February 2024

Helping You Give To Those In Need

We hope this newsletter finds you well. As we enter the first quarter of the year, we wanted to take a moment to update you on the impactful work being done by the High Country Charitable Foundation.

Despite ongoing challenges our organization remains committed to supporting our community. Thanks to the generosity of our donors and partners, we have been able to provide essential resources and assistance to those in need. In 2023 we were able to donate over $215,000 to the community.

In recent months, the High Country Charitable Foundation has focused on addressing the pressing issues of homelessness, food insecurity, and access to education. Through collaborative efforts with local nonprofits and community organizations, we have been able to make a tangible difference in the lives of many individuals and families.

For 2023 Grant Recipients the High Country Charitable Foundation was able to help over 30 organizations to continue to serve the people and animals of Avery County. Some of the recipients included: Avery Association for Exceptional Citizens: "Yellow Mtn",

Avery County Habitat for Humanity, Feeding Avery Families, Linville Volunteer Fire Dept, and Reaching Avery Ministry (RAM).

Click Here to Review a Complete List

Thank You!

The Avery County Sheriffs Department reached out in December requesting assistance to fund a Christmas project, "Shop with a Cop." The High Country Charitable Foundation stepped up to help so that the Avery County Sheriffs Department could address the crucial needs of numerous children. The Sheriffs Department was able to provide children with essential items like winter jackets, blankets, shoes, and personal hygiene products. The combined efforts of both organizations helped to bridge the gap and ensue the well-being of these children and their families while spreading holiday cheer!

The Avery County Sheriffs Department sends their sincere gratitude for the donations from HCCF!

A Heartwarming Story

Reaching Avery Ministries

"It Takes a Community"

In a world that often rushes by, it's crucial to remember that acts of kindness can truly make a difference in someone's life. Today, High Country Charitable Foundation would like to share an inspiring tale about an elderly woman whose spirit is nourished through the support of Reaching Avery Ministries. (RAM)


Reaching Avery Ministries is an organization that has been in existence since 1982. RAM provides assistance with food, clothing, heating fuel, utilities, prescription medicines/medical expenses household necessities, furniture, emergency shelter, and other services to help meet a person’s needs. The organization works closely with the Avery County Department of Social Services, Avery County Schools, Avery County Health Department, and other agencies to ensure the critical needs of the county’s children elderly, and disabled are met. RAM is the only full-time emergency assistance agency in existence in Avery County. RAM has received grants throughout the years from High Country Charitable Foundation. These grants help RAM to provide the essential services they need to help their community.

Meet Mrs. Johnson (not her real name), a resilient soul who has weathered the storms of life with unwavering determination. Living on a fixed income, Mrs. Johnson has faced the challenge of stretching her resources to meet her basic needs. Sometimes that can mean a choice between eating or providing fuel for heating her home....

Click Here to Read More

Organizational Spotlight

Spirit Ride Therapeutic Riding Center:

“Changing Lives One Child at a Time”

Animals have always held a special bond with their human counterparts. Spirit Ride Therapeutic Riding Center is a testament of the power of that connection. The Riding Center is a haven of hope where children with special needs find solace, joy, and a chance to thrive with the assistance of a few very gifted horses, a team of volunteers and instructors. Spirit Ride has continued to serve the community and their life’s mission has left an indelible mark with Avery County and surrounding areas. Much of their success and ability to continue is in part due to the donations of the High Country Charitable Foundation.

Spirit Ride was founded by Patty Adams and her husband Craig in 2014. A culmination of determination, hard work, the support of friends, the community and passion to help children; Spirit Ride has assisted over one hundred families in providing the resources and paths to help their child thrive in ways they never dreamed possible. The Adam’s have provided a healthy and loving atmosphere for horses who otherwise may not have had such an opportunity providing them an opportunity to forge bonds that only their healing spirit can do.

At Spirit Ride, horses are more than just animals; they become companions and therapists for the children who visit.... 

Click Here to Read More

Save The Date

The High Country Charitable Foundation will be hosting this years event at Diamond Creek on Sunday, June 23rd.

*More Exciting News To Come!

Donate Today

As our community's needs evolve, we remain committed to improving the quality of life for all. And your gift helps make it possible!

Click Here to Donate

If you would like to know more about The High Country Charitable Foundation, please do not hesitate to reach out to us!




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