Family. The most important people in our lives, whether they are biological or adopted, nuclear or extended, friends that are just like family, etc. You want to help them be their best. We have some ideas for you! Read on...
Events: Take Healthy Back


Your Family's Health

I hope you made some wonderful memories with family and friends this summer! Launching into the month of August, are you starting to mull over ways to keep everyone healthy into the fall and winter months? Our Family Health Study can help with ideas, motivation and FREE products. Curious? More information here.


Are Soda and Juice Identical Twins?

If you think that drinking fruit juice is just as healthy as eating fruit, you may want to reconsider that opinion. This article cites many studies that point to juices being just as bad for our bodies as soda.

Some of the many reasons to steer clear of juice:
  • It isn't always what is seems to be (added sugars and flavors).
  • Fruit juice contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, but lacks fiber and is loaded with sugar.
  • It's easy to consume massive amounts of sugar from fruit juice.
  • Liquid calories are uniquely fattening.
Conclusion: overall, drinking fruit juice in small amounts may be okay for some individuals, but people need to realize that despite the health halo, fruit juice really is very similar to sugary soda.

Most importantly, your liver can't tell the difference. All of the harmful effects of sugary drinks also apply to fruit juice.
Rapid Transit + Tower Gardens

The City of Atlanta has climbed aboard the urban farming train! Next time you're at the MARTA station downtown, look for this 10-Tower farm. Interested in starting a Tower Garden in your home? Let's talk!

Just planted 
4 weeks later - ready to eat! 
Rachel Smartt
Thank you for reading my newsletter. Please contact me if you want more information about Healthy Living, Healthy Growing or starting a Healthy Business!

Rachel Smartt, 
Naturopathic Doctor
Nat'l Marketing Director &
Juice Plus+
Text/mobile  404-664-5497
