Envision Eugene is our community’s vision for our city’s future and how we will grow while preserving what we love about our community.

Envision Eugene Newsletter
What's New with Envision Eugene?
This newsletter provides a couple of reminders about upcoming Envision Eugene events, including a council work session on July 20th. We have also included a link to our new Envision Eugene video. You can always get the latest information at the Envision Eugene website - www.EnvisionEugene.org.
Video: Adopting Eugene's 
Own Urban Growth Boundary
Check out this video about the next steps in adopting Eugene's own urban growth boundary. When you are done, share it with your friends!
Reminder: Envision Eugene at
City Council in July
On July 20 City Council will discuss strategies to meet Eugene's need for multi-family housing over the next 20 years.  Most of Eugene's future housing can fit on land that is within our current UGB. There is still a need, however, to find space for about 1,600 multi-family homes. 

At their work session Council will receive an overview of the options for accommodating Eugene's multi-family housing need and discuss which options to further study. The options selected by Council will be taken out to the community over the summer and fall to get feedback from the public. Learn more by viewing the Council memo here and view the multifamily options page here

The Council work session will be at noon on July 20 in Harris Hall, at 125 E. 8th Avenue. You can watch the work session live or later on the City's webcast. The Council agenda and meeting materials will be available online starting July 15.  
Reminder: See You This Summer!
First Event:  TODAY in Willakenzie Park, 5:30-7:30 pm
Summer Events
Envision Eugene will be coming to events near you this summer! Beginning in July, the Envision Eugene Team will be hosting a booth at community events throughout the City including several of the Party in the Parks, Sunday Streets, and at First Friday in downtown.

In addition to fun freebies, maps, and a "Love Your ‘Hood" activity, this will be an opportunity to share information about our proposed new UGB and let people know how they can give their input.

Upcoming Events:
Thursday July 14th, 5:30 - 7:30 pm -  Party in the Park (Willakenzie Park)
Tuesday July 19th, 5:30 - 7:30 pm - Party in the Park (Churchill Park)

Stay tuned for more events throughout the summer where you will see the Envision Eugene booth! Go to Get Involved! for the latest information.
To subscribe to Envision Eugene, email envisioneugene@ci.eugene.or.us and tell us you would like to receive our emails. Thanks for your interest, and as always, please let us know if we can answer any questions about Envision Eugene.
City of Eugene Planning & Development Department
99 W. 10th Avenue | Eugene | OR | 97401