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everything that's going on this month at EPICentre
JULY 2022
2021/2022 EPICentre Annual Report
We’ve all been faced with many challenges over the past year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The EPICentre team was faced with the challenge of pivoting our programs and services to a completely virtual platform to continue to provide startups with opportunities to grow and succeed in the ever-changing economic climate. We’re proud of the work we have done over the past year and we invite you to see some of our highlights in the 2021-2022 Annual Report.
Our MakerSpace Is Officially Open!
We're thrilled to announce that our new MakerSpace is officially open! EPICentre’s makerspace is a collaborative and interactive place where students from all faculties as well as community members can explore, learn and make cool stuff.
Meet Our Founders
Our RBC Founders cohort began their journey on May 16th and will continue to work towards validating their business model until the final pitch presentations on August 9th. Leading up to the final pitch, we wanted to take this opportunity to introduce you to each of our startups!
You have an idea; we want to help!
The VentureStart Program is aimed to help University of Windsor students, and recent graduates, as well as St. Clair College students, turn their ideas into reality.
EPICentre Invites Entrepreneurs to Join Coworking Membership
The EPICentre Coworking Program, a program for new and existing companies to gain access to EPICentre’s open concept workspace, amenities, local entrepreneurship ecosystem, and more! Visit our website for more information.
Future of Work Scholarship
In partnership with Invest WindsorEssex, the Future of Work Scholarship Program will award eight (8) scholarships worth $2,500 each, for a total of $20,000, to post-secondary students in any year of study pursuing a future in Canada’s exciting automotive industry.
2022 Vital Signs Survey
Vital Signs® is a community report that combines national, provincial, and local data with residents’ views on important local issues. The results are combined with other data from local and national sources such as Statistics Canada to create an all-encompassing report for our region.