Envision Eugene is our collective vision for how we will grow
while preserving what we love about our community.

Envision Eugene Newsletter
What's New with Envision Eugene?
September 23, 2016
Envision Eugene has always aimed to represent the diverse needs of our community and find synergies between our community values. It is this balance that provides an opportunity to meet multiple community objectives. This newsletter focuses on two of the seven pillars of Envision Eugene: Compact Development and Neighborhood Livability. Envision Eugene is about these pillars working side by side with economic opportunity, housing affordability, natural resource protection and climate and energy resiliency.

This week's newsletter includes two new infographics and reminders about the remaining outreach events and opportunities to participate. As always you can visit our website for the latest information.

Compact Development and
Neighborhood Livability

As a community we have identified the promotion of compact urban development and efficient transportation options as an important community value. Equally important is the concept of neighborhood livability. Envision Eugene aims to advance these two community values together.

In addition to being a pillar of Envision Eugene, compact growth is a key component of Oregon’s statewide land use planning framework. Oregon cities must plan to use land efficiently in order to minimize impacts on our farms and forests.

In Eugene average household size has decreased and commuting by bike and foot are on the rise. Compact development in certain areas could allow more people to find housing options that are appropriate to their needs and make cycling, walking and transit viable options for more residents.

Related to compact development is the concept of neighborhood livability. As Eugene continues to grow at a steady pace, Envision Eugene seeks to protect and enhance what makes Eugene a great place to live.

Livability is a complex concept, with a variety of opinions about what makes a great place to live. Some of us prefer the space, privacy and quiet that comes with single family neighborhoods and large lots, while others prefer the bustle and accessibility that denser urban environments provide. Of course, cost is also an important factor we all consider when deciding where to live. 

One of the goals of Envision Eugene is to increase opportunities and amenities in neighborhoods city-wide so that 90% of them can function as 20 minute neighborhoods by 2035. T wenty minute neighborhoods are neighborhoods where residents can access shops, recreation, and services within a 20 minute walk. This could mean adding parks and schools in areas that need them and encouraging more housing and retail along our key corridors. It also means planning for compatibility with the surrounding residential areas. Twenty minute neighborhoods advance livability and compact development in addition to the other pillars of Envision Eugene.

Learn more about how Envision Eugene seeks to protect and enhance neighborhood livability and promote compact development and efficient transportation options by clicking on these infographics and by visiting our website.

Community Outreach
Reminder: Multi-Family Questionnaire
Closes this Sunday!
In order for us to present your input on multi-family options to Council by September 30th, this questionnaire will close on Sunday, September 25th. If you haven't already, please fill out the questionnaire and share the link with your friends by forwarding this newsletter!
In addition to the multi-family questionnaire, you can provide input on the draft comprehensive plan and the urban growth boundary expansion areas by filling out the questionnaires below. These questionnaires will remain open until early October.

Drop-in Sessions and Open House

Over the past two weeks about 75 of you took the opportunity for a deeper dive on the draft comprehensive plan, adopting our urban growth boundary, the proposed UGB expansions and other aspects of Envision Eugene. Thank you for coming out, learning about the project, and asking tough questions. It was great to have so many of you involved.

All of the materials that were presented at the open house and drop in sessions remain set-up in the Atrium Building (99 W 10th Ave) and are available on our website. Visit www.envisioneugene.org

Community Events

We only have one summer outreach event left before the end of September. Come drop by the Envision Eugene tent, say "hello," and learn more about the next steps in adopting our urban growth boundary and comprehensive plan.

Final Event!
September 25th, Sunday Streets (Hilyard Community Center) Noon – 4 pm

To subscribe to Envision Eugene, email envisioneugene@ci.eugene.or.us and tell us you would like to receive our emails. Thanks for your interest, and as always, please let us know if we can answer any questions about Envision Eugene.
City of Eugene Planning & Development Department
99 W. 10th Avenue | Eugene | OR | 97401