Community Chronicles
February 2019 Issue 2
Message from our Executive Director
A Salute to Black History Month!
Founded by Carter G. Woodson as Negro History Week and since 1976 has been declared Black History Month by every sitting President of the United States, the month of February brings Americans together to acknowledge and celebrate the extraordinary contributions, struggles and triumphs of Black people. It also allows us to collectively reflect on how far we’ve come and the work still to be done to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to a life that is safe and sound. This Black History Month, we salute those that have come before us and applaud those that will continue a trailblazing legacy for years to come.
The month of February is also American Heart Month, Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, Gang Prevention Awareness Month and many others. For such a short month, February has a lot packed into it! The same can be said for the work that is going on in our community. Here in Hillsborough County we are seeing a lot of growth and partnerships. We are certainly excited to be a part of it!
As we look ahead to more in 2019, we’re excited to celebrate our successes as a community, support our members, and work for improvements in the safety and well being of our communities. Planning is under way for our Violence Prevention Conference, of which we need YOU to help make it a success. We are also expanding our programming into the Town N’ Country area with a partnership with Hillsborough County to operate services for youth at Sandy Perrone Park. We are helping to lead an effort to increase services and quality at the Juvenile Detention Center, and mobilizing for state legislative action. We have recently launched two separate initiatives designed to increase mentoring activities for youth males and females through our Boys and Girls Night Out Activities, and as always, seeking to keep Mental Health at the forefront of our conversations through our provided training workshops and community forums. We will be monitoring local, state, and national legislation, and mobilizing support for policies that support youth and families, increase safety, promote workforce development strategies for those with barriers to employment, and address racial, economic and social equity.
This coming year, when the health, safety, and dignity of so many in our communities feel threatened, I believe that the work of Safe & Sound Hillsborough is more important than ever. To maintain past gains and continue making progress, I believe we must consciously deepen and strengthen our connections, share our knowledge and resources, and stay rooted in our core values while working to find common ground with those whom we disagree. Now more than ever, we need YOU, our members and supporters to stay connected and engaged in our work. Please l
e us on social media with these handles: Facebook,
, Instagram
and Twitter
Lastly, of all of the things to celebrate in February, one day I’d like to point out is February 17, which is National Random Act of Kindness Day. Though not known as much as other observed days, I’d like to challenge you all to reach out to someone and provide that random act of kindness. They may surely need it. You may even help save a life.
Yours in progress,
Working together to build strong families, safe schools and healthy neighborhoods.
Ready Steady Yeti Go! Premiere
Join us at the world premiere of
Ready Steady Yeti Go!
Thursday, February 7, 2019
with a reception starting at 6 p.m.; curtain call at 7 p.m. and Talk Back at 8:30 p.m. The
production is in partnership with
Howard W. Blake High School for the Arts
The proceeds from this event will provide tickets for Middle and High School students to see the play. To learn more about the play and to purchase tickets, click the link below:
The first in a series of safe, fun evenings just for girls at
Kings Forest Park & Recreation Center
is happening on Friday, February 22 at 6:00 p.m. The event is free and open to girls ages 11-17.
3rd Annual Violence Prevention Conference
Call for Workshops
Deadline: Tuesday, March 5, 2019
The 3rd Annual Violence Prevention Conference - Safe Summit '19 will be held on Saturday, May 4, 2019 at
Middleton High School
. This year's theme is
Educate. Engage. Empower!
We are currently seeking workshop speakers and proposals. Full proposals must be received by Tuesday, March 5, 2019. To download the request for proposal or for more information, visit
Calendar of Events
February 3
- Becoming Healthy Together Health Fair
February 12
- Faith & Wellness Planning Committee
2:00PM at the Children's Board
- Family Health & Well-being Committee
3:00PM at the Children's Board
February 15
- SafeSummit'19 VPC Planning Meeting
3:00 PM at the Children's Board
February 22
6:00 PM at Kings Forest Recreation Center
February 26
- Leadership Council Meeting
1:00 PM at the Children's Board
March 1
6:00 PM at the George Edgecomb Courthouse
All meetings are open to the public and are held at the Children's Board of Hillsborough County unless otherwise noted. For more information on how to get involved, contact our office at info@safeandsoundhillsborough.org.
We are excited to have
Cristo Rey High School
Student, Joseph Baker as our intern at Safe & Sound. Joseph is 16 years old and he says his goal for 2019 is to have a 4.0 GPA by the end of the school year. His long term goals include becoming a mechanical engineer or a professional basketball player. We say you can do anything you set your mind to Joseph. Welcome to Safe & Sound!
MLK Day of Service
Youth Leadership Service
Last month, Freddy was the keynote speaker at the Greater Bethel M.B. Church's annual Teen Leadership Summit. Illustrating via a human chess game, he inspired youth with a speech titled, "Even a Little Pawn Can Change the Game" that focused on perseverance, courage, sacrifice, community, the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and how important it is to keep moving forward in spite obstacles in order to help others and to realize our dreams.
Seeking Programs Coordinator
We are growing! Safe & Sound Hillsborough is seeking a Programs Coordinator that will be responsible for the success of programs. Duties will include assisting with year-round planning, implementation and quality control of program activities, supporting subcontracted vendors/providers and working alongside the team on community outreach and engagement initiatives. For more information and to apply, click
A heartfelt thank you to
Coach Carlos Blake
Cover2 Athletics Foundations Inc.'s
Cleats for All Feet
" program in partnership with
Ricky Sailor
Unsigned Preps
, Tampa Bay Area's very own WWE Superstar
Titus O'Neil
, and
Under Armour
for donating football cleats for youth throughout Hillsborough County. Because of the generous donation, we were able to distribute approximately 600 pairs of cleats worth nearly $50,000 within 24 hours at the Kings Forest Recreation Center. It is because of community partners that we are able to continuously give back and make a positive impact in the lives of families we serve.
2018-2019 Leadership Council
Julianne M. Holt,
Hillsborough County Public Defender
13th Judicial Circuit
Kenneth Albano,
Vice Chair
Chief of Police, Temple Terrace
City of Temple Terrace
Kelley Parris
Executive Director
Children's Board of
Hillsborough County
Calvin Johnson
Major, Tampa Police
City of Tampa
Lesley "Les" Miller
Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners
Cindy Stuart
School Board Member
Hillsborough County Schools
Bill McDaniel
City Manager
City of Plant City
Captain Thomas St. John
Hillsborough County
Sheriff's Office
Gina Justice
Court Administrator
Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Court of
Hillsborough County
Andrew H. Warren
State Attorney for the
13th Judicial Circuit
Managing Fiscal Agent for
Safe & Sound Hillsborough
For more information about members of the Leadership Council, click the logos to be directed to their website.
Safe & Sound Hillsborough
1002 East Palm Avenue
Suite 200
Tampa, FL 33605
Office: (813) 327-8317