St. James New Logo
To Love and Care for All, Seek Christ, and Spread His Gospel
Volunteer Sign Up!
Come and Celebrate
Parish Hall 5:30pm

Group involved learning experience
Lead by Deacon Suzy Lynch
with a promise that it will not be all depressing

Sunday School
All Sunday School will start at 9:30 A.M.

Outreach News:

Deadly earthquakes struck Türkiye (Turkey) and Syria, killing tens of thousands of people and causing widespread damage across the region. We are only just beginning to understand the long-term effects of this event, and are currently working with partners to care for those affected, including people who are displaced.

This coming Sunday, February 26 is 

Please consider raising awareness about Episcopal Relief & Development’s response to this disaster.
And Thanks
to the


Over 25 people helped to make our traditional Mardi Gras celebration a success! Krewe members assisted in preparing the red beans, setting up the decorations, blowing up balloons, and readying the traditional red beans and rice dinner…and cleaning up afterwards!

Everything is now stowed away until next year…in readiness for another wonderful family time of togetherness, laughter, banter, music and noise!

Thanks to everyone who helped…and who enjoyed the evening!

Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler!

St James Broadcasts This Service Every Evening at 9 pm
Come…Join in these Ancient, but Contemporary Prayers

Members of the Compline team lead this very short, but meaningful prayer service beginning at 9 pm each evening.
Duration is approximately 15 minutes and is designed to prepare ourselves for a restful sleep, just as St. Benedict prepared his monks for a refreshing sleep in the 6th century.

Participating in this every evening prayer is simple:

St. James’ website:
Click on Menu >Chapel>Live

Subscribe to our St. James Facebook Page. Turn on Notifications to have a notice sent to you when we go live with our Compline Prayers


Subscribe to our St. James YouTube Page. Turn on Notifications there also for an alert message.

A live chat allows you to add your own specific prayers to that of the prayer community who gather each evening. You can remain anonymous or you can post a greeting so others will know you are present.

So Just What is Compline?

Around 530 CE, Benedict of Nursia, penned a way of life for the monks in his monastery.

Compline, traditional night prayers before retiring, is a legacy of his writings and is as valuable today as it was during the time of turmoil after the fall of the Roman Empire. Benedict composed the final prayers and psalms of the day to assist his monks to rest well after a day of labor.

According to Joan Chittister, OSB, Compline allowed the monks to recognize

  • that the day just passed was not perfect,

  • gave hope that the next day would be better,
  • to praise God whose love and grace sustained them during the day,
  • to go to bed trusting that God knows our hearts and forgives our

Modern assurances from these ancient prayers for everyone to
“Rest Well in God’s Love.”(Deacon Suzy)

So Come

Join this peaceful community prayer time!
It’s such a blessing when you do!

Perhaps add this opportunity to assist in observing a Holy Lent.
The signage for St. James has weathered many years now, the directional sign at Lone Pine is very rusty, and our large sign in front of the church is very faded, so it is time to update and improve our image. The vestry has approved a budget of no more than $6,000 to cover the costs of a new sign at Lone Pine, an additional sign along the bike/hiking trail that skirts our open field, and a new large lighted sign in front of the church. 

Vestry did apply for a grant from the Southern Deanery to accomplish this project and soften the cost, however, it was denied. We are inviting you to take part in this update and are taking donations to help pay for the project. We will be posting pictures of the proposed designs in the Parish Hall and if you would like to contribute, please make your check payable to St. James with the word “signs” in the memo line. If you have any questions about the signs, please see any vestry member or Eric Atkinson. 


Tatum doesn’t really need an introduction – she is a lifelong member of St. James!

In case you have missed it at our Annual Meeting, Tatum Trader is our new Children’s Ministry/Sunday School Leader and that is the purpose of this “introduction.” B.J. Amigon had to “retire” from the position due to work commitments and Tatum stepped right up to take his place. Tatum knows her way around kids, so please welcome her and bring your kids to Sunday School at 9:30!

Tatum will also be providing some instruction to the kids at each of our Soup Suppers during Lent so that the parents can participate in the adult discussion. Parents, please come, bring the kids, enjoy a light meal, and then hand off your kiddos to Tatum while you enjoy the Lenton Program provided by Deacon Suzy Lynch.
Celebrations & Prayers This Month
This Week
Happy Birthdays
Daniel Redden       03/01
Jim Colwell             03/03
Sam Breid               03/04
Tammy Larimore   03/04

Happy Anniversary
Clay & Stacy Stuckey 02/29
  Prayers for Families This Week
Hutcherson, Jackson, James

Altar Schedule
Altar Guild
Angela Pierce
Terry Abshire   
The Rev. Rod Pierce
The Rev. Rod Pierce
The Rev. Suzanne Lynch
1st Reading
2nd Reading
Sarah Dodson
Lisa Pruitt
Mary Torres   
Prayers of the people
Terry Abshire 
Acolyte (s)
Charlie Dodson
Eucharistic Minister 1
Eucharistic Minister 2
Chris Dodson
Robert Lanning 
Jim Lynch
Eric Atkinson
Michael Bishop-Jones
COVID-19 Please take prudent and necessary precautions when in large gatherings.