News Bulletin - February 10, 2020
Like the iconic iceberg, there’s more than the eye can see when it comes to the research projects funded through NLWIC and to the workforce innovators in Newfoundland and Labrador who are leading them. So learn more from the links and follow us, follow our projects, engage @NLWIC #tipoftheiceberg or download our brochure here. 
Research shows that Indigenous youth often face multiple barriers to employment and typically have lower employment rates than non-Indigenous youth in Canada. As in other parts of Canada, many services exist to connect youth with employment. However, unemployment rates in northern Labrador – particularly in the coastal communities of Nunatsiavut – remain high.
Exploring how to improve data management systems to capture client progress toward employment/training, uncover trends in client needs, highlight those interventions linked to the most positive outcomes and help create evidence-based refinements to the areas of service that are not resulting in desired outcomes.
The Ocean Startup Project, driven by the Ocean Supercluster, has funding to grow the number of ocean industry startups in Atlantic Canada.

With the largest coastline in the world and the fourth-largest ocean territory, Atlantic Canada's ocean economy overflows with opportunity to innovate, from novel approaches for addressing biodiversity to digitization.

The Ocean Startup Project's Engage Cafés are designed to share new supports for ocean industry startups and facilitate meaningful collaborations and connections. Stakeholders from across the ocean sector are invited to unite locally and regionally. Together, problems can be solved, barriers can be overcome, and new ways to innovate can be discovered. 

If you're located in Western Newfoundland, please join us, along with partners Navigate , NL Workforce Innovation Centre and Springboard Atlantic  on Monday, February 17th from 2-4 pm at the Arts & Sciences Atrium of Grenfell Campus, Memorial University in Corner Brook. Feel free to forward this to your Western Newfoundland network. Spaces will be limited so book your spot today!
This is an excellent resource e-newsletter and the January 21 edition featured a host of articles including " How many Canadians Plan to Switch Jobs and Why ? " and " 11 Simple Ways You Can Make Your Workplace More LGBTQ-Inclusive ".

CareerWise is a program of  CERIC  funded through a grant from  The Counselling Foundation of Canada .
In October 2019, the NL Workforce Innovation Centre, along with the Conference Board of Canada and the Business/Higher Education Roundtable co-convened the Future Skills Centre Newfoundland and Labrador Regional Sounding Tour in St. John's and the Humber Valley.

The Newfoundland and Labrador Regional Sounding brought together
a varied group of participants. In small groups, they talked about the
education, employment, training, and skills challenges they face, are
concerned about, or are currently tackling. We came to you to listen,
and here’s what we heard. Stay tuned for the detailed pan-Canadian Future Skills Centre Regional Sounding Tour report.

Read the October 30, 2019 - St. John's, NL summary report.
Read the October 31, 2019 - Humber Valley, NL summary report.
How Much Do They Make?
New Evidence on the Early Career Earnings of Canadian PostSecondary Education Graduates by Credential & Field of Study
This report results from a collaboration between the Education Policy Research Initiative (EPRI) and the Labour Market Information Council (LMIC). The conceptual design of the analytical framework, sample construction, data extraction, and empirical analysis were carried out by EPRI. The report was authored by EPRI, with substantial drafting contributions and input from LMIC.
Provincial Government Calls for Proposals to Promote Multiculturalism Week
Through The Way Forward on Immigration , the Provincial Government is working with its partners to increase the number of Multiculturalism Week events throughout the province. As part of that work, government has issued a Request for Proposals for projects and events aimed at promoting intercultural understanding in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Held each year in March, Multiculturalism Week is a time to celebrate the contributions of immigrants and celebrate diversity through events such as displaying multi-coloured lights as well as music and food festivals. Since 2017, 28 events celebrating diversity throughout the province were funded through the Multicultural Grant Program for a total of approximately $35,000.
Eligible applicants include cultural groups and associations, established non-profit community organizations, municipal governments, public entities such as schools, and non-governmental entities such as regional development authorities. Eligibility guidelines are available here .
Application guidelines for submitting proposals, as well as funding eligibility and requirements, are available here

This year’s application process has been enhanced by introducing a continuous intake process, meaning applications may be submitted at any time for events taking place before March 31, 2020.  

For more information see below.