Welcome to our newest Featured Partner AND Preferred Provider, DONORSEARCH, providing wealth and philanthropy screening services to nonprofits. As a Preferred Provider, our members receive a 15% discount off of subscription & screening packages!

We are grateful to all of our Partners that help to make our programs to support local nonprofits possible. To join us as a Partner, click here.
IT4Causes - looking for volunteers with IT and/or PM skills to assist local nonprofits.

To review all Volunteer Needs, click here.
November 24

Synapse Peninsula Virtual
THIS Thursday, November 19 · 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

All are welcome to join this networking group of nonprofit representatives, small business leaders, and entrepreneurs. To register, click here. To learn more about Synapse, click here.
Mobile Food Pantry Distributions - Williamsburg - Nov 19 and Dec 17. To learn more, click here.

Upcoming Food Distributions - in Williamsburg, Newport News, and Yorktown - November 21 - Waters Edge Church. For details, click here.

Free COVID Testing - November 21. For details, click here.

Open Enrollment has begun - for 2021 and will remain open until December 15. Coverage will begin on January 1. To learn more, click here.

Free Medical Supplies & Equipment - for full list and pick up information, click here.

Rent & Mortgage Assistance CARES Act Funding - funding devoted to this program is not able to be used after December 31! To learn more, click here.

Emergency Assistance Available - Limited funds available from Peninsula Agency on Aging for older adults with overdue utility bills. To learn more, click here.
Training Funds & Member Discounts are Available for Staff, Volunteers, and Board Members!
Board Match Up Program

Are you interested in serving on a nonprofit Board? We can help match up your interests, skills, and availability with a nonprofit in need! Once a match is identified, we make the connection and then leave you to continue the conversation and discern whether it is a good fit for you. To learn more and to complete a questionnaire, click here.
We have curated additional Resources for Education and Action to help better understand the issues around inequity and racism in our communities and in the nonprofit sector. These first steps are steps we are committed to taking as we plan upcoming conversations, trainings, and actions to address these issues together.
NetworkPeninsula networkpeninsula.org
We are grateful for Our Partners who make our programs possible. To join our Networked Communityclick here!
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Executive Partner
Featured Partners
Network Partners
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