator and Deputy Administrators to discuss recent, legislatively-mandated reductions to Medicaid provider rates; discussions are ongoing and additional meetings are planned for 2021.
  • Tennessee - NCART has submitted comments regarding proposed changes to the State's Standing Device policy; NCART attended the public hearing held to review these changes on November 19. 
  • Utah - An NCART workgroup continues to review Medicaid CRT provider rates and communicate with the Utah Department of Health; a meeting with Department staff is scheduled for December 2.
December 15 CRT Industry Webinar
Get registered today for the last CRT Industry Webinar of the year. Hosted by NCART, NRRTS, US Rehab, and the Clinician Task Force, next month’s webinar is scheduled for December 15 at 4:00 PM ET. Staying updated on matters that impact CRT before the new year begins will prepare manufacturers, providers, clinicians, consumers, and other advocates for what lies ahead. Get registered now by clicking the button below!
Monthly Motivation
"Leaving a Legacy"
“All of us will face adversity in our lives, it’s how you overcome those challenges that become your legacy” – Pat Quinn

This month, the creator of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, Pat Quinn, passed away at the age of 37. Diagnosed just after his 30th birthday, Pat quickly became a determined advocate. His efforts raised awareness along with millions of dollars that supported additional research to develop a cure for ALS.

NCART | | 716-839-9728 |