November 2023
Hello November
As Autumns go in Colorado, what a warm and wonderful one this has been. It has, however, been quite dry which is a good reminder to get the water hoses out and start your winter watering routine. Our Steps for Success has all the detail you need on how to properly care for your trees and plants all winter long. It is a matter of life and death for your plants (really, we mean it).
At this time are gearing up for the holiday season. We turn our focus during the winter months to property and operational enhancements for next season. Speaking of next season, if there are specific plants you would like us to consider carrying, now would be an excellent time to let us know as we prepare for next year's inventory.

November Hours:
Monday - Friday 9-5 / Saturday 10-4
Closed on Sundays

Closed Thanksgiving Day
(extended hours will be added toward the end of the month for Christmas Tree & Holiday shopping)
Things to know about PLN this month
The Gift Shop Is Open
Cozy Candles
Unique and Sought After
House Plants
Unique Holiday & Gift Items
Make Your Own Holiday Wreath Dec 2nd
We are proud to partner with Madelyn Claire Floral Design to bring you the opportunity to create memories and your own holiday wreath. Registration is required and space is limited.
Holiday Open House Dec 10th

Tree wrap is used to prevent Sunscald which usually occurs during winter and early spring. Intense sunlight warms the surface of the trees to the point of stimulating cell activity in the bark. A sudden drop in temperature at night can cause damage to the tree resulting in a condition known as Sunscald. Tree wrap is necessary for not only newly planted trees, but also thin barked trees like soft maple, honeylocust, and crabapples. Wrap after the first hard frost to Easter!
Garden Thymes with Jackie
November Edition
"Two sounds of autumn are unmistakable, the hurrying rustle of crisp leaves blown along the street or road by a gusty wind, and the gabble of a flock of migrating geese. Both are warnings of chill days ahead, fireside and topcoat weather."
General Landscaping
  • Final fall clean-up!
  • After a hard frost wrap your tree trunks to prevent winter Sunscald damage.
  • Fertilize your lawn with Jirdon's Winterizer.  
  • Blow out your sprinklers!!!
Shrubs, Perennials & Bulbs
  • You still have time to plant spring blooming bulbs
  • Paperwhites & amaryllises are classic holiday flowers. They take 4-6 weeks to bloom from bulbs so start them in mid- late November for holiday color.
Veggies, Fruit & Herbs
  • Extend your season by adding a cold frame around your cool season crops
  • Plant garlic bulbs
  • Mulch root veggies for harvest through the winter
Check out our Tips for Winter Success for more details!!  
Quote of the month:
The last month of Autumn, but the beginning of a new adventure.
Time to take risks and do the unexpected.