Synapse Peninsula Virtual
Thursday, September 3 · 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

All are welcome to join this networking group made up of nonprofit representatives, small business leaders, and entrepreneurs. To register for free, click here. To learn more, click here.
Big Volunteer Day - September 12 - Serve the City Peninsula

To review all Volunteer Needs, click here.

IT volunteers are needed to assist area nonprofits on various projects. To learn more, click here.
School Supplies - Commonwealth Catholic Charities Refugee Center

Shoes - Grove Christian Outreach Center

School Supplies - Hampton Roads International Montessori Schools

To learn more about these and other needs, click here.
Growing Future Support for Your Church or Faith-based Nonprofit

September 22 · 9:00 A.M. via Zoom

Free Webinar Presented by NetworkPeninsula with InFaith Community Foundation and Thrivent
To learn more and to register, click here.
Sign on to Stabilize Child Care - 1 in 3 child care programs are not able to re-open due to the pandemic – that’s 450,000 slots for VA’s kids! If you believe and agree that child care in VA needs to be stabilized so working families can support the economy and our children have safe places for care and education, please consider signing on to this letter to the General Assembly asking them to allow $80m of the $1.3 CARES funding still available – things are moving fast, so PLEASE sign this as soon as possible by clicking here. For fact sheet on this issue, click here.
Free Medical Supplies and Equipment- for complete list and pick up information,click here.

Supplemental Assistance Funding for Emergencies (SAFE) program - Newport News has launched this program for residents experiencing financial hardships due to COVID-19. Assistance is provided for essential supports, including food, utility bills, childcare, rent or mortgage, transportation and medication. To learn more, click here.

Youth & Child Care - The YMCA of the Virginia Peninsulas has started a new program that provides care to kindergarten through fifth grade students. To learn more, click here.
NetworkPeninsula is proud to launch FACES – Framework for Action to Center Equity in our Sector.

The FACES program will focus on centering equity in our sector and identifying and creating actionable steps for change. The program will involve multiple components, including:

  • collection of data on racial and other demographics in our sector (including staff, leaders, boards, and donors)
  • a series of online group conversations for nonprofit leaders to gauge/reflect where they are on this issue
  • analysis of the survey data in comparison with racial demographics from the communities we serve
  • discussion and identification of gaps and work to be done
  • an in-depth series for nonprofit leaders interested in creating actionable steps to address inequity in our sector.

Board Match Up Program

Are you interested in serving on a nonprofit Board? We can help match up your interests, skills, and availability with a nonprofit in need! Once a match is identified, we make the connection and then leave you to continue the conversation and discern whether it is a good fit for you. To learn more and to complete a questionnaire, click here.
We have curated additional Resources for Education and Action to help better understand the issues around inequity and racism in our communities and in the nonprofit sector. These first steps are steps we are committed to taking as we plan upcoming conversations, trainings, and actions to address these issues together.
We are grateful for Our Partners who make our programs possible. To join our Networked Communityclick here!
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