ECAO is proud to announce the official release of ECAO’s Project Database, our FREE, secure, and confidential system that allows ECAO members to quickly upload and track electrical jobs performed in Ontario.
Why did we develop this database?
Better business footprint picture – We want to provide you with a clearer picture of the projects you have bid on, while also gathering that information ourselves from across the province to assess the competitiveness of our members. Although you will only have access to your information, you will see a high-level comparison with other contractors, such as percentage of job wins and losses.
Create value for membership – Regardless of your company’s size, this system can act as a reliable source of project information, supplement existing reporting mechanisms, or act as a business development tool. You can download all the information you enter and create your own reports. There’s something for everyone!
What will the ECAO do with the information collected?
ECAO will compile all the information obtained and share various anonymous reports with the Electrical Trade Bargaining Agency (ETBA) and our local ECAs. The ECAO will also periodically share tailored (and again, anonymous) insights through our “You Ought to Know” newsletter to our members.
All project information entered into the system is confidential.
ECAO staff are contractually obligated to keep all information confidential, guaranteeing anonymity and preventing the identification of individual projects or users within the system. Only Patryk (LR Analyst) and Jodi (LR Manager) from ECAO have administrative access to the database.
I’d like to learn more / get started. Who do I contact?
Email Patryk Wrobel, our Labour Relations Analyst at