June 4, 2020 • Published by the Academy of Medicine of Cincinnati
Thanks to our physician members and all health care professionals who are working tirelessly and selflessly to protect our community during the COVID-19 pandemic.
News for Academy Members and the Cincinnati Medical Community
Academy updating member database
The Academy is currently updating the member information in its database, and we need your help to make sure your data is up-to-date.

Please complete this form and return it to the Academy as soon as possible. Thanks to all those members who have already shared their information.

We want to make sure that you receive all the membership benefits you deserve.

If you have any questions, please contact the Academy's Membership Coordinator.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the United States
financial program
Research into delayed presentation for acute ischemic stroke

Academy member Andrew Ringer, MD, Mayfield Clinic neurosurgeon and chairman of its board, recently co-authored research into whether patients were delaying care for acute ischemic stroke during the COPVID-19 pandemic

The article, published in the Journal of NeuroInterventioanl Surgery, concluded that the study's data supported a delay in patients seeking care for acute ischemic stroke during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in the US. The authors suggest that policymakers and patient advocates consider the results in future decision making and raise awareness of the need for patients to seek appropriate and timely medical attention for stroke symptoms, even in the face of current or future pandemic crises.
Academy of Medicine held its Telehealth 101 Webinar on May 19

Designed to help Cincinnati-area physicians improve the quality of telehealth services, the 45-minute webinar featured a primer on telehealth and information on coding/billing.

Weren't able to attend or forgot to register? Here are links to the event:

Once you view the webinar, we'd appreciate your feedback. Take a short survey here.
Renew for 2020 … the Academy needs members like you to remain strong, effective, and influential

Because of COVID 19 and the issues surrounding it, the Academy chose to suspend its dues collection follow-up efforts, normally done during the first half of the year, to focus on matters related to the pandemic. Therefore, many of you that are accustomed to receiving a reminder regarding dues payment did not receive one.

Those notices are now being prepared and will be sent in the next few days. Please note that it is not too late to pay your 2020 dues and remain a current Academy member.

Thanks to all those members who have already paid their 2020 dues, which allowed the Academy to continue its endeavors on behalf of local physicians during this difficult time.

If you have any questions regarding your dues, email Natalie Peterson or call 513-484-0156.
Items of Interest to Physicians
UC Internal Medicine Grand Rounds 
Webinar Session (Due to COVID-19, offered via WebEx Only)

June 10, 2020 – Yufei Dai, MD
Topic: Update of the Management of Type 2 Diabetes for the General Internist

June 17, 2020 – Benjamin Kinnear, MD
Topic: People Are Not Bread

Sessions are held noon to 1:00 p.m. on most Wednesdays (available remotely to all Academy members at no charge.)

Survey: Doctors’ big COVID-19 worry is keeping their families safe

With an uptick of cases, the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences launched a survey addressed at identifying acute stress and ensuring resources are available to support health professionals.

The number one fear expressed by the responding physicians and other health professionals was how they can keep their families safe after providing COVID-19 care.

The Academy office is closed temporarily, however staff members are working remotely and can be reached via email or voice mail.
The Academy of Medicine of Cincinnati, founded in 1857, is the not-for-profit, county medical society for physicians in Hamilton County, Ohio.

As a professional association, the Academy of Medicine exists to organize, represent, advocate for, and serve all Greater Cincinnati physicians in all specialties and all practice settings.