CDN Update

Welcome to the first update of 2023!

Over the past few months, all CDN staff have been enthusiastically involved in creating an ambitious CDN Strategic Plan; highlighting our purpose, focus and guiding principles for the next three years. At the beginning of next month, we'll begin the strategic plan consultation by launching the CDN Strategic Summary Plan Survey. The purpose of the survey is to share the draft summary plan with you, and seek your feedback. Your answers will support and inform the final CDN Strategic Plan 2023-26.

The survey will be launched on 1 February and will close on 28 February.
Watch this space...

At the start of the month, we launched Reach Magazine; the magazine for Scotland's college sector. The magazine is packed full of inspirational stories including; West Lothian's College Trust Project (page 29) a trauma informed approach to supporting individuals sustain education; City of Glasgow College continued success on their legacy of green technology and COP26 (page 32); celebration of individual winners from College Awards 2022 including the deeply inspiring story of Kian Docherty our Student of the Year winner (page 11); plus so much more!

Look out for printed magazines in college receptions.

We continue to offer a wide range of impactful Courses, Events and Research to support your professional development. Take a moment and have a look at what's on offer below and on CDN’s website.
As ever, please don’t hesitate to contact me if you’d like to talk about any aspect of our work, if you'd like to suggest new ways that we can support you, or share experiences and great practice that colleagues in the sector would find useful. You can email me at: jim.metcalfe@cdn.ac.uk
Jim Metcalfe, Chief Executive, CDN
Reach 2023 - Out Now!
The Magazine for Scotland's College Sector
The 2023 edition of Reach, the magazine for Scotland's college sector, is now online!

This interactive issue is filled with stories about inspirational practice and innovation.

The spotlight is on WorldSkills Scotland - containing lots of information on how you and your students can benefit from WorldSkills competitions as well as showcasing fantastic stories of the winners.

Also inside:

  • Virtual Reality in Care,
  • Data Skills for All
  • Embedding Health and Wellbeing

and lots more!
Scotland's National College Digital Campaign
To celebrate the outstanding innovation, hard work and best practice that takes place across the sector every day, organised by the CDN Marketing and Communications Network, our collaborative #LoveScotlandsColleges campaign will launch on
Monday 13 February 2023.

The week-long digital campaign highlights the importance and strength of Scotland’s colleges, promoting examples, both national and local, of how colleges support students, the economy, businesses, communities and staff.

The campaign encourages all college staff, politicians, businesses, local communities and stakeholders to get involved with the campaign on social media by using #LoveScotlandsColleges.

To support you with this campaign, we've created a Marketing Toolkit which includes; campaign overview, suggested copy, news story and design assets.

We would love your support to make this campaign the best #LoveScotlandsColleges week yet.
New Pathways from Poverty Case Study:
The Marie Trust: Education as a Pathway from Homelessness
We're delighted to publish new case study The Marie Trust: Education as a Pathway from Homelessness to CDN's Research and Enhancement Centre's Pathways from Poverty series.

The Pathways from Poverty series highlights ways in which colleges are uniquely placed to help combat poverty, and includes case studies by Forth Valley College, Borders College, Ayrshire College and Glasgow Kelvin College. View case studies here.

The recent case study 'The Marie Trust: Education as a Pathway from Homelessness' highlights The Marie Trust’s College Education Programme, which aims to widen access to education and use learning as a pathway out of homelessness. The Marie Trust College Education Programme is delivered in partnership with City of Glasgow College and Glasgow Kelvin College. Read the case study here.
Coming Soon... Pathways from Poverty: Leading With Empathy and Vision: An Insight Into West Lothian College.
Pedagogy Matters Podcasts are Back!
Shining a Light on Key Aspects of Pedagogy
The hugely popular Pedagogy Matters Podcasts break down what the key aspects of pedagogy are and how these can be realised in current practice, whether that be online delivery, face to face delivery, or a mixture of both.

The series returned this month with:

Pedagogy Matters with Hazel Brady – Approaches to Professional Learning
We talk to Hazel Brady, Director at West Lothian College about the approaches taken to Professional Development. The college has introduced West Lothian Wednesdays, protected time for staff development, as part of their offer and Hazel shares what has been learnt along the journey, both in terms of structure and how this is being supported by Learning Champions.

Pedagogy Matters with Allan Glen – Project Based Learning
We chat to Allan Glen from Edinburgh College and discuss the approach taken in his curriculum area in relation to project based learning. Allan shares his inspiration for reviewing the curriculum offer with his team, which led to a shift in focus across all aspects of the curriculum and significantly reduced the assessment burden on students and staff. Allan shares his advice and approach on all aspects of the process, including some guidance principles as well as considerations relating to quality assurance.

Coming soon...

Pedagogy Matters with Boyd Stewart – Reflections over a 25 year teaching career – what have I learnt?
In this episode, we talk to Boyd Stewart, lecturer at Edinburgh College. The conversation focusses around Boyd’s experiences of how his practice has evolved over time and how COVID and the cost of living crisis has shaped this more recently. Boyd reflects on the particular challenges of delivering a practical course remotely and with limited access to physical workspaces. The discussion also covers a switch to a focus on meta-skills and readiness to work.
Tune In 1215 Friday 10 February!
Partner News: WorldSkills UK - Developing Excellence in Teaching and Training:
CPD event 2023
Mark your new 2023 diary for WorldSkills UK’s free to access, high-quality virtual CPD event on 1 and 2 February, in partnership with the Education and Training Foundation (ETF).

Designed for those delivering technical and vocational education and training, as well as quality leads and pastoral staff, the sessions will show how to integrate world-class practices into your teaching and help you develop your skills and those of your students and apprentices, to meet the needs of employers.

Choose from a range of sessions of 45-60 mins to best suit your own practice and can fit into your busy schedule. There’s no limit to how many sessions you can take part in. Plus content will be downloadable after the event.
Partner News: QAA Workshops
QAA recently opened registration for the next of their 20 Years of Enhancement Virtual Panels, ‘Where in the world is enhancement? Exploring the impact of Scotland’s Enhancement approach,’ which takes place on 13 February. The previous virtual panel was very well attended, with some meaty discussion, and QAA is keen to involve colleges.

They are also running workshops relating to RPL, the next one is on 28 February RPL @ MTU – a twenty year organisational journaly.
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